Survival International

Stop the genocide of the uncontacted Kawahiva

Uncontacted Kawahiva person. © FUNAI

In the Brazilian Amazon, the uncontacted Kawahiva Indigenous people are fighting for their survival. Invasions force the tribe to live on the run, fleeing violence from loggers and ranchers. Attacks and disease have killed their relatives. These are the Last of the Kawahiva, and their genocide will be complete unless their land is protected.

For decades, Survival has been campaigning for the Kawahiva’s territory to be recognized – only then can they survive and thrive. 

In 2016, following pressure from thousands of supporters around the world, the Justice Ministry took a very important step and declared the Kawahiva’s forest an Indigenous Territory. But the land demarcation process has since been paralyzed following fierce opposition by politicians and agribusiness. 

President Lula has now committed to fully mapping out and protecting all Indigenous territories in the country. Let’s hold him to his promise – for the survival of the Kawahiva and all the uncontacted tribes in Brazil.

Please email the Brazilian President and key government officials now.

Your email will be sent to Brazil's President and relevant ministers:
Presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (President, Government of Brazil)
Sra. Joenia Wapichana (President of FUNAI, Government of Brazil)
Ministro Rui Costa (Chief of Staff, Government of Brazil)
Ministra Sonia Guajajara (Minister of Indigenous Peoples)
Sra. Maria Janete (Head of the Land Protection Department, FUNAI)
Ministro Ricardo Lewandowski (Minister of Justice and Public Security)

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