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Chad or Chad Thundercock is a nickname for any attractive, popular men who are sexually successful with women. Similar to the term "Normies", Chad and his female counterpart Stacy are often used as pejoratives by those who consider themselves nonconformists on 4chan's /r9k/ board.


In Chicago, Illinois during the 1990s, "Chad" became a derogatory slang term for young, successful white men in their 20s and early 30s.[5] On June 1st, 2006, Urban Dictionary[1] user Mav Himself submitted an entry for "Chad," defining him as a guy who "goes to the bar to pick up chicks." On August 9th, 2013, Urban Dictionary[4] user Dr. James Russell submitted an entry for "Chad Thundercock," which defined the character as a "stereotypical high school/college alpha male" who is "successful with women" (shown below).


On August 10th, 2013, the Chad Thundercock Tumblr[7] blog was launched. On January 9th, 2015, BodyBuilding Forums[6] user oogahboogah submitted a post titled "Going on Tinder as Chad Thundercock is beyond depressing," featuring screenshots of Tinder chat sessions using a fake profile (shown below).

On March 23rd, Redditor invicticide submitted a post questioning how Chad became "the default name for alpha douchebros" to the /r/ForeverAlone[3] subreddit, to which Redditor ian_n cited the /r9k/ board on 4chan as the origin of the meme. On April 18th, YouTuber 4chan Sound Effects uploaded a video titled "Chad Thundercock Shows You How to Ree", in which a voice over introduces himself as Chad Thundercock and proceeds to make a loud "Ree" noise (shown below).

On May 21st, Redditor JayEster submitted a post to the /r/justneckbeardthings[8] subreddit questioning what the female counterpart to Chad Thundercock was, to which Redditor Thepaladinofchaos replied "Stacy thundercunt. Shes a varsity cheerleader with a 4.0 gpa." On July 15th, Redditor whatthefuckisreddit submitted a screenshot of a gruesome 4chan post titled "Chad and Stacy fantasy" to the /r/4chan[2] subreddit, where it gained over 4,100 votes (92% upvoted) and 190 comments in two months.

2018 Van Attack Facebook Post

In late April 2018, a vehicle-ramming attack occurred in Toronto, Canada, in which suspect Alek Minassian drove a moving van into a crowd of pedestrians, killing 10 people and injuring 15. Prior to the removal of his Facebook page, a post was found in which Minassian says he wishes to “speak to Sgt 4chan,” announces "The Incel Rebellion has already begun, praises Elliot Rodger and calls for the "overthrow of all the Chads and Stacys" (shown below).

Virgin vs. Chad

Virgin vs. Chad, also known as Virgin Walk, refers to a series of illustrations comparing various "virgin" men with low self-confidence to their Chad Thundercock counterparts. After an MS Paint depiction of the walk began circulating online in March 2017, other illustrations of “virgin” behaviors began appearing on the /r9k/ board on 4chan.

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