Cardio Z

Instant Z-Scores For All The Paediatric Cardiology Parameters You Review Everyday. Cardio-Z creates a summary of all z-scores for each patient, which can then be saved, e-mailed or printed. Simple, reliable and time-saving.

Cardio Z

Cardio Z

Instant Z-Scores For All The Paediatric Cardiology Parameters You Review Everyday

Cardio Z has been developed by the experienced Paediatric Cardiology team at Evelina Children's Hospital, London, UK in collaboration with the technology company UBQO. The application makes it easy to calculate Z-scores and centiles for the many cardiac and paediatric measurements that are made in normal clinical practice. Cardio Z distils a wealth of clinical research parameters into a single accessible format.

Z–scores and centiles are a means of expressing how far a measurement is above (positive Z-score) or below (negative Z-score) the average for the size or age of a patient. They are particularly important in assessing and monitoring growing patients, from fetal life though to adulthood.

Health professionals need to be able to access the normal ranges for cardiac parameters at every age and size, and cross-checking of measurements can be time-consuming and inconvenient. Cardio Z will prove invaluable for both clinicians working directly in Paediatric Cardiology, and those who work in other fields of Paediatrics.

Cardio Z allows users to access Z-scores without the need for an internet connection, or the requirement to input the same data in multiple calculators. Users can define their own settings so that they can be sure that their use of z-scores is consistent over time, whilst still allowing flexibility for the experienced clinician. Comprehensive guidance is available ensuring that measurements are consistent with those of the original research, allowing valid comparisons.

Cardio-Z creates a summary of all z-scores for each patient, which can then be saved, e-mailed or printed. Simple, reliable and time-saving.

Full list of features

Cardio Z allows calculation of z-scores of:

Extra features:

Cardio Z reduces the inconvenience of making Z-score calculations, and improves the correct application of this important clinical tool. The App is not a substitute for clinical judgement or institutional policies, thus it should complement and not replace normal procedures for making clinical decisions.  

We hope you enjoy using Cardio Z!

Henry Chubb & John Simpson, Department of Congenital Heart Disease, Evelina Children's Hospital, London, UK


The development of Cardio Z was made possible by a generous donation from the Johnston family to the Evelina Children's Hospital Appeal.

Evelina Children's Hospital Appeal


Professional Support

We would like to thank Dr Manish Sinha, Consultant Paediatric Nephrologist, and the Evelina Children's Hospital Cardiorenal Research Group for their help in the development of the Blood Pressure algorithms.

Authors and Development

The algorithms and information sections were written by Dr Henry Chubb, Specialist Registrar in Paediatric Cardiology at Evelina Children's Hospital, London, and Dr John Simpson, Director of Paediatric Echocardiography at Evelina Children's Hospital, London.

The software and technology for Cardio Z was designed, developed and managed by UBQO Limited,

Cardio Z

$6.99 (£4.99)


For iPhone, iPad & iPod Touch running iOS 4.3 or later.
