ATI HD Radeon 4850 vs NVIDIA Geforce 9800 GTX

Videocards/VGA Reviews by massman @ 2008-09-08

Competition is fierce at the $150 price point, both NVIDIA and ATI have products for you which were considered high end not too long ago. How does the newcomer HD 4850 stack up to the Geforce 9800 GTX? We compared them head to head, and threw an overclocked HD 4850 into the mix.

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Madshrimps (c)

It has been a while since the official launch of the ATI HD4850 videocard and many of you will probably have already a view on what the performance is of this card. Many media have already declared this card to be thé best price/performance choice and although we have no reason to not believe what the other media says, we at Madshrimps still want to experience the power of this card ourselves and give you our view on this matter. In the spirit of the famous saying: "If you assume, you make an ass out of you and me", let's have a look at the HD4850.

HD 4850 picturised:

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