أعاد GluCare.Health نشر هذا
Co-Founder and Managing Director at Glucare Health, Co-Founder of meta[bolic] / Scientist+Entrepreneur
Today, at GluCare.Health I compared my own results using an AI generated Coronary Calcium Score (CAC) using a Retinal scan ( done in 1 minute) compared to a conventional CT scan. The results: 1. Both labelled me in the moderate risk category 2. AI Retinal scan scored me at 82% percentile for my age group 3. Conventional CT scored me at 90% using the CT for my age group I have familial hypercholesterolemia and for years due to my age and 'low' risk profile, I wasn't eligible to get CT scan. Most physicians told me there is nothing to worry about. When I did eventually managed to get a CT scan, and seeing my results (90th percentile) I began statins immediately. The protocolozed testing approach at GluCare.Health quickly showed that statins did not work for me (traditional care would have made me wait 6 months to retest), and eventually moved towards a path of PCSK9 inhibitors and ezetimibe (and could explain the small discrepancy in results- the CT was without medications, and Retinal was with a combination medications). Had a CAC scoring been available to me years ago, I could have been more aggressive with different treatment options. My experience is not unique. We see many patients getting CAC scores way too late, and unable to repeat them regularly. These tools can be repeated with a much higher cadence if they can be done at a lower cost in a routine setting. I'll be repeating this in 6 months vs the standard >12 months with conventional CT. Every patient at GluCare.Health will have this available to them if they are labelled with a CVD risk, and is now embedded in our routine workflows. We're confident this will not only save costs down the line, but also save lives. Ali Hashemi Zeina A. meta[bolic]