[M]adLan 8-9-10 August 2003 Pictures!

Tradeshow & OC events by jmke @ 2003-09-09

30 days after the historical event we were able to get the pictures developed!

Friday Evening

Event info:

When: 8-9-10 August 2003
Where: Edegem - Antwerp
Price Pre-Sale 20 euro (last day of pre-sale: 6th August)
Starts Friday 19h & Ends at Sunday 18h

  • Movie by Bosw8er:

    Download/Full Screen - click here

    Our crewtable is almost full and the first visitors have entered the building:
    Madshrimps (c)

    This is how our PHP coder Senti reacts when he finds a bug in [M] site:
    Madshrimps (c)

    TerAngreal welcoming the people Fridayevening, while playing on his state-of-the-art Sega :)
    Madshrimps (c)

    Almost midnight and alot of activity to be seen (A-star on the right providing the masses of booze)
    Madshrimps (c)

    BonBon explaing that his FTP should be renamed to "l33t-leech-station":
    Madshrimps (c)

    Duron & Co gaming away at INSANE, one the most popular games at the LAN
    Madshrimps (c)

    If you were tired of playing PC games, you could always play some XBOX/SNES/GAMECUBE games on the wall, thanks to D@ Hitch's projector!
    Madshrimps (c)

    Madshrimps (c)
  • Friday Night

    While most people are sharing files and playing games, we see rare creatures like this one (called Bosw8er) working on his PC modding skillz during the night!
    Madshrimps (c)

    Lights off, atmosphere baby!
    Madshrimps (c)

    D@ Hitch showing off his L33T bunny to his FANS
    Madshrimps (c)

    Super Mario Kart 3D @ GameCube
    Madshrimps (c)

    RichBastard checking if his CPU FAN is spinning or not.. ;)
    Madshrimps (c)

    While Bosw8er keeps on modding & modding & modding....
    Madshrimps (c)

    Even more lights were turned off to let the wussies among the participants have their "night's rest"
    Madshrimps (c)


    Early in the morning, 99% still gaming, low wussie-percentage :)
    Madshrimps (c)

    Jay-Jay, our network admin, after staring at his network stats for 6 hours+
    Madshrimps (c)

    RichBastard after staring at his feet for 6 hours+ :p
    Madshrimps (c)

    And while TerAngreal is hard at work preparing the breakfasts for the LAN'ers
    Madshrimps (c)

    we see RichBastard eating everything behind his back :)
    Madshrimps (c)

    Contest Winners

    Sunday was camera-off day, until the final moments when most of the competitions were played and we knew who won!

    Zero Cool won the INSANE compo, he proved to be the most l33t CTF player among the LAN'ers, he went home with a 2+1 Hifi-Box set
    Madshrimps (c)

    The MotoCross Madness chalange lasted ~45min, the TOP3 went home with a bottle of Champagne!
    Madshrimps (c)

    JinX looking more then happy with his winnings
    Madshrimps (c)

    H@CKER (who provided us with an XBOX during the LAN, thanks again!) also went home with some goodies (LCD + Memory Stick)
    Madshrimps (c)

    And here my memory fails to help me out, He sure looks happy, which is the most important after all ;-)
    Madshrimps (c)

    More photo's and comments can be found here