Lamptron Fan Controller FC8 Review

Miscelleneous by stefan @ 2011-08-03

The FC8 Fan Controller from Lamptron sports a classic but stylish look and has 8 channels, each of them that can deliver up to 30W of power. As a customization option, we can change the LEDs for each channel in 7 different colors: White, Blue, Green, Cyan, Red, Purple or Yellow.



At first I would like to thank Lamptron for offering me a sample of their FC8 Fan Controller for reviewing.


About Lamptron:

"Lamptron develops and markets the next generation of high performance computer peripherals using the latest technology that enables a new level of interaction between the end-user and their personal computer. Products developed are through a combination of proprietary technology, innovation and ergonomic industrial design. There are three principal business sectors:


PC Gaming products

PC Silence products

PC Modding products


Products are designed and developed by our experienced Reseach and Development Department.Our engineering and R&D staffs specialize in user analysis, material control and industry design. Lamptron not only has expertise in product easy-to-use and product design, but we also plays a vital role in the enhancement of production efficiency and marketing analysis. We are constantly developing new products and technology to meet market demands and to generate new markets for our innovation products.


Our Global success is attributed to three basic visionary attributes:


-Continue to offer innovation products which means the products are in the highest quality and innovation.

-Providing our global partners with a level of service that is consistent with our premium product range.

-Helping our global partners grow, through reliable service, quality products, flexibility and co-operation


This simple philosophy has allowed us to build long standing relationships with global distributors."


Features, Specifications

Product Features:

CNC Milled Front Panel

Laser Etched Logo and Channel Lettering

Customizable Channel LED's

Up to 30 watts per channel


Product Specifications:

Dimension:148.5mm*42.5mm*76mm(5.25" Bay)

Power Output:Up to 30 watts per channel

Control Channel:8 Channels

LED Color Available:White, Blue, Green, Cyan, Red, Purple, Yellow

Panel Color Available:Black Anodized/Silver

DC Input:3 X +12v (Standard 4 Pin Molex)

DC Output:0V- 12V DC

Fan Connectors:8 X 3-pin connectors

Recommend PSU wattage: 600w or higher

Packaging, A Closer Look

The beasty 8-channel fan controller from Lamptron, code named FC8 is shipped inside a fully sealed cardboard box:



On the frontal side of the package, we can find a photo of the controller, along with the main features:



The back of the package holds a product description, along with an “items list”, a chart with the technical specifications, the product features and the color of the controller inside:



After removing the first layer of the outer packaging, we can find a black cardboard box, with the company logo in the center:



Inside we can find the fan controller and its accessories, separated by protective foam, along with a Product Catalog:



As a bundle, we can mention the 3-pin fan cable extensions, screws for mounting the controller inside the case and an Instruction Manual:



The manual tells us all we need to know for installing and operating the device:



Inside the Product Catalog, we can find some other products manufactured by Lamptron:



The fan cable extenders are the same type as we have seen on the previously reviewed FC5V2:



Each channel has its own knob and customizable LED light; on the left side we can find the LAMPTRON logo, along with the code name of the product:


A Closer Look Contd.

Under each knob, we can find the channel number laser etched:




Behind each LED hole, we can find a white plastic film, which give a nice effect:




The FC8 comes with the Lamptron “Endurance” technology, which ensures that the product is built with high quality components; at this model, solid capacitors are used, which can be seen between the two separate PCBs; most of the PCB components have no codes or manufacturer logos imprinted:





On the back of the controller we can find the 8 3-pin fan connectors along with the capacitors and MOSFETs for each channel:




The thick red/black power wires lead to no less than three MOLEX connectors; to ensure proper operation, all three must be connected to the power supply:





When powered on, the LEDs for each channel power light up (in case the knobs are turned a little to the right, and not in the OFF position):




Here is an example when the 3rd and 7th channels are turned off; we can note that even if we do not have a fan installed on a specific channel, the LED would still light up:




By using the channel 1 and channel 8 knobs, we can adjust the color of each LED:





With this feature, we can reproduce the look of the most fan controllers present on the market (a single color for each of the channels):




Conclusive Thoughts

The Lamptron FC8 Fan Controller comes with a classic look, can deliver up to 30W of power on each channel for plugging in fans with high consumption or many regular ones in a daisy chain configuration; most of the other fan controllers cannot offer these advantages and have only 4 channels, not enough for large cases with a lot of fans installed inside. The FC8 comes in two flavors: anodized black or silver aluminium; the product can be further customized by choosing a different color for each channel LED.


Regarding functionality, the controller does not detect when a fan is stuck by sounding an alarm or by signaling this with the help of the available LEDs; also, if we turn the knob little by little from the left to the right, we cannot know when the fan starts to spin without looking inside the case. However, the fan controller can bring the fans to a full stop by rotating the knob all the way to the left; in this position, the LED for the corresponding channel will also turn off.


In case we prefer a product with a display, which also shows besides the fan speed the current voltage on each channel or temperature values from the thermal probes, we may want to go with the FC5V2 or Touch models. For the next revisions of this model, it would be interesting if the LEDs would light up only when the fans start spinning, and the LED light intensity should change with the voltage applied to the fan.


The FC8 can be found in stores for about 66 Euros.



Lamptron Fan Controller FC8 Recommended For:




I would like to thank again to Lamptron for making this review possible!

