Cooling/CPU Cooling by jmke @ 2003-11-12

Coolink has got an all copper Pentium 4 heatsink in its product line-up, we see if it?s worth a look or not, by putting it head to head with the Thermalright SP-94. Does the Coolink stand a chance? Read on to find out.

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Heatsink & Installation

ARMOR Heatsink:

The workmanship on this heatsink is most excellent, great finishing and the overall look is that of a quality product.

Madshrimps (c)

Madshrimps (c)

Madshrimps (c)

The bottom side is quite flat, but might need some "lapping" to provide 100% contact with the P4 CPU.


This heatsink uses one of the most user-friendly installation methods, using the standard P4 brackets you can simply push the heatsink into its place and secure it.

Madshrimps (c)

The speed adjustment knob sits between the motherboard and the fan giving you the possibility to monitor the FANs rotation speed in the BIOS or in Windows using MBM5.

Madshrimps (c)

Everything is installed and ready to be tested ->
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