AMD Phenom X3: One too little or one too much?

CPU by massman @ 2008-05-26

The AMD Phenom X2 was announced quite some time ago but still hasn´t seen the light of day; instead we were greeted by the X3 Phenom, a new breed of processor, first in the market to offer a Triplecore solution. This CPU is priced lower than AMD´s own X4 and Intel Core 2 Duo series. In our review today we test the Phenom X3 8450 and compare it to an AMD X4 and Intel C2D.

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SuperPi, Wprime and Everest

SuperPi and Wprime:

SuperPi has been around for ages now, but still reflects the performance of the technology. Being single threaded, you won't increase performance by inserting a quad core processor, but that's why we've chosen Wprime as an alternative. Wprime has been included in the HWBot benchmark suite for quite some time now and many people agree on the quality of the benchmark. Wprime works with multiple threads and is ideal to test multi-core processors.

Madshrimps (c)

In the single-threaded SuperPi, the X3 performs at about the same level as his bigger X4 brother does. Overclocked to 2,625Ghz, it's faster than the Phenom X4 9850 at stock speeds. When it comes to multi-threading, you can see that, if the program is capable of dealing with multiple cores, the X3 performs nicely in between a dual core and a quad core.

Madshrimps (c)

In the longer 1024M version of Wprime, we can spot the same thing: the X3 performance lies in between a dual core and a quad core.

Lavalys Everest 4.50

We used the memory benchmark utility to measure the performance of the memory management.

Madshrimps (c)

Madshrimps (c)

No surprises here, time to see how the CPU does is real world applications and games ->
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