Galaxy 8600GE Overclocking Experience

Overclocking Tests by massman @ 2007-11-12

A while ago yours truly had the opportunity to review Galaxy´s improved 8600 GT video card. It featured a new design and an extra power connector for higher overclocking. Today we push this card to limit at one of Belgian´s first overclocking LANs.



Let’s have a look at the conclusion our review:

Galaxy delivered quite an impressive product with the 8600GE which comes very close to the performance of the 8600 GTS card but at a lower price point.Taking into consideration that this card is build with overclocking in mind and features an extra 6-pin power adapter (unlike other 8600 GT cards) the reference speeds of the 8600 GTS can be matched easily with a slight overclock, the Coolermaster GPU cooling makes sure the video card runs cool and quiet. On average the Galaxy 8600 GE offers ~30% more performance out of the box compared to the stock 8600 GT, incidentally the price is also 30% higher, so it doesn’t offer a worse price/performance ratio, if anything, with the added overclocking potential it’s safe to say that the 8600GE is a 8600 GTS in disguise!

Madshrimps (c)

So we were already convinced of the power of this 8600GT. Looking at the rankings of the 8600 cards, we were quite sure a Top 5 spot wouldn’t be that difficult. That’s why we were extremely excited when Galaxy decided to give us the opportunity to modify their card and use it for some serious overclocking.


Here we can sum up the same list Geoffrey used in his nVidia GeForce 8800 series overclocking guide.

- RivaTuner allows us to measure GPU temperatures, check GPU and memory speeds as well as shader clocks and of course overclocking. You can use Atitool for overclocking as well, but no tweaking options are available.
- Futuremark’s 3DMark application allows us to stress the GPU and check for system stability. Do not forget Aquamark if you’re aiming for HWBoints.
- GPUZ, W1zzards latest creation gives you all the information you need when overclocking. There’s even a validation possibility!
- Use Nibitor to edit the BIOS of NVIDIA video cards; which we can use to flash an altered BIOS with higher pre-overclocked values for GPU/MEM/SHADERS.
- Time to hook up that old floppy drive (or modify your USB stick) to boot into DOS, as flashing the video card requires a clean “DOS” boot. NVFlash is the application which can write the new BIOS to the video card.
- We won’t go into much detail on how you should solder, but show you where to solder what. To get up to speed and tune your soldering skills please refer to our soldering guide
- A multimeter, essential piece of equipment to check the voltages once we start increasing them.

Please note that this article gives you literature of an overclocking adventure with the 8600Ge, not an overclocking guide of how to tweak you card for 24/7 usage. If you want to read more about the overclocking process, please read Geoffrey’s article.

Madshrimps (c)

Voltage Modifications

Voltage modifications of the Galaxy 8600Ge:

When benchmarking the card for high ranks, we definitely need voltage modifications. Voltage modifications can destroy you card if not soldered properly, do not modify without knowing what you’re doing! If you’ve decided to modify the card, you will be rewarded for sure. Most cards scale very good with extra voltage and even on air cooling; you can get a decent boost in clock frequencies.

These are the modifications we’re interested in:

- Vgpu: gives the gpu extra juice to overclock higher
- Vmem: gives the memory something extra
- OVP: the higher the OverVoltage Protection is set, the higher you’ll be able to pump the GPU voltage. Most cards are locked at a low maximum voltage, so this is definitely a very much needed modification.

Together with the help of our personal electronics brain, Geoffrey, we were able to voltmod the card. Here are some pictures, followed with the detailed information on how to voltmod. Here are is our guide for your soldering pleasure:

GPU voltage modification

Madshrimps (c)

Madshrimps (c)

GPU OverVoltage modification

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Memory voltage modification

Madshrimps (c)

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And for those who want every modification ... the GPU OverCurrent modification

Madshrimps (c)

The last modification hasn’t been announced; it’s the OverCurrent Protection modification. As it’s not really that important, I’m not using it at all. It’s there purely for information.

The stock voltage for the GPU was 1.38v, after applying the Vgpu and OVP mod it changed to 1.55v. Note that the OVP mod has to be soldered to get the Vgpu mod working. The over voltage protection kicks in at a voltage even lower than 1.5v, so if you only apply the Vgpu mod, you’ll end up with a blank screen.

The default voltage of the memory is 2.05v, which is higher than Samsung specs sheet recommend. However, the memory chips are rated to a maximum of 2.5v, so you don’t have to worry about burning the memory. Our review article has the memory information written down together with some extra pictures.

Testing with Air

Testing with air cooling:

Before we start with cooling the card down to subzero temperatures, we have to know how good the card is on air. This should give us some pointers on which we can continue once the temperature drops. In our review, you can read that the card overclocks quite easily to 710/1566/1100 (gpu/shader/mem). Continuing from those speeds, we decided to test the card’s capabilities with higher voltages.

I've used different setups to obtain the best results I could using air cooling. Thanks to Gamer and Geoffrey for lending me respectively an E6850 (3DMark01) and a Q6600 (3DMark06).


Madshrimps (c)

As you can see, we clocked the card up to 770/1566/1050 and used Gamer's E6850 at 3690MHz to crack the 50k barrier without even trying very hard. Notice that 3DMark01 really likes fast cpu's with a lot of l2 cache. I've tried reaching 50k with my E6300 as well, but even at much higher clocks, I couldn't reach the same level I did with the E6850. Yours truly currently is 17th 8600GT HWBot's league.

Madshrimps (c)
Click here to enlarge picture


Madshrimps (c)

3DMark03 is, unlike 01, very GPU dependent. In other words, even with a slower cpu you can reach very high ranks if you can clock the gpu to extreme speeds. Using my E6300, clocked at 3640MHz, I was able to reach 23878 which is not bad at all solely on stock cooling. Card clocks were 880/1940/1075 at 1,61v Vgpu and 2,15 Vmem. Currently taking 11th spot in HWBot.


Madshrimps (c)

Another GPU dependant benchmark is FM's 3D update of 3DMark03 ... 3DMark05. Using the same setup and clock frequencies I reached 14265, just good enough for the top20 in the HWBot 8600GT league.


Madshrimps (c)

FM's latest is known for it's very cpu dependant engine, especially if you're not using high-end videocards. During OC-Team.Be's first OC lan, Geoffrey provided me with his Q6600 to test the 8600GT on air. Clocking the cpu at 3612MH


Last but not least Aquamark3. This benchmark has been run with the E6300 at 3500MHz and the card at 850/1050.

Madshrimps (c)

Into detail

Let's go a bit more into detail:

We all know that the higher the clock frequencies of the video card are, the better your score will be. But sometimes the memory is limited by the gpu. Should the shader be linked to the gpu? What overclocks can I expect with what cooling?

Solving these questions is important if you want to get the most out of your card. The answers are different for every card as not every card overclocks the same. If you want to be thorough, the following figures are a must.

Overclock versus Voltage

During the weeks of the preparation of the final bench session, I had the chance to test the clock frequencies with stock air-cooling. I have graphs ready to show, but they are not useful as a lot depends of the temperature of the environment and the card itself. Though, I will give you a few pointers.

- The memory is very sensitive for higher voltages. Be careful when overclocking, with this card you're already ahead of the competition
- The GPU can clock very high with relatively low voltages IF the temperature keeps low. When testing in the attic (room temp around 15°C) I reached 880MHz GPU stable with 1,61v.
- Check where the limit of the shader clock lies. With my card this is 2052MHz, more Vgpu doesn't help.

GPU, shader and memory clocks

The frequency you set is not always the actual frequency! Most cards work with certain levels of frequencies. For instance, if you set 712MHz as GPU frequency, the actual frequency might be 718MHz. The same goes for shader and memory frequencies.

Madshrimps (c)

Madshrimps (c)

Note that since the release of the 16x.xx drivers and RivaTuner 2.05 the gpu clock and the shader clock can be set unlinked. Therefore we don't provide the relation between gpu and shader clock.

Madshrimps (c)

GPU, shader and memory performance scaling

Next up: how does increasing the frequencies translate into performance increase? We used 3DMark01's Nature test to calculate the performance and Rivatuner to overclock our card.

Madshrimps (c)

Gpu and shader clock are linked, as the gpu had a limit at 700MHz when keeping the shader clock at 1400MHz. Two sets of data, one with the memory clocked at 1000MHz and one with the memory clocked at 1080MHz.

The GPU/Shader overclock is pretty important as it keeps increasing the performance. Higher clocked memory means that the GPU/Shader performance scaling will be a lot higher.

Madshrimps (c)

Many people tend to hype the Shader clock as the most important of all three. In fact, this isn’t the whole truth. The shader clock is indeed important until a certain level. If you clock past this level, you won't notice a big increase. In other words: at 630MHz core, a 1,7GHz shader clock is almost as fast as a 2GHz clock.

When overclocking the card on air we noticed that the shader clock maxed out at 2052MHz. Even higher voltages didn't help us to go higher.

Madshrimps (c)

This is quite interesting as it shows why exactly the Galaxy 8600GE is so interesting for WR attempts. At 630MHz core frequency, the extra memory overclock doesn't matter, not even 10fps more. But when at 810MHz core, you'll notice that the extra memory speed really boosts the card. Imagine at 1GHz core ... the extra memory speed might gain up to an extra 40-50fps in the 3DMark01 nature test!


What kind of challenge are we facing?

Before you start benchmarking, you always need to know what the others did. Especially in 3DMark01 is knowing what fps each subtest should have. Let's have a look at the current high scores.

HWBot rankings


Madshrimps (c)

Overclocker 12 from the RussianOvers Team currently has the WR in the 3DMark01 category. His setup:
- QX6800 @ 4100MHz (2 cores)
- Card clocked at 1010/1010MHz
- Drivers are ForceWare 167.26
- Cpu and Gpu H²O cooled


Madshrimps (c)
Click here to enlarge picture

The same overclocker, 12, owns the 3DMark03 world record. The setup:
- QX6800 @ 4105MHz (2 cores)
- Card clocked at 990/1005MHz
- ForceWare 167.26
- Cpu and Gpu H²O cooled


Madshrimps (c)
Click here to enlarge picture

Same bencher all over again. The setup:
- QX6800 @ 4105MHz (2 cores)
- Card clocled at 990/1005MHz
- ForceWare 167.26
- Cpu and Gpu H²O cooled


Madshrimps (c)
Click here to enlarge picture

Aaaand ... yes, it's 12 again. He has the whole suite of FutureMark, good benches. His setup:
- QX6800 @ 4005MHz (4 cores)
- Card clocked at 1003/995
- ForceWare 167.26
- Cpu and Gpu H²O cooled

Madshrimps (c)

The AM3 world record is in hands of W|J79er, an overclocker from Thailand. His setup:
- E6600 @ 4500
- Card clocked at 960/970
- ForceWare 169.04
- Cpu cooled with dry ice, Gpu cooled with H²O

Murphy ...

Where's the cold?

Our extreme bench sessions were spread over two days; First of all the LN² day, which was together with Blind. It was not a very big success as we didn't had the voltage modifications back then. Using default voltage and some LN², we ran a couple of AquaMark3 runs, but had to stop very soon due to condensation.

Madshrimps (c)
Click here to enlarge picture

The second and final bench session took place at Geoffrey during the first OCTB OC LAN. Together with Blind, Jort and Geoffrey himself, we benched two different setups: one with the X2900XT and one with the inevitable Galaxy 8600GE. After we got the dry ice cooled X2900XT setup running, we mounted the cascade on the card and used a Mach2GT (modded by Jort) to cool down the E6850 (thanks Blind).

Madshrimps (c)

(picture is from the benching day at blind, at the OCTB Lan, the setup was almost the same)

The law of Murphy strikes:

Just when we were ready for some kick-ass benching, Murphy came around the corner, saying: "Whatever can go wrong will go wrong, and at the worst possible time, in the worst possible way". Running 3DMark01's nature at 1050/1050, we were enthusiast to try for more. We reduced the GPU speed to 1GHz and tried the 3DMark03 benchmark, which started good, but crashed very soon. Reboot and try at 950 ... crash. Reboot, decrease memory frequency ... crash. Reboot ... no signal!

The "no signal" sign is not good, not good at all. Without a doubt, something is wrong with either the graphics card itself or the cable to the monitor. In this case, it was the card itself.

I already knew the memory was very sensitive when it came to overclocking. My first testing led me to an overclock of 1.1GHz on stock voltages, but once I gave more than 2,15v, the memory overclock started to decrease every boot. In the end 1050-1080 was possible with 2,15v but any higher would require more juice.

Coming home from the first OCTB OC LAN, I retried the card and I found out that it was indeed the memory which had crapped out. No burned video card, but the internal structure may have been damaged by overclocking.

Madshrimps (c)

Final words

Final words

Overclocking is not an exact science. You have to deal with an incredible amount of factors and variables that no one can really predict if you will break records at the end of the day.

OVERCLOCKING - The process of installing high hopes, dumb luck, and several paychecks into a rectangular box which transmits a signal to a screen that displays your fate. The outcome is usually depressing. (Quote from RocKer, member of XS)

We have had no luck at all during that day; however the Galaxy 8600GE is suited for breaking the 8600GT records anytime. With its fast memory you're always one step ahead of the competition and using H²O or phase change cooling, you should be able to crack 1GHz core with 1,7v - 1,75v. Combine that with a 4.5GHz cpu and you have a winner setup.

In the end, I want to apologize for the loss of the card and for the disappointing results in the end.

I would like to thank Igor for Galaxy, who gave me the opportunity to use this card beyond normal conditions. Being interested in the overclocking and benchmarking community is something I appreciate in a company. Hopefully more and more will follow.

Thanks for reading and stay tuned for more OCTB action!

Madshrimps (c)