Ina Fried

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Tech Names Dominate List of World’s Most Valued Brands as Apple and Google Top the List

Valuing brands isn’t necessarily an exact science, but each year the folks at Interbrand do their level best to engage in this sort of alchemy.

The big news this year is that Apple has surpassed Coke as the firm’s most valuable brand, with Interbrand valuing Apple’s market appeal at $98.3 billion. Google also moved ahead of Coca-Cola, with a $93.3 billion brand, ahead of Coke’s $79.2 billion.

But there were lots of other tech names high up on the Interbrand rankings. IBM was No. 4, at $78.8 billion; followed by Microsoft, at $59.5 billion. Samsung landed at No. 8 on the list, Intel was No. 9, Cisco was No. 13, Disney No. 14, and Hewlett-Packard at No. 15. Oracle was No. 18 (though presumably the rankings were compiled before the improbable America’s Cup comeback).

Amazon, meanwhile, was No. 19, with a brand valued at $23.6 billion, up 27 percent from a year ago. Facebook is still a ways down in the rankings at No. 52, but saw its brand up 43 percent, at $7.7 billion.

Not all tech names were ascendent, though. Nokia saw its brand-value fall by nearly two-thirds, to $7.44 billion. No. 46 Sony fell eight percent, to $8.4 billion. Yahoo, which was No. 66 on the list a few years back, didn’t make the Top 100 this year.

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