Android Developers Blog
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Enabling safe AI experiences on Google Play
Enabling safe AI experiences on Google Play

06 June 2024

Posted by Prabhat Sharma – Director, Trust and Safety, Play, Android, and Chrome The rapid advancements in generative AI unlock oppor...

Battling Impersonation Scams: Monzo’s Innovative Approach
Battling Impersonation Scams: Monzo’s Innovative Approach

29 March 2024

Posted by Todd Burner – Developer Relations Engineer Cybercriminals continue to invest in advanced financial fraud scams, costing co...

Enhanced screen sharing capabilities in Android 14 (and Google Meet) improve meeting productivity
Enhanced screen sharing capabilities in Android 14 (and Google Meet) improve meeting productivity

11 March 2024

Posted by Francesco Romano – Developer Relations Engineer on Android App screen sharing improves privacy and productivity Android ...

Increasing trust for embedded media
Increasing trust for embedded media

02 November 2023

Posted by the Android team Android WebView is a powerful and flexible API that Android developers can use to embed media in their app...

Make the passkey endpoints well-known URL part of your passkey implementation
Make the passkey endpoints well-known URL part of your passkey implementation

26 October 2023

Posted by Amy Zeppenfeld – Developer Relations Engineer Passkeys are leading the charge towards a more secure future without passwor...

Updates to Google Identity Services (GIS) and migration to the Credential Manager API
Updates to Google Identity Services (GIS) and migration to the Credential Manager API

26 October 2023

Posted by Kateryna Semenova – Developer Relations Engineer, Diego Zavala and Gina Biernacki – Product Managers Introducing Credential...

Simple and secure sign-in on Android with Credential Manager and passkeys
Simple and secure sign-in on Android with Credential Manager and passkeys

25 October 2023

Posted by Diego Zavala, Product Manager We are excited to announce that the public release of Credential Manager will be available s...

Android 14 is live in AOSP
Android 14 is live in AOSP

04 October 2023

Posted by Dave Burke , VP of Engineering Today we're releasing Android 14 and pushing the Android 14 source to the Android Open...

Privacy Sandbox Developer Preview 9: Custom Audience Delegation
Privacy Sandbox Developer Preview 9: Custom Audience Delegation

16 August 2023

Posted by Jon Markoff, Privacy Sandbox Developer Relations Earlier this year we released the first Privacy Sandbox Beta on Android , ...
