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Parenting in a
Digital World
Research-based strategies,
and parent-proven tips.
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Connection and open conversation between caregivers and kids is the most important strategy for today’s digital parents. We’re here to help.
Articles and features
Verizon Digital Wellness Summit: Helping your kids unplug
At Verizon’s Digital Wellness Summit, Sowmyanarayan Sampath, EVP & Consumer Group CEO, shared five ways that parents can help kids build healthier digital habits, starting today.
Parent-proven tip
When is my child ready for a smartphone? It’s not about the specific age. Kids need to form a sense of identity outside of technology—not with technology.
Beatrice (Bea) Moise, M.S., BCCS
Bea is a Board-Certified Cognitive Specialist, parenting coach, national speaker, and author of "Our Neurodivergent Journey."