This thread's homepage is its active sub-board on the official Mount and Blade forums:

WARNING: It may take a very long time to start up a new game (that it looks like it must have crashed) because of the number of factions in play. I am working on improving startup time, but while that is still not fixed, I suggest starting a new game in windowed mode to allow you to do something else while it starts up. Once your new character is made, you can save it and restore full-screen mode -- starting a new game takes a long time, but loading an existing save is as quick as normal Mount and Blade.

This is meant for the latest version of Warband, 1.158

Like my work? Buy me a drink*!
*It'll more likely be used to buy history books, because I'm a huge nerd

If you have an old version -- delete it first! 3.0 will overwrite all old files as necessary, but it will leave a few behind that are no longer used.

3.0 comes in two versions: a self-extracting installer that auto-detects your warband directory and a .rar for power users who know what they're doing.

If you have the installer, just run it and follow the instructions.

If you have the .rar, extract it into your modules directory.

Gekokujo is a mod for Mount and Blade Warband set in the Sengoku period of Japan. The name is a term often translated as "the low-ranked taking over from the high" and was chosen because it was a running theme during that era: Oda Nobunaga descended from a clan of deputies to the nominal governor of their province, but the Oda usurped them and toppled their neighbors; Toyotomi Hideyoshi began his career as a cook and sandal bearer and ended up the ruler of Japan; Tokugawa Ieyasu was an upstart who probably fabricated a claim of descent from the Minamoto clan--the only ones allowed to be granted the title of Shogun. As a player of Gekokujo, you will start from nothing and attempt to gain control of the entire country, making the title fitting.

A little note on the in-game names of equipment and NPCs: My priority is to make the mod intuitive for all players, not just historical enthusiasts, so gratuitous Japanese is avoided, unless the English equivalent is even more cumbersome or somehow less informative. You will also meet "Lord Tokugawa", not "Daimyo Tokugawa Ieyasu" -- in Native mount and blade, lords only had one name (although their given names, not their surnames or house names), and "Daimyo _" isn't accurate usage anyway, since it's not how anyone would have addressed them. The mod tries to be accurate with regards to the general conditions of the time, but deliberately ignores particulars as a design decision. "Lord Oda" represents Nobunaga, but isn't really him. Gekokujo is not a historical simulation, but not because I believe it detracts from gameplay or enjoyment--so although it won't be perfect, I am not going out of my way to flout history and accuracy.

Current Features
- New map of Japan with more than double the playable area of Native, from Kyushu in the south to Ezo (Hokkaido) in the north
- 32 towns (10 more than native!), 75 castles (28 more than native!!), and 164 villages (54 more than native!!!)
- New village, castle, town, tavern, and many other scenes- Historically-appropriate names for towns (Tokyo was still Edo, Osaka was still Sakai, and Fukuoka was still Hakata back then)
- New weapons, armor, trade goods, flags, and other details appropriate for the time and place
- Gunpowder weapons and gunpowder units
- New faces and hairs, including 6 base asian male and 4 base asian female faces
- 20 factions (19 samurai clans plus the Ikko-Ikki movement of monks, peasants, and samurai volunteers)
- Tested for stability and consistency so that it has, at minimum, the playability level of Native
- Town and castle recruitment (villages for ashigaru, towns and castles for samurai, temple fortresses for monks)
- Bodyguards for interior scenes (requires NPC companions and high-enough reknown or nobility)
- Tweaked startup scripts to increase variety in new games (such as the relationships of noble lords and ladies with each other)
- Integrated Freelancer mod (ask to serve a samurai lord as a direct retainer and participate in all their battles)
- Integrated Diplomacy mod (many, many features -- look them up separately)
- 22 npcs will full-fledged backstories
- Many, many more!

Upcoming Features
- Improved graphics
- Better warcries
- Localizations in many languages
- A religion system
- Parallel faction systems for merchants and bandits, meant to complement each other and the territorial lords
- More quests (with many based on the merchant, bandit, and religious factions)
- A proper endgame with a Korean campaign (long shot)

This is a one-man operation by me, marty4286 (also sometimes phlpp), but I relied a lot on freely-available community resources, including:

Diplomacy Mod 4.2
Bogmir's Samurai Weapons OSP (two bows, two arrow quivers, and two yari spears)
Iboltax's Improved Male Faces OSP
Runico's Katanas (ironically enough, for the "chinese" weapons)
Caba`drin's Bodyguard Code
Caba`drin's Pre-Battle Orders Kit
SacredStoneHead's Samurai Armor (gauntlets and 1 helmet mesh, retextured)
Llew's Flintlock Firearms OSP
Shcherbyna's Map Icons
Psiphoon's Katana Animations
gutekfiutek's Polished Landscapes
... with Delzaros's fixes for Warband 1.15x
Zephilinox's Mouselook Death Camera
NaglFaar's Join Any Side Tweak
jrider's Forage skill
motomataru's campaign AI tweaks

Special thanks to Rosslington for the launcher pic
Special thanks to Rathmor for his placeholder ainu clothing textures. He also submitted many pieces of music
Special thanks to khamukkamu for several music submissions
Special thanks to Jacobhinds, unkowned, matmohair1, and others for ideas and support
Extra special thanks to Moetic Justice for his music submission

Several people tested 3.0 for bugs, but please give special thanks to:

everyone from the 'dp
Sengoku Sushi
son of hojo
Don Zekalone

If I forgot anyone, and you notice, please remind me so I can give proper credit. I modifed almost everything I borrowed. Everything I modified and created is also available free to use in your own works, with no permission required (just credit me in a readme like this, and also the original creator if it was just a modification of mine and not an original creation).

The module system code is included with this release. This is for people who know what they are doing -- I will direct most coding questions to the taleworlds modding forums, unless it's a question specific to the code of Gekokujo rather than coding in general.

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I announced this in the Taleworlds forum, but not here, Steam Workshop, or Nexus. For that, I apologize. I released the 3.1 beta patch a long time ago in the same forum, because I wanted a small group of testers to iron out the bugs with the mod before I put it up here -- you all only deserve a tight bug-free experience. However, I hadn't expected to suddenly stop working on the mod, so only Taleworlds was left with 3.1 while you got nothing.

I'm not restarting work on Gekokujo right now, but I am going to rectify one mistake by linking you to the 3.1 beta patch thread (and uploading it as well). It is playable and *mostly* bug-free, thanks to the good people in the Taleworlds forum, but it is not quite up to the standards I think a patch should be before it gets released here. And most importantly, it's save-compatible with 3.0.

A description of the changes are available in the beta patch thread:

Installation Instructions:

1. Install Gekokujo 3.0 (if you haven't already)
2. Install the contents of the patch over Gekokujo 3.0 (this is the only step if you already have 3.0)

The patch is 41mb. If it is smaller than that, the download was corrupted and you should try a different mirror. Mention and 3.1 Patch Progress Mention and 3.1 Patch Progress

News 25 comments

Gekokujo was mentioned in an article on today, but I can't rest on my laurels -- there's still a game to be made.

Gekokujo 3.0 Is Finally Done!

Gekokujo 3.0 Is Finally Done!

News 26 comments

I worked hard on it, so first and foremost I hope you have fun. It has all-new music, a more detailed map, many more weapons, armor, and clothing, and...

Script Error Fix

Script Error Fix

News 6 comments

Some of you get an incessant script error warning. I actually fixed it a long time ago, but I kept forgetting to give it out to everyone.

Japanese Translation

Japanese Translation

News 3 comments

LordY has uploaded a Japanese translation for Gekokujo, for Japanese players

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Gamertelt's Improvements and Additions v.discontinued

Gamertelt's Improvements and Additions v.discontinued

Patch 39 comments

This is a sub-mod for Gekokujo Daimyo Edition 3.1 ( It is not tested with 3.0 so if you wanna give it a try go ahead ) The new units are Save-Game Safe...

Additional New units for Gekokujo Daimyo Edition

Additional New units for Gekokujo Daimyo Edition

Patch 8 comments

Adds new and unique units for Gekokujo Daimyo Edition, Ai lords can use them too ;)

actual good neutral fort troops(daimyo edition)

actual good neutral fort troops(daimyo edition)

Patch 5 comments

Improves the stats and weapons of all neutral fort troops making them actually useful.

Cokjan's Lil Tweaks - Daimyo Edition Full Release

Cokjan's Lil Tweaks - Daimyo Edition Full Release

Patch 52 comments

TL;DR Tweaks for Gekokujo Daimyo Edition 3.1 (savegame compatible). New animation for idles, movement, attacks, deaths, and other non-animation changes.

Sounds of Samurai Warriors

Sounds of Samurai Warriors

Music 11 comments

Version 2.5(ish) of my Music Replacement Mod that replaces the default music of the Gekokujo mod with music curated from the Samurai Warriors games by...

Gekokujo Hatamoto Edition (bug fix update)

Gekokujo Hatamoto Edition (bug fix update)

Full Version 138 comments

Hatamoto Edition is a submod for Gekokujo. Its core features, landlording, owning a home, weapon commissioning/repair/upgrades, dueling, disarms, more...

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urmammana - - 6 comments

What submod does everybody use

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Guest - - 723,935 comments

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Chickenshot - - 117 comments

The developer was last seen in talesworld forum 2021. anyone know what happened?

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JugofIssek - - 38 comments

Would some kind Gekokujo aficionado please recommend the most satisfying way to enjoy this legendary mod ( with reference to which iteration has the least bugs and glitches ...... still!) - the way of the original Gekokujo ( ie 3.1 beta ) with, say, the Hatamoto submod added, or instead the Gekokujo - plus - Daimyo Edition submod, with, say, Cokjan's ( or indeed Gamertelt's ) sub - submod, as above ?

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DepaX - - 4 comments

Just to bump this comment, how do i play the mod without getting the "veter flora show list" + another error?
is that normal in the hatamoto edition?
or i need to isntall something?
played with named daimyo (3.1) edition.

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emreg7806 - - 24 comments

nice mod like <3

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TRJ23 - - 21 comments

any tutorial on how to install this i mean what is the order of them?

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Guest - - 723,935 comments

Maaaan I cant believe this mod is already 11 yrs old! Still a damn good mod, godspeed marty4286, godspeed

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Jumongg - - 123 comments

Guys if you want to download Daimyo Edition then you should go to Aruda's Gekokujo - Daimyo Edition page.

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JorgeNitales - - 42 comments

¿Que archivo hay que descargar? es confuso

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Stalker_crow - - 34 comments

Hola, espero que no sea muy tarde para responder :) pero por lo que leí y veo, lo mas importantes son la version 3.0, Gekokujo - Named Daimyo y Gekokujo Daimyo Edition, la versión 3.0 seria el mod "base" en cambio named Daimyo y Daimyo Edition son básicamente lo mismo, pero Named Daimyo cambia un poco los nombres y esas cosas, seria como un repack de todo el mod, pero ninguno afecta realmente nada, ya esta en ti decidir cual jugar.

PD: yo juego Gekokujo - Named Daimyo ya que es mas pesada, por lo que en mi mente seria la mas completa :v

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