Aerocase Condor Passive High End VGA Cooler Review

VGA & Other Cooling by jmke @ 2006-08-09

It?s a passively cooled heatsink for high end graphics cards made by a group of women with aerospace engineering knowledge. They?ve named their first creation, the Condor, we find out if it prevents our VGA card?s temperatures from soaring too high.

Intro & Closer Look


If I told you that you can buy a heatsink for your high end VGA card which doesn?t make any noise and doesn?t overheat the core, would you believe me? That?s exactly the product that Katherine sends over; she?s the president of a company located in Sheridan, Wyoming in the USA. Aerocase was founded in 2005 by an all woman management group and an aerospace engineering team.

Tech savvy females beat other companies to punch with their first product, the Condor, world?s first passive VGA heatsink for high end (and hot) graphics cards.

Madshrimps (c)

Aerocase is still operating at a smaller scale, each Condor is hand made and designed to fit the customer?s need, this does increase the price over what you normally expect to pay for a third party air-cooled heatsink, but the result is extraordinary too.

The Condor will fit any current high end card (except for the NVIDIA 7950GX2) and can be configured to a mid or high tower, as well with the wing reversed or normal. The starting price before shipping & handling cost is ~$60. You can buy it directly from Aerocase. If you have a slightly older VGA card you can use the Raven heatsink which costs only ~$46.

A wing you say?

Madshrimps (c)

The Condor comes in unbranded box stuffed with Styrofoam, its voyage over the Atlantic Ocean didn?t leave any visible traces on the heatsink, and it arrived in mint condition.

Madshrimps (c)

The Condor?s wing dissipates the heat transferred from the base of the unit, 3 heat pipes laid out in a V form maximize the surface area for each heat pipe. The base consists of a copper insert which is attached using Arctic Silver Epoxy to the larger base made out of aluminum with a black powder coating. In the photo below you see the base pre-applied with Arctic Silver 5, however this has been changed to a tube of Arctic Ceramique so you can reinstall the unit without worrying about thermal paste application.

Madshrimps (c)

The Wing is made from a series of finned heatsinks which sandwich the heat pipes between them.

Madshrimps (c)

The orientation of the wing can be set to either hang over the CPU area (optimal position) or over the PCI slots.

Madshrimps (c)
For more specifications and detail on the Condor go here

Let?s get it installed ->



Weighing in at ~520 grams the Condor is no light weight; in fact it?s the heaviest VGA cooler I?ve tested yet. The Arctic Cooling Silencer series comes closest at ~420gr but it doesn?t have a wing attached to side of it. A good mounting method is essential for the Condor to succeed; after all, you don?t want the wing to come crashing down. When transporting your case with the Condor installed inside you should take the same precaution as with the heavier tower CPU coolers, lay your Tower case on its side.

Looking at the bag of mounting gear I received I was a bit puzzled at first, why are there tooth picks? In the photo below you can see the custom mounting gear that comes with the Condor as well as the 4 screws+spring used by the default 7900 GT heatsink.

Madshrimps (c)

As you guessed, I used a 7900 GT to test the Condor, the installation manual has detailed instructions on how to get the unit installed, and it also reveals what the tooth picks are used for:

Madshrimps (c)

Four plastic washers are placed over each mounting hole, the two tooth picks help you guide the VGA card so that the core sits right in the middle of the copper base:

Madshrimps (c)

A second set of washers and screws are then needed to secure the heatsink in its place. I found that the metal used for the screws was quite soft and the + was easily stripped out. Aerocase informed me that they are now shipping brass screws which removes this problem, you also now get a spare screw/washer/rubber, that?s good news for clumsy people like me:)

Madshrimps (c)

With the Condor in place it?s time to place it inside my test system.

Madshrimps (c)

Madshrimps (c)

Test Setup - Performance - Conclusion

Test Setup

JMke's Test Setup
CPU Opteron 144 @ 2.25Ghz
Cooling Scythe Mine @ 100%
Mainboard Asus A8N SLI Premium
Memory 2 * 512Mb PC3200 OCZ
  • Club3D 7900 GT
  • GlobalWin 520W Silent PSU
  • Maxtor 200GB IDE HDD

  • in-take temperature was measured at 25?C for all tests
  • The VGA card was stressed by running Real-Time HDR continuously until temperatures stabilized.
  • Arctic Silver kindly send us their ?Lumi?re? thermal testing compound which has the same color as Ceramique, but only a break in time of 30min!

    The system was installed inside an Antec Lanboy, a mid-sized tower case made of aluminum, it doesn?t come with case fans, but supports 2x80mm (1*font/1*rear) ? I placed a very silent Sharkoon Silent Eagle 1000 and the 2000 RPM model in the front. Afterwards I swapped out the 1000rpm rear fan for a 2900rpm model from YS-Tech.

    I placed a dBA (AR824) meter next to the closed side panel at approximately 10cm; without the system powered on the ambient noise in the test room measured 35.6dBA. When the system is powered on without a VGA fan or case fans running the noise increased to 36.5dBA

    Placing it inside the test system

    When Aerocase first contacted me for this review I didn?t specify a normal or reversed wing Condor, it was only after I received the unit that I realized that a normal one with the wing hanging over the CPU area was going to cause troubles for me.

    The Scythe Mine is a tall CPU heatsink and it didn?t play nice with the Condor when I tried to fit the 7900GT in the upper PCIe slot. But even if I used a shorter CPU cooler I found that the rear 80mm fan was also blocking the Condor from fitting correctly; Luckily this Asus motherboard has two PCIe x8 slots so I moved the video card to the bottom one and all was well as you can see in the photos below:

    Madshrimps (c)Madshrimps (c)

    It?s important to note that you CAN bend the heat pipes slightly if this helps fit the Condor, but nothing drastic. If you need the Condor to be positioned in a certain way you can ask Aerocase to do this for you. If you do it yourself you will very likely end up breaking the heatsink.


    Performance of the stock NVIDIA coolers with its fan running at 100% (couldn?t get it lower) is also included, the rear fan was running at 1000rpm.

    In the chart below FF stands for Front Fan, and RF stands for? you guessed it, Rear Fan.

    Madshrimps (c)

    When I recorded the first temperatures I was doubtful of the results, they were lower than the stock cooling, and not just a few degrees. I re-did the tests but the outcome remained the same, the Condor is definitely keeping the GPU core cooler than the active stock cooling! Analyzing the other results, CPU and Chipset temperatures don?t really increase much going to a passive VGA cooling.

    Increasing case cooling does have a large impact on GPU temperatures; the best noise/performance balance seems to be with the FF@7v and RF@12v (1000rpm). If you don?t care about noise and have some fast spinning case fans installed you?ll see some low GPU temperatures. The upgrade to 2900rpm rear fan drops temperatures ~10?C.

    Extra case cooling with the Condor VGA heatsink is required, having a power supply which helps removes warm air is just not enough. I was interested to see what happened if I turned off all case fans?

    Madshrimps (c)

    I?m glad I monitored the temperature actively, the GPU temperature rose over 80?C and seemed to level out for several minutes, then suddenly it spiked up over 100?C, at which point I stopped the stress test and reactivated the case fans. The cause of the failure is due to the nature of heat pipes, they are a closed loop process and it works within certain temperature ranges (for example 20C-90C), however if the differential between the hot and the cool side becomes too low, the system will stall. So ensure you have proper case cooling when using the Condor.

    Conclusive Thoughts

    Madshrimps (c)

    The Condor swoops in and grabs the title of the world?s most silent air cooled VGA heatsink. It?s able to cool the latest high end video cards and will add 0dBA to your system. While it has a price premium compared to other third party products, you do get a custom, hand made product guaranteed to help you keep PC noise down. Even those with SLI/Crossfire setups could make it work if their case is large enough and they use a normal and reversed wing.

    I do have one small gripe and that?s with the installation process, which is a bit cumbersome and can be improved upon, but once you got the Condor installed that argument is history.

    Overall the Aerocase Condor?s performance left me quite impressed and I wouldn?t hesitate to recommend it to anyone looking for extreme silent cooling for the graphics card. The only caveat is the large size which does restrict installation in some cases, but with the right custom modifications from Aerocase even those issues can be resolved.

    I like to thank Aerocase and Katherine for giving me the opportunity for testing the Condor.

  • The Condor (high end cards) carries a price tag of $59.95 at the time of writing and can be ordered online
  • The Raven (Mid/Low end cads) carries a price tag of $45.95 at the time of writing and can be ordered online

    Questions/Comments: forum thread
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