Intel Core 2 Duo E7400 vs E8600: The battle of the caches!

CPU by leeghoofd @ 2009-03-13

A returning question on many enthusiast discussion forums is which Intel CPU to choose for your S775 setup, the high end E8600 or the more budget friendly 7 series? We take a closer look at the advantages of the E8600 and its 6Mb L2 cache, versus the more affordable E7400 with only 3Mb L2 cache, which one offers the best bang for the buck? Read on to find out.

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Testing Setup and software

Test Setup and Test Methodology

Both CPU's we tested at the previously mentioned speeds in multiple applications and some new games.

Hopefully we will get a clearer view if the cache size is that important yes or no.

Take note that the test setup is based on a DDR3 motherboard. So please compare only the results of each CPU at the same clock speed. The total ram speed depends on the FSB settings and the available working dividers. Where possible ram speed was kept the same. Timings were kept at 8-8-8-24 2T and performance setting was fixed at PL9.

A quick summation of the CPU speed settings used:

FSB 266 : 1066mhz ram speed : 10 multiplier, total CPU speed : 2.66Ghz
FSB 333 : 1333Mhz ram speed : 10 multiplier, total CPU speed : 3.33Ghz
FSB 400 : 1600Mhz ram speed : 10 multiplier, total CPU speed : 4.00Ghz
FSB 500 : 1600Mhz ram speed : 8 multiplier, total CPU speed : 4.00Ghz

Leeghoofd's E7400/E8600 Test Setup
CPUE7400/E8600 clock speeds @ 2.66, 3.33 and 4Ghz
CoolingThermalright eXtreme + 1200rpm PAPST Fan
MainboardGigabyte EP45T UD3P F5 Bios
Memory4Gb Corsair PC12800 C8-8-8-24 2T
OSWindows XP with Service Pack 3
PSU OCZ ModStream 700W
Video Card- Geforce 9800 GTX for all tests, except:
- Geforce GTX 285 for Crysis Warhead

Benchmarks and Application used

  • Futuremark 3DMARK 2001 SE and 2006
  • Futuremark PCMARK 2005
  • Wprime 32 and 1024
  • Superpi 1mb
  • Lavalys Everest Ultimate Edition Cache and Mem Benchmark
  • Cinebench R10
  • X264 HD V2.0 Benchmark
  • Fritz Chess Benchmark
  • Far Cry 2 (high detail settings)
  • Crysis Warhead (gamer setting)

    Note that for the game tests I opted for the in-game benchmark with FarCry2 and a Custom benchmark for Crysis Warhead. Resolutions tested are 1024 x 768 and 1280 X 1024.
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    Comment from Massman @ 2009/03/13
    Excellent write-up, Albrecht! Love it!
    Comment from thorgal @ 2009/03/13
    Nice 1, Jr Actually a very nice read
    Comment from Faiakes @ 2009/03/14
    Very interesting and informative read!
    Comment from leeghoofd @ 2009/03/14
    I just think you all like the Brewskis sentence (nice piccie btw Jmke )
    Comment from Faiakes @ 2009/03/14
    Well, as a gamer i'd prefer the 5 extra frames but the price of the E8600 is nearly double that of E7400.

    I think I'll keep my E6750 (Oc 24/7 to 3.2GHz) until I switch to the i7.
    Comment from damian @ 2009/03/14
    The E7000 series are amazing for the price. I'd much rather go for one of those since all I do is game and some benching.

    I would though rule out the E7200/E7300, because after 4.1GHz it takes a lot of Vcore to get anything higher than that.

    Comment from Chad Boga @ 2009/03/16
    What was the video card used in this review and how ****en amateurish are you clowns for not mentioning it in the review itself, thus necessitating that I waste my time to register here to ask.
    Comment from leeghoofd @ 2009/03/16
    Look at this phrase :

    Some Game benchmarks

    I swapped the 9800GTX for a GTX 285 to avoid having a GPU bottleneck

    so only the game benchmarks are done with the 285, 3dmarks and co with the 9800GTX (285 was not available from the start of the test)

    Kind regards from the Amateurish Clown
    Comment from Faiakes @ 2009/03/16
    Originally Posted by Chad Boga View Post
    What was the video card used in this review and how ****en amateurish are you clowns for not mentioning it in the review itself, thus necessitating that I waste my time to register here to ask.
    Comment from jmke @ 2009/03/16
    there are different ways to ask a question, yours is the "f*ck off" way and it will have the same effect on how we treat you. you are a waste of time.
    Comment from leeghoofd @ 2009/03/16
    No need to get arroused guys ( bad for the heart ), it's just hardware and a review... I'm getting pretty used to these atttitudes on forums, is it a new trend ,no idea but it's for sure not the right one
    Comment from nigel @ 2009/03/16
    If he doesn't digg that, just give him my cellphone number!

    was intresting to see
    awaiting the next test ^^
    Comment from jmke @ 2009/03/16
    Originally Posted by leeghoofd View Post
    no idea but it's for sure not the right one
    for one to get respect, one has to have respect, Chad Boga has been banned from the forums;
    Comment from Faiakes @ 2009/03/18
    leeghoofd, the article was so good that it convinced me to sell my E6750.
    I just sold it on eBay and bought a new E7400.

    I plan to run it 10x400, 24/7 under my trusted Thermalight Ultra 120
    Comment from geoffrey @ 2009/03/18
    Originally Posted by leeghoofd View Post
    No need to get arroused guys ( bad for the heart ), it's just hardware and a review... I'm getting pretty used to these atttitudes on forums, is it a new trend ,no idea but it's for sure not the right one
    Nothing new
    Comment from leeghoofd @ 2009/03/19
    Originally Posted by Faiakes View Post
    leeghoofd, the article was so good that it convinced me to sell my E6750.
    I just sold it on eBay and bought a new E7400.

    I plan to run it 10x400, 24/7 under my trusted Thermalight Ultra 120

    I hope you get a good one then mate ! this one does 4ghz at 1.31 rock stable ( 500FSB that is ) they are hot heads, not even my modded Vapochill can cool this sucker at 5.2Ghz
    Comment from Faiakes @ 2009/03/19
    Originally Posted by leeghoofd View Post
    I hope you get a good one then mate ! this one does 4ghz at 1.31 rock stable ( 500FSB that is ) they are hot heads, not even my modded Vapochill can cool this sucker at 5.2Ghz
    Well, I've given up trying to get a max OC.

    a) It won't get me higher FPS in FPS games
    b) I'm looking for a 24/7 OC so that WinRAR will benefit (too many newsgroup files )
    Comment from essaion @ 2009/03/20
    Originally Posted by jmke View Post
    for one to get respect, one has to have respect, Chad Boga has been banned from the forums;
    Hi there,

    I just registered onto the boards, for what i am feeling as an overreaction.
    Just after i saw the Crysis Warhead tests results, i wondered what was the GPU used for the benchs, and so hopped onto the "hardware setup" page. Just to see that the GPU is not even mentioned !
    I have to admit i had a pretty similar thought (something like "what the hell is this setup page ?!"). The GPUs should be indicated there (otherwise, what is the purpose of the "hardware setup" page ?), along with explanations about what GPU was used for which tests. Period.

    So OK, Chad Boga said it the hard way. Even though i am pretty sure that what he wrote should not be read literally : it sounds humoristic to me. Sarcastic and so, agressive, but with pieces of humour though... ?

    I may be totally wrong about Chad, but what about a second chance ?
    (no, "essaion" is no new avatar for "Chad Boga", i just was a bit concerned by what seems to me a miscarriage of justice

    Thanks for the test though. I am quite impressed that Crysis is so GPU-limited : 72 FPS at 1280x1024 in Gamer mode makes me wonder how it could perform at 1920x1200 in Enthousiast mode !?
    OK, i know this ain't the subject, i'll try to figure it out by myself


    Comment from leeghoofd @ 2009/03/20
    Well I'm not the boss here and wanted to wait for Chad to respond.

    It might have been better to put the GPU specs in the setup page ( my error ) but I mentioned just before the game bechmarks that I swapped the 9800GTX for the GTX285. I know now mostly readers just look at the graphs... won't forget it next time...

    Take into consideration for the Crysis test that it benches via the included demo(s). This might NOT reflect real game performance as the demo takes 2 mins or so and there's not much action going on... Farcry2 test is far better and more reliable to me... I didn't bench at the higher res as because you are getting even more GPU bound then
    Comment from jmke @ 2009/03/20
    Originally Posted by essaion View Post
    I have to admit i had a pretty similar thought (something like "what the hell is this setup page ?!"). The GPUs should be indicated there (otherwise, what is the purpose of the "hardware setup" page ?), along with explanations about what GPU was used for which tests. Period.
    hey essaion, I'm not arguing about whether Chad had a valid point or not, I think he does have a valid point and the article has been updated with the extra VGA info on the "test setup" page; I do have an issue by how he addressed himself to us; what might have been a funny remark in real life, doesn't transform itself nicely into text format and if he had included maybe a smiley here and there we would interpret his post differently; as it stands though, he just came over as a rude person who shows no respect.
    Comment from essaion @ 2009/03/20
    Wow ! Thanks for your very quick input, both of you !

    leeghoofd > Sure a high-res test only shows the GPU limitation in GPU-intensive games like Crysis. At first i wondered why you didn't test at 800x600, or even 640x480 to get rid of the GPU ! Then i read your conclusion on this bench, and agreed with the tested point : E7400 seems to be close to E8600. Even though it may have been more visible on lower resolutions...

    jmke > OK on both points : glad to know the setup page is updated (i didn't re-check this), and yes, spoken and written languages are quite different
    It just seemed (to me) a quick and overweighted reaction. But that's your call, so i'm not going to argue anymore.

    See ya !
    Comment from leeghoofd @ 2009/03/20
    Most users at lans still game at 1280 res max (most own 17-19inch monitors) Only the rich kids lol, have bigger monitors to support higher resolutions...

    It's my B'day this weekend, maybe I get a bigger screen too lol

    but I doubt that for sure, my girlie loaths PC's lol
    Comment from jmke @ 2009/03/20
    gamers have 20~22" now Leeghoofd, which means 1680x1050 or 1600x1200 resolution
    1280x1024 is passé
    those investing €150 in a CPU, €250 in a VGA, can also spend €250 for a 20~22" LCD

    enthusiasts are using 24~30" screens, which means 1920x1200 up to 2560x1600, there are only a handful games out there NOT bottlenecked by the VGA ; and even then the difference is raw CPU speed or cache is minimal
    Comment from essaion @ 2009/03/20
    Originally Posted by leeghoofd View Post
    Most users at lans still game at 1280 res max (most own 17-19inch monitors) Only the rich kids lol, have bigger monitors to support higher resolutions...
    Erm. With this argument, one may ask "why did you test with a GTX 285 GPU, since i can't afford it ?". As far as i understand it, the point is "E8600 vs. E7400". So benchs should use low resolutions, to point out the differences between those CPU.

    Yes, i'm wondering what performances one can expect at 1920x1200, and yes, tihs wasn't the goal of this article to discuss this. So i have no answer to this question, and that sounds OK to me I'll dig it myself !
    FWIW, in Crysis (not Warhead) Natural-modded / XP SP3 / DX9 / Q6600 @ 2.4 GHz / GTX 260 @ 666 MHz, i get about 30 FPS at 1920x1200 in play (no filters applied, since Natural mod is so sweet out of the box). So 72 FPS at 1280x1024 seem consistent. Knowing this, i guess the GTX 285 should output about 35~40 FPS at 1920x1200 (gamer mode / DX9 / XP). "Et voil*", i'm satisfied
    Comment from Massman @ 2009/03/20
    Originally Posted by essaion View Post
    At first i wondered why you didn't test at 800x600, or even 640x480 to get rid of the GPU
    Many reviewers, including myself, apply this approach when we want to say something about the difference in 3D performance of a processor. However, in an exchange of thoughts with a fellow hardware enthousiast, it became apparent that this approach doesn't make any sense, simply because no one games at 800x600 or lower. The results obtained via this approach tells us nothing about the performance difference in daily gaming situations. Furthermore, how significant is the difference if you artificially increase the difference? I'd say .. close to nothing.

    That's the reason why I won't be 'down-resolution'ing anymore .
    Comment from jmke @ 2009/03/20
    it can be fun to see if a certain tweak has any effect on the system overall, you can use 2D benchmarks, 3D benchmarks, or use games at low resolution if the component you are tweaking is not the VGA, it will allow you see some artificial increase in performance in those games; but doesn't relate to real-world performance;
    Comment from essaion @ 2009/03/20
    Massman > I totally agree with you, speaking of a specific component review. If i wanna know, say, the performance of a GTX 285 at 1920x1200, i'll look for reviews of GTX 285 cards. But if i wanna know which one pick between, say, the E7400 and the E8600, i'll try to find comparative tests that try to point out the differences, even though it means "artificially increased" differences...
    Of course, it's also good to know how it performs with real world usages, but that's a bonus. To say it more precisely : testing games at 640x480 should point out the differences. And another test at 1680x1050 would let anyone know what performances to expect "in real life".

    Oh, by the way, i managed to find some GTX 285 reviews :
    - Some GTX 285 on Guru3D
    - The TrustedReview... review. Well, ya know.

    About 37 FPS at 1920x1200 / DX10 / Vista / No-AA : seems like the interpolation i did is quite right
    Comment from jmke @ 2009/03/20
    i'll look for reviews of GTX 285 cards
    why look so far; 615 hits: en
    Comment from leeghoofd @ 2009/03/20
    Originally Posted by essaion View Post
    Erm. With this argument, one may ask "why did you test with a GTX 285 GPU, since i can't afford it ?". As far as i understand it, the point is "E8600 vs. E7400". So benchs should use low resolutions, to point out the differences between those CPU.
    I had 2 vidcards 9800GTX and the 285 at home... with the 9800GTX I would have hit a brick wall for sure in Crysis (unless I would have gone low detail or res level) And I didn't want to run low res nor detail level. So I picked the 285 for the game test, not to impress users or to show off hardware. I picked these detail settings as users will run that, what's the point ot indicate a 10fps difference at low detail level as not many will play the game like that. I see no absolutely no specific reason to test at 800 x 600, even if it would point out a bigger difference between the two CPU's. As the difference becomes way less at daily used resolutions, be it 1280 or above. 1024 and 1280 are still common, 640 and 800 are for sure not.

    Anyway you see the CPU's behave much alike, once the CPU speed is increased and the benefit of the extra cache gets less important.

    Each will choose his own approach to review. I prefer to see in a review what I experience daily. One of the reasons I would never want to do GFX cards reviews as readers will always have something to say about detail level chosen, res tested at , driver version etc.... it's never good enough ( surely not for the fanboys )

    One cannot satisfy everyone, one can just try... I try to keep my reviews as simple and straight to the point as possible.
    Comment from essaion @ 2009/03/27
    Originally Posted by leeghoofd View Post
    So I picked the 285 for the game test [...]. I picked these detail settings as users will run that
    Let me put it straight : yes, it is very interesting to know that an E7400 is not a bottleneck on Crysis. But that should not be the plot of the article, since the title let one (me, at least) guess a "pure performance versus match".

    Originally Posted by leeghoofd View Post
    what's the point ot indicate a 10fps difference at low detail level as not many will play the game like that.
    That is precisely the plot of a performance match. Isn't it ?

    Originally Posted by leeghoofd View Post
    One cannot satisfy everyone, one can just try... I try to keep my reviews as simple and straight to the point as possible.
    The comments i made are supposed to be constructive... It's up to you to choose whether they are or not Keep up the good work !

    Well, this led me to tests on other sites... Was it your intention ?
    Comment from jmke @ 2009/03/27
    we don't have an in-house GTX 285 review so yes it was my intention
    alternative route is at the forum: (search for 285 in the title)
    Comment from piotke @ 2009/03/27
    Originally Posted by jmke View Post
    we don't have an in-house GTX 285 review so yes it was my intention
    alternative route is at the forum: (search for 285 in the title)
    Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms.
    Comment from jmke @ 2009/03/27
    Comment from leeghoofd @ 2009/03/27
    Will lend the reviewer my card then, when he's doing the 4890 review...



