Kingston HyperX Event Antwerp

Tradeshow & OC events by leeghoofd @ 2012-05-04

On the 2nd of May, Madshrimps was invited to attend a small event where Kingston wanted to show their HyperX product line. Due to the fact an overclocking demo was announced, made us very eager to go. Kingston's own Jean Baptiste aka Marmott, renown amongst the memory overclockers, was there to provide the present press and invitees a demonstration of his knowledge and skills. Time to hit the road, pack the camera and our filled LN2 dewar.


The event was hosted by the guys from the brand new Gamebox project. Officially this venue opens only the 22nd of May, but we can already give you a sneak preview on what the project is all about.



The Gamebox is located at the KAVKA youth centre. A very interesting place. When we arrived, we overheard rappers and bands practising their favourite music. But back to the Gamebox project. The main concept is to get rid off the negative attention gaming in general is getting in the media. The possibility exists by doing scientific tests, to see how gaming can influence eg violent behaviour, encourage addiction,...  At the Gamebox, gamers will be able to play in a controlled environment, so that the parents can sleep on both ears. Also it will allow  professional teams, liek the Antwerp Aces, to play on fast computers when participating at online tournaments etc...



The PC's are sponsored by Intel via OC'ed 2500K SB CPU's, 4GB of Kingston RAM, Gigabyte Z68-UD3H motherboard, Coolermaster Storm cases, GX PSU and cooler, GPU is an AMD 6870, EIZO monitors and Steelseries keyboards. All PC's are build by the pro tech team from Tones.

Kingston Demo Setups

The evening kicked off with a speech from Sibyl from Kingston Technology (duh!).


Two setups were present : one X79 setup, being powered by a whopping 32GB of ram running at 2400mhz Cas 11.



But of course our attention went to the LN2 overclocking demo by JB. Sporting an i7 3770K, Asus Gene V mobo and, obviously, Kingston memory.


The highest CPU frequency JB achieved was roughly 6500MHz SuperPI-1M stable. The memory was clocked to about DDR3-2600. Below some of the  screenshots of his first steps on Ivy Bridge.



Some More Fun Pics


Off this black Kingston 2800C12 version, held here by overclocking legend Massman, exist only a few kits worldwide. We were left in the dark about the difference between the retail version, with the typical blue tall HyperX heatspreaders.


One hundred percent concentrated and then finally victory, Massman's first ever first person shooter frag !


Then how about this, Giulia looks at the beer bottle and then suddenly it starts to errupt. Talk about an Italian inferno :p


Some LN2 fooling around by the Kingston crew


The fog part 3 ? or is it ? No it's the Massman from the swamps

And even the ginger from Tones joined the event, a big strong, raw muscular dude. No one messes with this guy !



A big thanks to Kingston for hosting this fun event, great spirit, great people, great food and ofcourse LN2 galore. What can we want more ?

