LAMPTRON Fan Controller Touch Review

Small Mods by stefan @ 2010-11-08

The Fan Controller Touch from LAMPTRON is a nice looking device and allows easy navigation through its touch screen interface, to be able to control the connected fan speeds or see the temperature for each separate channel.

Introduction, Features and Specifications


At first I would like to thank LAMPTRON for sending us a test sample of their Fan Controller Touch product.



"Lamptron develops and markets the next generation of high performance computer peripherals using the latest technology that enables a new level of interaction between the end-user and their personal computer. Products developed are through a combination of proprietary technology, innovation and ergonomic industrial design. There are three principal business sectors:

  1. PC Gaming products
  2. PC Silence products
  3. PC Modding products

Products are designed and developed by our experienced Reseach and Development Department.Our engineering and R&D staffs specialize in user analysis, material control and industry design. Lamptron not only has expertise in product easy-to-use and product design, but we also plays a vital role in the enhancement of production efficiency and marketing analysis. We are constantly developing new products and technology to meet market demands and to generate new markets for our innovation products.

Our Global success is attributed to three basic visionary attributes:

  1. Continue to offer innovation products which means the products are in the highest quality and innovation.
  2. Providing our global partners with a level of service that is consistent with our premium product range.
Helping our global partners grow, through reliable service, quality products, flexibility and co-operation.This simple philosophy has allowed us to build long standing relationships with global distributors."


CNC milled front panel

Clean and streamlined interface

Streamlined touch functionality to control your fans

Choose between RPM or Voltages and Celsius or Fahrenheit for readout

Set the channel in either Automatic or Manual control to control the fans


Faceplate Color: Black Anodized/Silver Aluminium

Dimension: 148.5mm X 42.5mm X 64.5mm (5.25inch bay)

Screen Dimension: 118mm X 31.5mm

Power Output: Up to 30W per channel

Control Channels: 6

Packaging, A Closer Look

The LAMPTRON “Touch” fan controller is shipped inside a relatively little cardboard box; on the front we can observe a photo of the actual product in operation and some main features are listed:



On the back, we get to see a product description, the features and specifications in detail, the color of the product inside which can be black anodized or silver aluminium; on the same side we can see not only the inside contents listed, but also their photos:



Just after we open up the box, we can see the contents split into two compartments, with a product catalog on top:



Besides the fan controller, in the box we can find the fan extension cables, the thermal probes, a small cloth to wipe the touch screen, a MOLEX extension cable, some screws and a jumper:



The MOLEX extension cable is meant to help in case our power supply cables are not long enough:



The included jumper is used to enable/disable the audio alarm feature:



The screws that come with the product are also painted black; if our case already features a retention mechanism for the 5.25’’, then it is not necessary to use them:



The thermal probes can be connected directly in the respective headers on the fan controllers’ PCB:



Next, we can see the 3-wire fan cable extenders; unfortunately, like on the FC5, they aren’t sleeved and can produce a mess inside a case if they are not arranged right:


A Closer Look Continued

Inside the manual, we can see on one of the sides how to install the product and how to connect the cables, the list of the included accessories, the main screen interface and on the back we can see how to operate the menus of the controller:


In the product catalog, we can see little presentations of other products sold by the company:



To protect against scratches during transport, the manufacturer has put a transparent plastic film on the touch screen:



Before the first use, it is recommended to remove it:



On the product sides, we can see the holes in which the included screws would go:



In the back, we can see one part of the PCB (with the power circuitry and headers for the fans and thermal probes):



On the right side, we can see the alarm pins where the included jumper would go, the thermal probes headers and the MOLEX power header:



A buzzer can be also located on the back, which is used when the audio alarm is activated:



All 6 fan headers are located near the power circuits:



When looking from the top, we can see that the PCB which contains the touch screen is separated by the PCB which contains the power circuitry:


Operating the Controller

After all cables are connected, we can power on the computer; the fan controller will automatically light up its display and will show us the ON/OFF display button:



After the button is pressed, the fan icons will appear on the screen; on the left side there will be also a light bulb icon, which will allow us to set the screen brightness. If the light bulb icon won’t be pressed, it will disappear after 6 seconds. To adjust the fan channel of our choice, we must press the respective icon:



If a fan channel icon is pressed, in this case the second channel, we will get inside another menu, which will show us the voltage, the current temperature for the same channel, the selected mode (automatic or manual), a central zone which can be swept with our finger to set out the fan speed percentage, some arrows that allow us to navigate through the channels and a Back button:



The operating mode can be also left on Auto, so the speed will automatically modify itself depending on the temperature registered by the thermal probe, from the same channel:



If we click on the voltage indicator, we can switch to the RPM indication:



The same, if we click on the degrees shown in Celsius, we will switch to Fahrenheit:



The fan controller looks excellent when installed inside a case:


Conclusive Thoughts

Like the Fan Controller Touch, there are also some other touch screen fan controllers on the market like the NZXT Sentry or the Aerocool Touch 1000. The controller from LAMPTRON features a clean and easy to use interface, with adjustable screen brightness and can control 6 separate channels (up to 30W for each channel).

During testing, I have found out that the screen is responsive enough and there were no problems setting a custom speed to each fan or navigating through the available options.

The negative points are not related to the fan controller itself, but more regarding the accessories: the fan cable extenders are not sleeved, so, occasionally, they can make a mess inside a case if they are not organized properly; also the thermal sensors do not come with an adhesive tape so you'll have to find some of your own to be able to stick them to the surface we want to measure.

For the next revisions, it would be nice to see in the main screen (where the 6 channels are displayed) the live RPM, voltage and temperature for each channel, without the need to navigate through all channels to see the respective properties.

The Fan Controller Touch comes with a MSRP of $69.99, which put it in a high end of fan controllers out there, looking at the features it's obvious this won't be cheap, whether or not the extra *bling* for your case is worth it, depends on your tastes. Lampton makes plenty of different fan controllers (I counted 10 models) which gives you plenty of choice.


I would like to thank again to LAMPTRON for allowing us to test their latest product!
