منشور Landmark Management Partner

عرض صفحة منظمة Landmark Management Partner، رسم بياني

٥٬٣٣٩ متابع

Resilience القدرة علي الصمود و سرعة الشفاء وقت المواقف الصعبة

عرض ملف Edward Ghabour الشخصي، رسم بياني

Founder and Managing Director at Landmark Management Partner

Unfortunately, life events include dark days: people are losing jobs, taking pay cuts, suffering foreclosure on their homes. Some of them are sinking into depression or suffering a permanent loss of confidence. But others are snapping back; for example taking advantage of a layoff to build a new career. What carries them through tough times? Resilience “the capacity to withstand or to recover quickly from difficulties” Resilient people possess three defining characteristics: 1. They coolly accept the harsh realities facing them. They face down reality. Instead of slipping into a denial, they cope with hardship. They prepare themselves to act in ways that enable them to endure. 2. They find meaning in terrible times. They search for meaning. They resist any impulse to view themselves as victims and build bridges to take them to a better future. 3. They continually improvise. When disaster hits, they become inventive, making the most of what they have and putting resources to unfamiliar uses and imagining possibilities others don’t see. Source: How Resilience Works. Diane L. Coutu. HBR’S 10 Must Reads. On Managing Yourself

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