MSI Geforce GTX 275 Lightning Video Card Review

Videocards/VGA Reviews by leeghoofd @ 2009-12-16

The previous Lightning model based of a Geforce GTX 260 by MSI was a big success within the overclocking/gaming community. Can MSI pull it off again with the higher rated GTX 275? What did MSI change to declare this card the fastest GTX 275 out there? Only one way to find out: Let us explore the card and included software bit by bit.

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The specs and features by MSI

Specs and Features by MSI:
MSI added "military class" components to enhance the durability of this card under (ab)normal usage. Military seems to be one of the keywords lately with many of the marketing guys. Whether it makes a difference and effectively works only time will tel. We've mainly seen these "super components" on high end enthusiast boards, but they are slowly slipping into the GPU market lately. Some components are even used on the Space Shuttle and Satellites. For some components MSI even advertises a 12 year 24/7 bulletproof gaming operation without any failure.

Quick summary:

  • Hi-c CAP : extremely high conductivity, less leakage, stabilises GPU power resulting in better overclocking
  • Solid State Chokes :no buzz noise, low temps and higher maximum output resulting again in better OC capability
  • Solid Capacitors : 10 years lifetime, lower temperature and higher efficiency

  • True 10 Phase PWM : increases stability and quality of power to GPU and memory, an overclockers dream.
  • APS (Active Phase Switching) : MSI exclusively power saving technology and maintains over 90% efficiency under all loads

    Well how many times did you read the word overclock ? I'm no technical/electrical engineer but it seems that the whole design of this card is based on warranting super overclocks when being adequately cooled. But that part is not for me, but for someone who's got the balls to put it under Phase or LN2. I stick to the cards original cooling and test with that. LN2 article will follow shortly, done by sir Massman. Hence why we called it part 1, I've been witness with the initial LN2 testing and boy does this card rock under LN2 !!

    Madshrimps (c)

    Madshrimps (c)

    All that is nice, but MSI didn't stop there with its innovations. Deviating from the stock cooler was a must too. MSI went for beefier heat pipes and a dual 8cm fan solution. The marketing guys baptised this cooling solution Twin FrozrII with Superpipe. A total of 5 heatpipes, consisting of dual 8 mm ones and 3 ones of a smaller variant.

    Here are some multiple angle shots of the cooling solution:

    Madshrimps (c)

    Madshrimps (c)

    Madshrimps (c)

    MSI claims this coolers runs up to 23°C than reference, I can't vouch for that as this is the first and probably the last GTX 275 we will get in the lab.

    Madshrimps (c)

    Madshrimps (c)

    I prefer to let the piccies talk for themselves. As you probably noticed the RAM, PWM and Nvivo are covered by its own cooling plate. Thus enhancing the PCB's rigidness and creating a large cooling surface without using any separate bulky heatsinks.

    Last but not least MSI has foreseen to facilitate the monitoring of the GPU and Mem voltages. This via these, by jumper protected, pins. Just hook up the included cable and read out the values on ya Digital Multimeter.

    Madshrimps (c)

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