Kingston DataTraveler Mini Slim 4Gb USB Stick Review

Other by jmke @ 2009-12-08

Kingston latest USB stick to appear on the market is this very small and low profile Mini Slim DataTraveler which comes in sizes from 2 to 8Gb. We test a blue colored 4Gb edition to see how it stacks up against the competition.

Introduction & Specs


Kingston has been on the forefront of flash based storage, their partnership with Intel is paying off nicely as they introduced the first entry level SSD below $100 with random IOps performance tenfold that of normal HDDs. Their portable products have received updates over the years too, larger capacity, faster drives, but also smaller drives.

Today we take a look at the DataTraveler Mini Slim, a cut down version of their normal DataTraveler series.

Madshrimps (c)

The Mini Slim is available in different sizes, up to 8Gb is a very compact package. We have the 4Gb version in for test.


This paperclip size USB stick is one of the smallest we’ve tested so far:

  • Width: 38.9mm
  • Depth: 16.4 mm
  • Height: 6.4 mm
  • Color: Blue
  • Warranty: 2 Years

  • Let’s take a closer look ->

    Looks and Usage

    Looks and Usage

    The DataTraveler Mini Slim is made with a plastic housing and lacks any kind of protection for the USB connector, this connector is only half the height of your normal USB key, this helps to reduce the overall footprint of this Mini device.

    Madshrimps (c)

    Madshrimps (c)

    We did not find a cord or other string to help attach the USB key, this should have been included to get you started from the get go.

    Madshrimps (c)

    Kingston did put a hole at the end of the Mini Slim so you can attach it to a keyring, but the overall compact size of this USB key makes it hard to plug it in an open USB port when you got a whole set of keys attached to it.

    The Mini Slim is not the first miniature USB drive we’ve tested, Super Talent’s Pico-C passed our revue last year; a comparison picture shows us that the Mini Slim is slightly longer, but thinner at the end.

    Madshrimps (c)

    Can this small drive stand up to the big ones performance wise? ->


    Test Setup and Comparison Material

    The DataTraveler Mini Slim stick was compared to:
    • Kingston DataTraveler 2.0 4gb
    • Sandisk Cruzer Mini 512Mb
    • Kingston DataTraveler HyperX 4GB
    • Sandisk U3 Contour 4Gb
    • Sandisk U3 Cruzer Micro 4Gb
    • Corsair Voyager 4Gb
    • Super Talent Pico-C 8Gb
    • Corsair Voyager GT 16Gb
    • OCZ Rally2 32Gb
    The following test setup was used with Windows XP SP2 installed; we used ATTO HDD Benchmark v2.34 and HDTach 3.0 to measure performance:

    Intel Test Setup
    CPU Intel Core 2 E6400 @ 2.8Ghz (from CSMSA)
    Cooling Coolermaster Hyper TX
    Mainboard Intel 975X Bad Axe (Modded by Piotke)
    Memory 2 * 1Gb PC6400 OCZ
  • XFX Geforce 8800 GTX
  • Coolermaster Real Power M520 520W PSU
  • 2x Western Digital 74Gb Raptor SATA HDD

  • Performance

    Let’s start with the HDTach’s random access time test:

    Madshrimps (c)

    Access times for the Mini Slim are very low, under 1ms!

    Madshrimps (c)

    HD Tach read speeds are less promising, burst speed is ok at ~30Mb/s, but sustained average speed is quite low, only 14mb/s.

    ATTO HDD Benchmark allows you to test the performance of a storage media by measuring the time it takes to read or write a file of 256Mb; the difference with other HDD benchmark is that ATTO will read/write that data file in different size chunks, going from 0.5Kb to 8192Kb. In our test we used 4kb to 8912Kbsetting.

    The smaller transfer sizes are applicable for overall Windows operation like Page File actions (~4kb) and small file transfers (.inf , .ini, .dll files). Larger 100Mb+ files are transferred in much larger chunks. Normally you can expect that hard drives do rather well with small chunks, better than SSD in any case, once the file transfer size increases performance will go up for SSD/HDD and USB sticks.

    If you want to run an applications straight of your USB stick, high performance at small transfer size is important. If you plan to use it primarily to transfer large files, file transfer speed at chunks of 512Kb are more important.

    Let’s see how these USB sticks did in the READ test:

    Madshrimps (c)

    As HD Tach already predicted, read speeds are below what we’d expect from a decent USB stick, average of only ~14mb/s means it’s performing well below what USB 2.0 is capable of.

    Madshrimps (c)

    Then we come to the write speeds of the Mini Slim. Kingston had to make some sacrifices to make everything fit in their small design, but they may have reduced some performance areas too drastically. At only ~2 Mb/s write speed, we’re close to USB 1.1 speed.

    Conclusive Thoughts

    Conclusive Thoughts

    As years progress tech items become smaller and smaller, the DataTraveler Mini Slim is a prime example of this. Unfortunately Kingston made some significant performance sacrifices to make this technology fit inside the small package.

    With read speeds maxing out at 14Mb/s and write speeds not even pushing past 2.5 Mb/s it’s hard to recommend this USB drive. While you can find the 8Gb variant on eBay and webshops for €20 and less, it would take you more than an hour to fill it with data. With competitor products performing much better at similar price points the Mini Slim should be avoided unless its unique size and design is of importance to you.

    + Extremely Compact
    + Acceptably Priced
    - No carrying cord/string
    - Very low read speeds, horrible write speeds
