Thermalright SP-94 Copper Heatpipe Heatsink

CPU Cooling by jmke @ 2003-10-05

Thermalright has certainly kept their eye on the ball lately, and they?ve scored yet again with their latest offering, the SP-94. This marks Thermalright?s ingress into heat-pipe technology, and they've made a distinguished entrance. The SP94 is an all copper thin-fin cooler, the embodiment of which centres around their SLK series. From what your about to see, Thermalright has truly raised heat-sink manufacture, to an art form.
We compare it to the SLK-947U and SLK-900U in this article.


Madshrimps (c)

Thermalright has certainly kept their eye on the ball lately, and they've scored yet again with their latest offering, the SP-94. This marks Thermalright's ingress into heat-pipe technology, and they've made a distinguished entrance. The SP94 is an all copper thin-fin cooler, the embodiment of which centres around their SLK series. From what your about to see, Thermalright has truly raised heat-sink manufacture, to an art form. Only recently Thermalright introduced the SLK-947-U to market, and it improved significantly upon its predecessor the SLK-900U. The SLK-947-U, offered many small differences which all contributed to its success. The fins were slightly more elongated, and eschewed many of the right angles designed to separate each thin fin from the next.
While on the SLK-900U they seemed to be located at each angle on the plate edges which made up each fin, comparatively they inhibited air-flow. The SLK-947-U not only provided a more substantial base for a 92mm fan, but because it had less of the right-angles between each fin, its air-flow was improved. After its 92mm fan capability, astounding finish and aerodynamic qualities, perhaps the SLK-947-U's greatest attribute were changes made to the mounting hardware. From a prima facie perspective there were fewer pieces. And it was by far the most versatile to that point. With each successive design Thermalright has improved this concept, culminating in the SP-94's solid one piece base

Madshrimps (c)

The SP-94 has taken ease of installation to its simplistic conclusion. The base of the cooler is machined from a solid block of pure copper. The four base extension mounts where the spring loaded screws drop through, are machined such that the underside accepts the tops of the standoffs. So the entire unit simply settles onto the four standoffs simultaneously. One simply lowers the unit onto the 4 stand-offs, drop in the screws and tighten a few turns for each screw moving perpendicularly among the screws. It's important to distribute the tension as you tighten them down. They simply tap out, so there are no worries about trying to match tensions. The design team at Thermalright has achieved what I can only describe as "functional art," and its beauty definitely gives new meaning to the term "Performance Art."

Just when I thought Thermalright had reached a pinnacle in heatsink design, they leap even further ahead. The SP-94 features all the attributes, and accoutrements of Thermaright's top SLK performer's, with the additional benefit of heat-pipe technology. First, I must say (and as the picture above shows) I have never seen a more finely lapped surface, mirror image is an understatement. This must have been wet-sanded down to 800-grit, and at least 600-grit. It's absolutely astounding. The construction is solid. It almost seems as if the cooler's been machined from a solid block of copper.

Madshrimps (c)

Prior to the release of the SP-94, when there just a few pre-production samples, people were criticizing the choice to use heat-pipe technology. In general they were concerned about mounting position. A few people had mentioned they thought the heatsink had to be mounted "upright" for the heat-pipe technology to work correctly. Well, Thermalright has anticipated this scenario, and when the CPU is mounted onto the Abit IS7-E, or Abit IC7-G, (and from what I've seen from the trend) or on most Canterwood and Springdale boards, the pipes are located to take advantage of gravity. You don't get to be a leader in thermal management solutions, overlooking prima facie issues, such as this. I therefore, decided to try mounting the cooler with the heatpipe-loops facing upwards (not suggested), and then with the loops facing down (suggested).

Madshrimps (c)

Phase-change, is a term which was placed on the lips of many PC-Enthusiast's by Chip-Con (now nVentiv). Originating in Denmark they warmed the hearts of Overclockers the world over by freezing the heart's of their PC's, the CPU. The Prometeia, was, and still is a landmark in extreme thermal solutions.

Until Chip-Con's version of phase-change was made available to the masses, water cooling was as "cool" as it got. There were some LN2 experiments, but this was not feasible for most, and only lasting a few moments. Water cooling technology has certainly evolved to a reliable and safe alternative in its own right. Water-cooling, however; is still ultimately dependent upon forced air. One is still constrained by the room's ambient air temperature.

It's true that air blown over H20 results in better cooling by virtue of H20's ability to retain the kinetic energy/heat dissipating, and cooling the processor better than forced air itself. There are refrigerated water-cooled systems, and only in this situation will one actually obtain, and maintain substantially lower then ambient room/case temps. Along came Chip-Con, and exploited the reliability of refrigeration, and the extreme cooling potential of phase-change, The system uses a vacuum, which rapidly removes the phase-changed vapor, which nanoseconds ago, was chilled r134 refrigerant and is now the dissipated heat from the processor. This revolutionized cooling, because the resultant temp's maintained, even while overclocking, below freezing in most cases. The overclock’s achieved at such temps, are truly remarkable. The Heat-Pipe concept also uses the vaporization phase-change, albeit in a much more simplistic environment.

Madshrimps (c)

In heat-pipe cooling, copper tubing is filled with a liquid. The tubes are then built into an existing heat-sink design, or a design is built around them, regardless there's now the added benefit of phase-change. The process is implemented by means of allowing the lowest gravitational point of the tubing (where the water would naturally settle) to be incorporated into the base of the heatsink. The point where the processor's surface would be in closest proximity. The CPU's original kinetic energy (heat) conducts through the TIM, and then seeks the cooler heat-sink base, now infused with the heat-pipes. That heat is now conducted to the liquid within. Again the heat (kinetic energy) seeks the colder element, in this case the liquid. As that liquid now absorbs the kinetic energy, or heat (its molecules speed up) it expands and vaporizes. This vaporized liquid (or phase-changed (liquid > gas)) rises in the heat-pipes, taking with it the kinetic-energy (heat) from the processor. As the vapor rises in the pipes to the area where the fan is blowing air down, around, and over those pipes/fins, the gas within undergoes yet another phase-change. The kinetic energy is again released, from the gas, through the copper tubes, and the vapor then condenses to liquid form. As the liquid is cooled even further by the cold air being blown over the tubing, it begins its return to the base of the heat-pipes, via gravity, to begin the process all over again

Let's take a look at the SP-94 in detail and compare it to the older SLK-900U ->

The Heatsink in detail

All pictures are clickable for a high-resolution version:

Madshrimps (c)

Madshrimps (c)

Madshrimps (c)

Madshrimps (c)

Madshrimps (c)
This image was produced by putting the Heatsink a flatbed scanner and using a DPI of 1600! This is the center of the Heatsink which will touch the P4 IHS

Compared to the ThermalRight SLK-900U:

Madshrimps (c)

Madshrimps (c)

Madshrimps (c)

On with the testing!

Test Results - Liquid3D

Test Results - Liquid3D

The benefits of heat-pipe cooling are two-fold. Not only is the processor cooled with a liquid which undergoes phase-change, it's still reaping the benefits of the thin-fin copper cooler. It's actually an amalgamation of water-cooling, phase-change, and air-cooling. So what are the end results? To-date I've tried only two of three mounting positions. I began by situating the SP-94 in the upward-loop position running my P4 2.8C@3.22GHz (230FSB / 1.550Vcore) the SP-94 maintained a mean temp of 29.5 °C.
With Drempels (3D Screensaver/Desktop) I experienced highs of 34 °C, lows at 28.5 °C. The TIM used is Artic Silver 5 (soon to be released), and the motherboard is the Abit IS7-E. Monitoring software is Winbond's DrHardware. Most importantly, I used the Vantec Tornado 92mm/119CFM fan. Room temps varied from 16°C to 22°C, I ran the cooler in each position for 48-hours.

Liquid3D's Test Setup
CPU Pentium 4 "C" 2800Mhz @ 3.22Ghz (1.55v vcore)
Mainboard Abit IS7-E
Cooling Thermalright SLK-947U / Thermalright SP-94
Vantec Tornado 92mm/119CFM
Memory 2* 512Mb PC4200 OCZ
Video Asus FX5900

I then oriented the heatsink such that the heatpipe-loops faced down and was amazed at the difference. The cooler maintained a mean temp of 26 °C, with lows to 24 °C and high's reached a comfortable 28.5C. Again all system parameters were the same as above.

Comparatively the SLK-947-U ran an approximate mean temp of 31.50C, albeit a slightly different setup, it's not difficult to make a comparison. For example, hardware used were the following: P4 @3.0GHz (250FSB / 1.550Vcore) Vantec Tornado 92mm/119CFM Abit IS7-E, using Nanotherm XTC. Idle temps which in this case were considered non-overclocked, 2.4C at default (200FSB / 1525Vcore) speeds, and voltages averaged 28C. Below is a screen shot of the SLK-947-U's performance under the condition I've just described:

Madshrimps (c)

Until I finish a back to back SLK-947-U / SP-94 in a controlled environment, meaning the only variables being the coolers themselves, I cannot be specific as to the extent at which the SP-94 exceeds the performance of its predecessor. This is how the current situation looks:

Madshrimps (c)
The SP-94 outperforms the SLK-947U despite the fact that the CPU is producing more watt/heat!

I will offer you the following theory, extrapolated from my entire body of data. The SP-94 does out-perform the SLK-947-U and that margin seems to exponentially increase with stress (> watt's/heat). Check JMke’s test results for further prove of this. It seems the heat-pipe technology does require higher temps, to fully exploit the vaporization ~ condensation phase-changes. I believe the SP-94 to be the ideal Overclockers weapon of choice in the thermal wars. One surprising (and profitable) fortuity of the SP-94 may be it's ability to perform better in poorly ventilated cases, environments wear the ambient temps are high, and perhaps even LAN boxes, providing there's enough room. I wonder how the cooler would work with a 1U copper cooler? The average desk-top end-user's case is often cluttered, poorly ventilated, and even if a large 92mm fan were installed with a SLK-947-U, the result may simply be forcing hot air, onto an even hotter CPU.

Defeatist? Perhaps not, but certainly a waste of resources. I believe Thermalright's marketing strategy towards the Sally and Joe-desktop user should be; "If they can be convinced, they will come." Once you communicate the propensity for thermal damage with today's often inadequately laid out cases, and the plethora of anomalies which can occur under such conditions, people are usually willing to make some changes.

Test Results - JMke

Thermalright allowed me to test their latest and greatest Pentium 4 heatsink, and I can only agree with what Liquid3D has told you so far, the finishing is excellent, the installation a breeze and the performance is unreal!

To show you how this heatsink performs in different situations I decided to:
  • Use a high CFM 80mm fan for the eXtreme people out there.
  • A low noise 90mm PAPST for those seeking a very silent solution.
  • Put the heatsink in the best condition according to Thermalright's own guidelines, Horizontal.
  • Used Arctic Céramique from AS between the CPU and heatsink, renewing it after every test.

    I used Hot CPU tester Pro for achieving the highest temperature under load and let it run for a reasonable amount of time while keeping the recorded temperatures in a log-file using MotherBoard Monitor 5.

    The system was installed in an open environment (no case), the room temperature was 23°C during testing.

    The Test Setup
    Madshrimps (c)Madshrimps (c)
    The SLK900U InstalledThe SP-94 Installed
    Madshrimps (c)Madshrimps (c)
    80mm high speed fan90mm lowspeed fan

    JMke's Test Setup
    CPU Pentium 4 "C" 2400Mhz
    Mainboard Asus P4C800
    Cooling Thermalright SLK900U / Thermalright SP-94
    Memory 1 * 512Mb PC3700 Corsair
    Video nVidia Quadro MX

    Madshrimps (c)
    At default speeds and voltage the difference between the older SLK900 and the SP-94 is negligible, the sudden drop in temperature on the SLK900U graph is due to a restart of the stress-test program

    Madshrimps (c)
    The performance is equal at 2.4Ghz when using a low speed fan

    Madshrimps (c)
    When we up the CPU speed to 3Ghz you can see the SP-94 pull away from its predecessor and gain a temp advantage of 2°C

    Madshrimps (c)
    Also with the low speed fan there is a 2°C difference, and what's even more impressive is the performance of both products! Using a near silent fan you can overclock your system and still have a low CPU temperature!

    And here are all the results put nicely in a table:

    End Results
    Highest Temperature obtained °C
    Thermalright SLK900U
    Thermalright SP-94
    P4 @ 2400Mhz - 80mm
    P4 @ 3000Mhz - 80mm
    P4 @ 2400Mhz - 90mm
    P4 @ 3000Mhz - 90mm

    As a last test I set the CPU to 2.4Ghz, removed the CPU fan and let the system run like this.. for more than 1 hour! The CPU temperature was only 53°C. If you are looking for a passive cooling solution in a small multimedia desktop PC, don't look any further!
  • Conclusion

    Final thoughts on the SP-94 by Liquid3D

    With Thermalright's grand entrance into heat-pipe technology, I wonder where this company is headed. In the last year alone they have produced four of the better (if not best) thin-fin copper coolers on the market. Not only has each successive model, been more effective in its cooling ability, but with each model are major improvements in the mounting hardware. I truly thought the SLK-947-U would be the culmination of design prowess towards the ultimate simplicity in Socket 478 installation, and air-cooling. And then the SP-94, takes a huge leap forward.

    It is without a doubt the simplest, foolproof installation yet, mated with craftsmanship which rivals anything on the market. I believe once you see the unit you'll agree, the construction is of the highest quality, and it may be the finest finish of any heat-sink on the market. While these praises seem as if they were written by an over zealous marketing exec, first week on the job, I'd bet my infamous solder-dropping collection, you'll concur.

    I consider SP-94 a piece of engineering artwork. As I stated earlier, the Thermalright SP-94 truly deserves the description, High Performance Art. I just kept snapping pictures

    Madshrimps (c)Madshrimps (c)

    Final thoughts on the SP-94 by JMke

    I can't believe the performance of this heatsink, one year ago I was already blown away by the Alpha PAL8942 and Swiftech MCX4000, but the SP-94 pulls ahead. Delivering groundbreaking performance and allowing you to run your CPU at speeds previously only reachable using water cooling or phase-change!
    I can't wait to see what damage the SP-97 will do in the AMD ranks, as the Thermalright SP-94 has taken the top spot of aircooling solutions!


    We would like to thank Jim Wei @ Thermalright for giving us the opportunity to test their "High Performance Art". Check out their excellent guide if you have any questions about installing this heatsink.


    If you have any remarks please drop them off at our Forums.