MSI European Overclocking Challenge 2008 Report

Tradeshow & OC events by massman @ 2008-08-28

Overclocking is in, overclocking is hot! At least, that´s what these last few months are telling us. In the contrary to the previous years of overclocking, in which it was a big taboo for many manufacturers, many top notch brands are deciding to support the overclocking community. We took a trip to Amsterdam, where MSI held its first European Overclocking Challenge and due to some unforeseen circumstances, our editor even participated himself. Read our full report, coming to you straight from between the OC trenches

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Day1: Meeting, testing ... and MSI Motherboard!

Day1: Meeting all contestants

After we all got up and had breakfast, it was time to go to the Westergasfabriek and start our engines. Here are a few pictures of the introduction.

Madshrimps (c)
Angelique (event coordinator) giving an introduction

Madshrimps (c)

Madshrimps (c)
A taiwanese engineer explaining the key features of the MSI P45 motherboard

Madshrimps (c)
Stoolman, member of the grand jury, explaining the rules

Madshrimps (c)
Countdown to the start of the competition

A little low-quality video of the location

Day1: Testing the hardware

After the introduction, all overclockers were allowed to take place at their table and start testing the hardware. As Sampsa had some problems with air traffic and could not make it to the event, I teamed up with SF3D to keep him company. So ... I was benching against the Belgian team.

Madshrimps (c)

The first day was quite frustrating, as 600FSB was really difficult to reach even for the Superpi 1M benchmark. Cinebench and 3DMark05 were even harder to get 100% stable, resulting in a very bad 550FSB maximum. Elmor helped us out with the correct settings for 550FSB and those settings helped us to figure out how to bench the second day, more about that on the following page.

In the meantime, the Belgian team was making us feel even more uncomfortable as they told us they were pushing their system past 600Mhz FSB in Cinebench. Unfortunately, their motherboard died at the end of the day in an attempt to complete a 3DMark05 run at 600FSB, as the benchmark crashed in the last of three tests. Motherboard gone and a new one prepped for Sunday, the day of the finals.

Madshrimps (c)
970 liters of liquid nitrogen on stand-by

Madshrimps (c)
The Spanish team trying to figure out what to begin with

Madshrimps (c)
Hey and Tosunermc preparing their system, not knowing that these preparations will lead them to second place

Madshrimps (c)
Team Finland even had some supporters to cheer them on!

Madshrimps (c)
Nosferatu doing the voltmods on the motherboard

Madshrimps (c)
Well ... everyone needed to be identified as a genuine MSI P45 overclocker

Madshrimps (c)
The French team preparing their LN² containers

Madshrimps (c)
This is ... innovative. Hopefully, we'll be able to review this board.

Madshrimps (c)
Team Hungary knows where the main priority lies

Day1: Cooling down after the tests

When the first day was over, the group of overclockers, editors and a big part of the MSI crew went to a show called "Boom Chicago". We had a delicious dinner and enjoyed a comedy evening full of stand-up comedy and improvisation acts in which MSI got the necessary exposure as well. Have a look at this youtube video and you'll understand:

Madshrimps (c)
MSI is ready to have dinner

Afterwards, we went for a few drinks in a local bar, enjoying the Amsterdam night scene.

Madshrimps (c)
Sitting in a bar, telling each other interesting stories

Madshrimps (c)
Elmor and SF3D

Madshrimps (c)
Nosferatu and Trouffman
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Comment from Jaco @ 2008/08/28
madschrimps ?
Comment from jmke @ 2008/08/28
where do you see this typo ? :/
Comment from Massman @ 2008/08/28
There were A4 printed papers on the desk of the overclockers with the name+flag of the website/country. The Belgian team had 'www.madsChrimps'.

Check the little picture in the header.
Comment from jmke @ 2008/08/28
jesus christ :/
at least we're listed correctly here !
Comment from Massman @ 2008/08/28
Don't worry, this is what google shows when you search for madschrimps: x-a
Comment from jmke @ 2008/08/28
We spotted a Massman!

Jip (left) & Petit (right) hard at work:

Finland all alone?

.BE team:
Comment from jmke @ 2008/08/28
Originally Posted by Massman View Post
Don't worry, this is what google shows when you search for madschrimps: x-a
great comments there from FOKKERS
and Geoffrey makes the same mistake
Comment from Massman @ 2008/08/28
Comment from blind_ripper @ 2008/08/29
SF3D his face is like HE camera , massman hhhmmm msn god damn blind shut up .
Comment from Jip @ 2008/09/05
Hey hey...
Nice events !!!

Happy to join this competition ! thanks at madsChrimps ^^

But with my friends pt1t we've badluck !!

Saturday, we bench with the first MB at 620*9 for SuperPi,9*600 for Cinebench... In middle of the the day we ask for our second CPU, but that which we took it was very bad! 575in ln2 :'(
At the last of the day, one wanted test 3DMark05 @ 9*550, BOSD at the end of 1st bench and after impossible to reboot... We kill the motherboard...

Sunday :
We arrived at 10h, Pt1t vmod the new motherboard, isolation and assembling take 2h because we had some problems with vcore
At 12h we begun the benchmark, and bad news the motherboard it was very bad!! max 615 for superpi @ 2,05v vcore. For the rest of benchmark we can't improve our scores...

At final, we finished 7th... no far of the podium...

For my part it was my first experience of OC contest, and LN2...
The atmosphere in and out of the competition it was nice with the other overclocker...

At the newt year



