MSI Master Overclocking Arena 2010 Benelux Final

Tradeshow & OC events by leeghoofd @ 2010-05-31

Date: 28th May 2010, Timezone, well, euh.. Dutch time zone? 3 Belgian overclockers start to drive at 6 o´clock in the morning towards the city of Eindhoven. Target was the MSI building. Mission : could we get one of the two Belgian teams through the MSI MOA Benelux finals. First prize a ticket for two to Paris, the city of... overclockers. How did the little Shrimps do? Read on to find out!

Show time

Codename : Orange

Two Belgian submissions passed the online qualifiers. Mister sir Thomas aka Pt1t and dynamic duo Massman and Gamer aka Batman and Robin were allowed to enter for a ticket to the Euro final in Paris. Due to the absence of Gamer ( illness ) I was called in as a last resort (I'm used to that , so no biggie). This would increase our chances to get a Belgian team into the Euro finals by 100% as we got two teams participating now instead of just one.

After a 2 hour drive and as much Red Bulls, we arrived at the MSI office. I have to say it as fun drive as we had two GPS units in the car, one Flemish and one French speaking one. Our little Tom Tom completely lost it and was contradicting Thomas' GPS at the end of the ride... If we had followed that little misses instructions, e.g. “please” turn right here, we would have never ever been on time...

But we made it and even brought some sun to the Netherlands. (and maybe some cultural package too :p)

Madshrimps (c)

Mystar is in fact MSI's Euro distribution center...

Just the day before we were told the bench setup would be the infamous Lynnfield i5 750 and the GTX 480 for 3DMark Vantage... Ow boy someone already smells something burning... Luckily the benchmarks for us were Pi 1M and Aquamark 3. Both much shorter benchmarks, giving us some more time to tweak...

Bench setup

  • MSI Fuzion motherboard and Intel i750 tray CPU

    Madshrimps (c)

  • MSI GTX480

    Madshrimps (c)

  • 4gb Corsair Dominator rams and Corsair 950 or 1000W HX PSU

    Madshrimps (c)

    When we got the CPU's (ow yes they were handpicked by ourselves this time :p) there was already a discussion about week, stepping and co... you know the drill... one overclocker prefers this over that...

    Bu then the first problem appeared. The Corsair rams were all different type of sets... We got 4gb 1600C7, 1866C9 and 2000C8 kits. But not enough kits to give all competitors the same rams. Only 4 dimms of each type, so we agreed we all would use on stick of the highest rated ram, namely the 2000Mhz C8 kit. Single channel ops it had to be. This meant no WR's on Lynnfield today…
  • Teams and setups...

    Let me introduce you to

    Team 1 from Belgium : Mister Pt1T ( Thomas ), if ever you want to find Thomas, just follow the smoke curtain...

    Madshrimps (c)

    Ow yeah baby GTX480

    Madshrimps (c)

    Pt1t's Setup, clean and crisp

    Team 2 from Belgium : Massman ( Pieter Jan ) aka Hwbot “I want to screen all of your scores Police” and mister Airhead aka Leeghoofd ( Albrecht )

    Our little setup was a little more chaotic compared to the other teams.

    Madshrimps (c)

    Team 3 from Holland’s Viss ( Bart ) and Expat_Griz ( Pete ) aka the Deer hunter.

    Madshrimps (c)

    Pete hard at work to prep their board

    Madshrimps (c)

    They wanted to go flat-out and even cool the dimms with LN2 via the new Kingpin pot.

    Team 4 : Johnny ( Walter ) and Pascal Haegens aka Pascal

    Madshrimps (c)

    Madshrimps (c)

    Good use of the Dimastech bench setup, seems to be very popular in Holland

    First up was to run Pi 1Mb, high Mhz CPU clocks over RAM speed and tight timings...

    Superpi 1M

    Superpi 1M

    First up was to explore the new MSI Fuzion board. This board has got the Lucid Hydra chip onboard. Allowing to mix card of different brands (ATI and NVIDA cards mixed) and still get a performance boost similar to SLI and Crossfire technology.

    Time to explore Bclock. CPU was kept around 10°C, multi lowered for the CPU and rams. Straight to 220Bclock, but no post, this is going to be heavy if the CPU or board is Bclock limited.

    After fiddling some in the bios the board needed some reboots to correctly apply all the correct tables before correctly posting. So one altertion at a time was required. We easily went up to 230Bclock, booting straight into Windows 7. But stability wasn't there. Trying to up PCIE clock didn't sort out the instability issues, more CPU volts, VTT, nope didn't help us to get further either. PCH voltage to 1.25 did the trick. 235 was finally bench stable.

    Bart had the brilliant idea to ask for some cheapo GPU's to be used during the Pi runs, as everyone was modding their GTX 480 cards to be put under LN2. Luckily MSI repair service had loads of PCIE cards and network cards ( internal joke lads, no further comments) available for us. They also fetched the LN2 all the time for us ( no Dewars allowed inside the building ) thanks for that lads !

    Madshrimps (c)

    From the Gigabyte Tweaking event we knew that 2 cores were slightly faster than one, 3 or 4. Sadly our fuzion board wasn't so keen on freeing the multies ( and there's no 3 core option at this moment). The 24 Multi ( 2 cores ) also seemed very unstable on this board, so we opted to boot with 4 cores and 21 multi. More cold (-55°C) brought us up to 245 sort of Pi 1m stable, but once we tried to go colder (-60°C) the rig became unstable. Massman explained again to me ( he's both my mentor and godfather ) the issues with Lynnfield and LN2. Quick sum up :
    Lynnfield + extreme cold = coldbootbug, coldbug (typical for Intel CPU's) but also a coldinstabilitybug
    This didn't seem to good at start, but once we heard Thomas was having issues already at -30°C, our CPU wasn't that bad at all. Same ordeal for Pascal and Walter, thinking at start more in the direction of corrupt Hard drives, bad RAM. But in fact it was the cold that made their rig not even able to boot into Windows.

    A quick look at the Hwbot 2D rankings , showed us that our sample was pretty good, topping around 5180mhz. So we got a good feeling again about our setup. So the quest for the lowest Piscore began.

    An 8 second + “something” score was directly achieved without too much trouble. Messing with rams and co didn't bring much improvement, it was pure CPU power that would take home the victory. Knowing Massman and his philosophy behind Superpi 1Mb : If it freezes at 10 loops, insist on it, it will pass sometime. And yep he was right (again) as we got an almost 8 second flat. Trying to boot at high Bclock ( read over 240 ) usually resulted in a BSOD, reboot when booting into windows. 230-235 Bclock was used to boot into the OS, then upping slowly via the OC Dashboard in windows7. Lot's of trial and error finally gave us this 247Block run and Sub 8 secs Pi run. 5th score on the bot with only single channel and on Windows 7... There’s a bit more to gain on XP and good rams...

    Madshrimps (c)

    After having loads of issues with his USB keyboard, Viss and Pete managed to get 2nd spot for Pi with 8.348 secs. Pascal and Walter 3rd spot with 8secs 486 and Thomas with his Ûber crap CPU ( running at a mere 4.8Ghz ) at 8.58secs.



    Right after the Superpi runs , we knew we had a good efficient score and our CPU clocked pretty good ( according the rumours you hear during such an event).Only less than a few hours to go for Aquamark3. This was our first time with a GTX480. No idea how it would scale with this kind of CPU ? How it would go without hardmods and only the voltages supplied by the MSI Afterburner Software ?

    We did some quick runs with the old GF6600GT card. 240Bclock could be stable enough to pass AM3. Time to pop in the prepped GTX480.

    Madshrimps (c)

    Nicely prepped card by Pascal and Walter

    Once we tried to run AM3 with the same settings that worked 100% with the older, but much slower card, AM3 would freeze, crash and the rig got very unstable. A little bit more cold for the CPU, reclaimed only a tiny bit stability. But our Bclocks were far lower than before, 225 vs 240. However we managed to pull off a 329.000 score from one of our first full runs.

    Time to OC the GTX480. When opening the MSI Afterburner program we didn't spot a GPU clock setting, only Shader , ram and voltage... Walter said he moved the Shader slider as it was always twice the core speed. And indeed it worked fine, thx for the tip dude !

    Going from stock GPU clocks to a moderate 1000Mhz ( 1.2VGPUcore ) and the cards rams at 2000mhz, resulted in a mere 2000 points gain. Nice to know, but it was the CPU speed that was going to be crucial to get the win. Pushing Bclock a bit more resulted in a score of 338.000. When trying to “validate” the rig froze up and thus no official score for us.

    No problem we thought, so we started all over again. Blue screen, freeze after freeze, then again a blue screen. We had to stabilise the setup again... At first it seemed it wasn't going to happen ; lower GPU temps, more volts, looser ram settings, nothing helped. Only lowering the CPU Bclock got our setup stable... Major bummer as with the cheapo card it did 240Bclock without any issue. Now we had to settle for only 225.

    Madshrimps (c)

    Shot of the back of the card after half an hour, ice starts to appear, card was never benched lower then -55°C

    After we tried to go up again Aquamark 3 remained unpredictable, weird as we redid a pi run and all was stable there. Wait single threaded works but AM3 doesn't ? A Bad core ? Luckily for us we had one flawless run of 343.000. And this without any GPU overclock! Pure CPU overclock and RAM bandwidth (if you can call it that with single channel ) The search for the strong cores started. After some testing core 2-4 seemed to be the weaker ones. So we attributed core 1 and 3 to run AM3.

    From there on it went pretty straightforward. The system was sort of stable again, just due to this core selection. 348.000 was saved to the USB stick. Half an hour before the end of the official time a final run at 240Block, PCIE 120mhz resulted in 350.000.

    Madshrimps (c)

    Though Massbo, as we know him, never settles for anything and started reexploring the gpu now. First by increasing only GPU rams, then GPU core speed, finally both. And yep he nailed a 352.000 run, but it froze up on the Belgian team for the final screenshot. Too bad, but as we heard most adversaries were not even breaching 340.000 we agreed to call it a day.

    Madshrimps (c)

    Thomas had to use his hairdryer frequently to warm the pot up again, just to get his rig to boot normally

    Madshrimps (c)

    Mister, Marc aka the ref of the day, playing minesweeper for hours continuously, and getting top scores! :p

    So that is all folks for now

    OC Team BE brings home the gold

    Objective off the day obtained: one ticket for our two best overclockers to the Euro finals. We already discussed it before as my voltmodding skills are almost non existent, that Thomas would join Massman in Paris to get the ultimate ride towards Taipei.

    Again another live event that turned out quite right for us. Even though it was with a totally new motherboards for and I think for all users participating we had our knowledge of e.g. the OC Dashboard and its quirks ( after a crash unplug it, otherwise it won't work at the next boot )

    Lynnfield was not new to us, GTX480 was. Thanks to Walter again for sharing the GPU core trick, we will definitely need that one in the near future. Not a bad day at all, bringing home two fuzion boards and two MSI GTX 480 cards to bench on with the team.

    2nd place was for Viss and Expat Griz, 3rd spot for Johnny and Pascal. Thomas closed the ranks. Just in defence of Thomas' performance, Massman tried to run a few tests on his setup... bad bad CPU...

    Madshrimps (c)

    CPU's insulation was amazingly good, zero condensation

    A big thanks to MSI Netherlands and for organising this fun event, thanks to Corsair for the PSU's and rams. Let's hope the Paris event will be as fun as this one was. Good luck Thomas and Massman, we will be crossing our fingers!

    Finally a picture of the MSI team that made it all possible:

    Madshrimps (c)

    Women are always attracted by a camera, guys rather not look

    Cya… somewhere, sometime, somehow