Firstlook 2012 Event

Tradeshow & OC events by leeghoofd @ 2012-10-11

Don't expect much text on this one. Me and Oldscarface were invited by ASUS to do some demo LN2 OCs at their booth. The Firstlook 2012 venue was at the Jaarbeurs complex at Utrecht. How could we resist ? Games, Hardware, Booth babes and LN2 all in one room ! A steamy combination !

Enjoy the pictures !

Bench Spot at ASUS

While I had a few opportunities to slip away, thanks to Chris de Weerd, one of HWinfo's OC legends I could take a quick tour at the booths. Mostly were filled with game gear and games. Some exclusive upcoming gaming footage was shown behind closed doors. The end of the year seems to be gamer's paradise again.





During the first day Oldscarface did some nice 6400MHz plus 3D runs with his GTX 680 at 1250MHz, he almost nailed the top spot Aquamark 3 score. Late in the afternoon, during the 2D runs, the fatigue of the system was becoming obvious as it was deemed necesarry to lower the clocks to remain stable. Plus the dewar was close to empty. Day two benching was started with the 2600K CPU, to use less LN2, but the 2D efficiency on the Z77 platform is pretty crappy with the Corsair GTX2 Hyper kit. Need to rebench that CPU with a P67 board to see what it is really capable off.


Red Harbinger Cross Prototype

Peter Brands is quite reknown for his amasing case modifications, but this guy took it one step beyond. Installing two complete watercooled systems, running nicely overclocked at blistering daily speeds, all in a desk. Ladies and gentlemen let me introduce the Red Harbinger Cross :






A very awesome mod, at a  steep price tag, but the craftmanship and hardware choice is second to none... The entire Cross build log can be found on their website, a must read...



Some Nice Hardware and Goodies

At the ASUS booth the highlight was the brand new, but still under NDA ATI 7970 Matrix card. The GTX 660ti cards and a numerous amounts of gaming laptops for the gamers ot have fun on.





Keys were handed out by the two ASUS booth babes, if you got lucky and could open the safe, the content  would be yours. Very cool concept and many got home with a gaming headset, motherboard,...



More Hardware and Yes! Someone Else was Benching too....

At the Kingston booth we met Marmott aka Jean Baptiste, benching his setup with liquid nitrogen. This time no more ASUS Gene V, he swapped it for the brand new ASRock Formula OC board.



At MSI we discovered the brand new gaming laptop powered by the latest  AMD A10 processor and a beefy ATI 7970M GPU. Powering without any hickups a triple screen setup during the two day event.




Cooler Master also present with their pro gaming team and some nice case mods...


Booth Babes

Not only games running at high quality to amase the fans, but also some pretty girls to top it all off. Courtesy to the ladies from the Monique Sluyter agency.

Logitech took the Boothbabe of the year 2012, 2nd victory in two years... MSI and ASUS will be back !

More Pictures of the Event








A big thanks to ASUS for inviting me and Roger to demo and bench at their booth during Firstlook 2012. Thanks lads, was heaps of fun !

