AquaMark - The Reality BenchMark

Miscelleneous by jmke @ 2003-03-25

A new competitor has risen! Download the trailer and be totally amazed!


Aquamark 3:

Madshrimps (c)

AquaMark3 allows PC users to easily measure and compare the performance of their current and next-generation PC systems. It provides a reliable benchmark which helps users to configure their systems for the best gaming performance

A great promise by the guys over @ Aquamark. If you have ever played Aquanox you know they are able to deliver some impressive 3D Engine technology.

I'm sure this benchmark will stress even the most up to date systems. But you don't have to wait to know what it looks like. Take a peek by playing one of these movies:

Low Resolution Treaser (~4mb)


High Resolution Teaser (~10mb)

I for one am looking forward to the release of this baby :)

More information about this Benchmark is available here

Official Press Release

Official Press Release:

AquaMark3 is the first commercial benchmark offering both: a real world DirectX 9 game engine and free access to an online database, the AquaMark Result Comparator ARC.

Release Date announced!

Today, Thursday, 04th of September 2003 Massive Development reveals the release date for AquaMark3.

AquaMark3 will be released on September 15, 2003!

A swatch beat countdown has been set on to indicate the time to go!

Mirrors! Mirrors! Mirrors!

A large number of mirror sites will support the release to make sure the free download version of AquaMark3 is available for as many people as possible in the shortest possible time. The download size will be as low as 58 Megs!

First AquaMark3 Review

PCGames Hardware, Germany’s biggest hardware print mag (92,000 copies/issue, 10 million page hits/month), reviews AquaMark3 this month (issue 10/03). Some quotes:

"3D Mark 2003 is out, AquaMark3 is in."

"Will AquaMark3 break the dominance of 3DMark 2003 as an industry standard? The chances are good."

Secure your One-Login nick

One login fits two online sites: the AquaMark forum AND the AquaMark Result Comparator ARC. Your input and questions are valuable to us, so you are invited to join our official forum. Here you can meet and chat not only with other fans but also with the developers of AquaMark3!

Make sure to register your nickname today at our forum!


AquaMark3 will be available in five different versions. The basic application will be available as a free download on a large number of mirror sites around the world. This version supports a wide set of functions like the basic AquaMark3 TRISCORE test and free online access to ARC.

Besides the free downloadable version there are four different license models:

  • AquaMark3 Professional - $9.95 (€9.95 for EURO countries)
  • AquaMark3 Professional Plus- $19.95 (€19.95 for EURO countries)
  • AquaMark3 Commercial - $39.95 (€39.95 for EURO countries)
  • AquaMark3 Commercial Plus - $199.95 (€199.95 for EURO countries)

    The Professional version already enables essential program features such as:

    *Detailed feature-settings
    *Advanced Measurement for single run tests
    *Special features for DX9 card-tests
    *Pixelrate measurements
    *Manual screenshot function
    *Technical support for AquaMark3 as well as for ARC

    The Plus versions contain additional functions such as:
    *Multiple, automated runs
    *Command Line options for the power user

    The Commercial versions are the comfortable solution for commercial users and include licences for up to ten computers, the right to use AquaMark3 on trade shows, and for editorial purposes.

    DirectX 9?

    AquaMark3 is a DirectX 9 benchmark. But since it's based on a real game engine it has fallbacks to DirectX 8 and even DirectX 7. So even if you own an DirectX 7 graphic board, you're still able to use AquaMark3!
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