Shume te lumur te jemi pjese e hapjes se Javes Nderkombetare te Sipermarrjes Shqiperi 2023 #GEWAL23, e zhvilluar nen kujdesin e Ministrit te Shtetit per Sipermarrjen dhe Klimen e Biznesit. 🚀💥 Java shenon hapjen e eventeve dedikuar zhvillimit te startup-ve, sipermarresve dhe inovatoreve anembane 🇦🇱! 📍🧑💻 Ftojme te gjithe komunitetin e startup-ve te behen pjese e sesioneve dhe te aktivizohen ne diskutimet me aktoret publike dhe private dedikuar rritjes se ekosistemit dhe krijimit te ambjentit pozitiv per sipermarresit! 📣 #GEW23 #GEWAlbania23
Non-profit Organizations
Integrator of youth, startups and innovative businesses, aiding the economic growth, youth employment in Albania
About us
Oficina is the leading integrator of youth, startups and innovative businesses, aiding the economic growth, youth employability, visibility and prosperity of Albania. Oficina aims to advance innovation and entrepreneurship to new levels, in which the entrepreneurial spirit and culture of innovation are reflected amongst individuals, companies and government, though creating a functional ecosystem in which ventures are supported to growth and sustainability. Oficina supports the aspirations of individuals, private institutions, governments and foreign investors to achieve development by generating innovative ideas and introducing new products, services and operations that improve the overall life quality of Albania’s citizens and increase the competitiveness of the local economy through supporting 21st century education curricula.
- Website
External link for OFICINA | INNOVATION HUB
- Industry
- Non-profit Organizations
- Company size
- 2-10 employees
- Headquarters
- Tirana
- Type
- Nonprofit
- Founded
- 2016
Tirana, AL