OCZ Rally2 32Gb USB Stick Review

Storage/Other by jmke @ 2008-07-09

We are testing the largest USB drive in such a compact form today. Packing 32Gb this OCZ Rally2 promises high performance and high capacity. It comes in classy black with fancy activity LED and carrying strap..

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Looks, Usage and Wear

Looks and Usage

As mentioned on the previous page, you get a nylon lanyard and USB extension cable with the Rally2 USB drive. The internals of the drive are protected by a hard aluminum chassis which is painted black and features the company logo and product name painted on there in white.

The USB connector is protected by a separate cap which unfortunately is not attached to the drive’s main body; so you might misplace the cap and lose it if you’re not careful.

Madshrimps (c)Madshrimps (c)
Madshrimps (c)Madshrimps (c)

Courtesy of OCZ Technology here’s a nice flash animation which allows you a 360° view of the Rally2. All you have to do is drag your mouse over the stick to rotate it. Check it out!

Size wise the Rally2 stick rather slim and only slightly longer than most mini USB drives.

Madshrimps (c)


We’ve been using the 32Gb stick to transfer tons of data, play content through PS3, hook it up to a Popcorn HD movie player and even used it at a wedding to show the happy couple a nice photo presentation. All in all the drive has traveled quite a bit, hooked up to the keyring seen above; it has survived without losing the protector cap.

The aluminum cover is scratched up here and there though and you can see the real aluminum color come through at some places. But most important though is that the drive still works perfectly and stands to keep working without issue.

Madshrimps (c)

Let’s find out how long it takes to read/write 32Gb of data to this drive ->
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