
Escobar, Buenos Aires 2191 seguidores

Sembremos juntos / Let’s seed together

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Somos líderes e innovadores en el desarrollo y fabricación de piezas de caucho en el mercado agrícola con presencia en Europa, África, Asia, Oceanía y América. We are leaders and innovators in developing and manufacturing rubber products for the agricultural industry with a global presence in Europe, Africa, Asia, Oceania, and the Americas.

Tamaño de la empresa
De 51 a 200 empleados
Escobar, Buenos Aires
De financiación privada


Empleados en BUCO


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    Ver el perfil de Mariano Buconic, gráfico

    Gerente comercial en BUCO S.A. | Fabricante de partes para maquinaria agrícola

    Why Rubber Injection Molding Outperforms Compression Molding in Modern Manufacturing? ** In the world of rubber manufacturing, the choice of production techniques can significantly impact the quality, efficiency, and cost of the final product. Two prominent methods are rubber injection molding and compression molding. While both have their applications and advantages, rubber injection molding has proven to be superior in many aspects. Here’s a look at the key benefits of injection molding over compression molding. **1. Precision and Consistency in Dimensions** Rubber injection molding allows for greater precision in manufacturing parts with tight tolerances. With automated control of the process, consistent and repeatable dimensions are achieved, which is essential for applications requiring high accuracy. In contrast, compression molding can exhibit variations due to the manual and less controlled nature of the process. **2. Reduced Material Waste** Injection molding is notably efficient in material usage. By injecting rubber into closed molds, excess material is minimized, reducing waste. On the other hand, compression molding often results in additional waste due to the need for trimming and removal of excess material after the process. **3. Faster Production Speed** Rubber injection molding enables faster production compared to compression molding. The injection cycle is shorter because the material is injected into the mold under high pressure and cools quickly, allowing for high-volume production. Compression molding, however, tends to be slower due to the extended time required for heating and cooling the material. **4. Superior Surface Quality** Parts manufactured through injection molding typically have superior surface quality. The process provides smoother finishes and fewer surface defects due to the uniform filling of the mold. Compression molding can result in rougher surfaces or marks due to mold contact and material flow during the process. **5. Greater Design Flexibility** Injection molding offers greater design flexibility. Injection molds can incorporate complex details and intricate geometries that would be difficult or costly to achieve with compression molding. This flexibility is invaluable for product innovation and adapting to market demands. **6. Energy Efficiency** Injection molding tends to be more energy-efficient. By using a molding machine with shorter operating cycles and less heat loss, energy consumption is optimized compared to compression molding, which requires more time and heat. Rubber injection molding offers numerous advantages over compression molding, excelling in precision, efficiency, and quality. #Manufacturing #RubberMolding #InjectionMolding #CompressionMolding #ProductionEfficiency #QualityControl #ManufacturingInnovation #Engineering #IndustrialDesign #SustainableManufacturing

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    Ver el perfil de Mariano Buconic, gráfico

    Gerente comercial en BUCO S.A. | Fabricante de partes para maquinaria agrícola

    **Buco Unveils Innovative Telescopic Tube to Boost Planter Efficiency and Functionality** Buco has launched a five-section telescopic tube designed to enhance the functionality and efficiency of planting equipment. This advanced tool is set to transform planting processes by offering a versatile and adaptable solution for various types of terrain. “This innovative tool aims to simplify and perfect the planting process, providing farmers with a solution that is efficient and adaptable to different soil conditions,” explains the Buco team. Engineered for optimal performance in diverse agricultural environments, the telescopic tube features five-segment adjustability. This allows for independent vertical movement of planting components, making it especially effective for rice planting. “The tube’s key feature is its five-segment adjustability,” notes Buco. “This capability enables independent vertical movements of planting units, which is particularly advantageous for rice cultivation.” Made from high-strength polimer, the tube ensures long-lasting durability, providing added value to farmers over time. “With this launch, Buco continues to demonstrate its commitment to advancing agricultural technology and innovation,” the company concludes. Stay tuned for more updates on how Buco is leading the way in agricultural advancements. #Innovation #Agriculture #TechAdvancement #FarmEquipment #PlantingTech #AgriculturalTechnology #Buco #TelescopicTube #FarmingSolutions #PrecisionFarming #AgricultureInnovation #SustainableFarming #FieldEfficiency #CropManagement #RicePlanting #PlantingEfficiency #Farmers #AgTech #Agronomy #SoilHealth #TechInAg #AgriculturalEngineering #FarmingTech #ProductLaunch #AgriculturalSolutions #EfficientFarming

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    Ver el perfil de Mariano Buconic, gráfico

    Gerente comercial en BUCO S.A. | Fabricante de partes para maquinaria agrícola

    🚜🌟 **Buco at Farm Progress Show 2024!** 🌟🚜 We’re excited to be at the **Farm Progress Show 2024** in **Boone, Iowa**, from **August 27-29**. Visit us at our booth to see our seed tubes, gauge. closing packer and press wheels for seed drills, cultivators, seeders and fertilizers. 📍 **Location**: Buco Booth Discover how our innovative solutions can enhance your planting operations. See you in Boone! 📅 **Dates**: August 27-29, 2024   📍 **Venue**: Farm Progress Show, Boone, Iowa, USA   🔗 **More Info**: [event website link]

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    Ver el perfil de Mariano Buconic, gráfico

    Gerente comercial en BUCO S.A. | Fabricante de partes para maquinaria agrícola

    Optimiza el Proceso de Siembra con los Tubos Reforzados de Buco para descarga de semillas. En Buco, entendemos que cada detalle cuenta en el proceso agrícola. Es por eso que hemos desarrollado nuestros tubos de caucho reforzados con tela y alambre, diseñados específicamente para chimangos de descarga de semillas. **¿Cómo Funciona el Proceso de Descarga?** Nuestros tubos se conectan a los chimangos, facilitando el flujo continuo de semillas desde la tolva hasta el campo. Gracias a su diseño robusto y flexible, aseguran que las semillas se descarguen de manera uniforme y sin obstrucciones. Esto es crucial para lograr una distribución homogénea. **La Importancia de la Alta Resistencia** 🔹 **Resistencia al Desgaste**: Los tubos están fabricados con caucho de alta calidad, reforzado con una capa de tela y alambre. Esta combinación les permite soportar condiciones agrícolas exigentes, como la fricción constante y el contacto con diferentes tipos de semillas. Esto reduce significativamente el riesgo de rupturas o desgastes prematuros. 🔹 **Resistencia a la Presión**: La estructura reforzada ayuda a mantener la integridad del tubo incluso bajo presiones de operación elevadas. Esto asegura una descarga constante y confiable, evitando bloqueos que podrían interrumpir el flujo de semillas. 🔹 **Larga Vida Útil**: La durabilidad superior de nuestros tubos significa menos reemplazos y menos tiempo de inactividad. Esto se traduce en un ahorro de costos y una mayor eficiencia operativa a largo plazo. **Por Qué Elegir Buco** En Buco, nos dedicamos a ofrecer soluciones que marquen la diferencia en el campo. Nuestros tubos de caucho reforzados son una prueba de nuestro compromiso con la calidad y la innovación. Ofrecen una combinación ideal de resistencia y flexibilidad, optimizando el proceso de siembra y garantizando resultados consistentes. #Agricultura #Innovación #Siembra #TecnologíaAgrícola #Buco #Durabilidad

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    Hoy en BUCO, celebramos el Día Internacional de las PYMEs reconociendo su vital contribución a nuestras economías. Saludamos a todos los emprendedores que con su esfuerzo y creatividad impulsan la innovación y generan oportunidades. Como empresa comprometida, apoyamos activamente el crecimiento y la diversidad económica que las PYMEs promueven. ¡Feliz Día de las PYMEs! #DíaInternacionalDeLasPYMEs #Emprendimiento #Innovación

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    Ver el perfil de Mariano Buconic, gráfico

    Gerente comercial en BUCO S.A. | Fabricante de partes para maquinaria agrícola

    ¿Qué son los tubos telescópicos BUCO y cómo benefician a la siembra? Los tubos telescópicos son componentes esenciales en las sembradoras modernas. Están diseñados para permitir el paso de semillas a través de ellos, facilitando así el proceso de siembra. Lo que los hace únicos es su capacidad para comprimirse y adaptarse a la superficie del suelo sembrado. En el caso específico de la siembra de arroz, donde las condiciones del terreno pueden variar considerablemente, los tubos telescópicos son una solución invaluable. Al ser capaces de ajustarse a la topografía del suelo, garantizan una siembra precisa y uniforme, incluso en terrenos irregulares o inundados. El papel de Buco en la fabricación de tubos telescópicos para sembradoras En este contexto, Buco se ha destacado como líder en la fabricación de tubos telescópicos de alta calidad. Con una atención meticulosa al diseño y la ingeniería, nuestros tubos ofrecen durabilidad, precisión y rendimiento excepcionales. Nuestro enfoque en la innovación nos ha llevado a desarrollar tubos telescópicos de cinco tramos, una solución especialmente adaptada a las necesidades de la siembra de arroz. Estos tubos ofrecen una flexibilidad superior, permitiendo una adaptación perfecta a cualquier terreno y garantizando una distribución uniforme de las semillas. AMAZONEN-WERKE H. DREYER SE & Co. KG Kinze Europe KUHN Group Semeato S/A Indústria e Comércio Baldan Implementos Agrícolas

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    Ver el perfil de Mariano Buconic, gráfico

    Gerente comercial en BUCO S.A. | Fabricante de partes para maquinaria agrícola

    🌟 Exciting News Alert! 🌟 We're thrilled to announce that BUCO will be showcasing at the prestigious NAMPO Fair in South Africa from May 14th to 17th. 🎉 Join us as we unveil our latest innovations in wheels and tubes for seeders, revolutionizing the agricultural landscape! Are you eager to explore potential collaborations or learn more about our cutting-edge products? Don't miss out! Schedule a meeting with us today by reaching out via WhatsApp at +54 9 1166102949 or drop us an email at ventas@buco.com.ar. Let's connect and pave the way for a fruitful partnership at NAMPO! See you there! 🌾 #BUCO #NAMPOFair #AgriculturalInnovation #Seeders #Wheels #Tubes #BUCO #rubber Agencia Argentina de Inversiones y Comercio Internacional Expoagro Argentina Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Comercio Internacional y Culto de la República Argentina

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    2191 seguidores

    Ver el perfil de Mariano Buconic, gráfico

    Gerente comercial en BUCO S.A. | Fabricante de partes para maquinaria agrícola

    🌾 Celebrating the Legacy of Jethro Tull: Innovation that Transformed Agriculture In the world of agriculture, there are names that resonate through the centuries, and one such name is Jethro Tull. Today, we pause to honor his life and legacy, which have left an indelible mark on the history of agriculture. 🌱 A Visionary Pioneer: Jethro Tull, born in 1674 in Berkshire, England, was more than just a farmer. He was a visionary whose ideas revolutionized the way the land was cultivated. His passion for improving agricultural practices led him to develop a series of innovative inventions that transformed farming in his time. ⚙️ The Invention that Changed Everything: One of Jethro Tull's most notable achievements was the invention of the seed drill in 1701. This ingenious machine not only allowed for more efficient and uniform seeding, but also drastically reduced the labor required, paving the way for more productive and sustainable agriculture. 📘 A Lasting Legacy: Jethro Tull's impact on modern agriculture is undeniable. His focus on innovation and continuous improvement laid the groundwork for many of the agricultural practices we use today. His legacy lives on in every seeded field and in every technological advancement that propels our industry forward. 💡 Inspiration for the Future: Reflecting on the life and accomplishments of Jethro Tull, we find inspiration to continue seeking new ways to improve and advance agriculture. His pioneering spirit reminds us of the importance of innovation and commitment to excellence in all that we do. Join us as we celebrate the life and legacy of Jethro Tull, whose contributions continue to inspire generations of farmers and agricultural professionals around the world. Let us honor him by remembering his vision and enduring impact on our industry! #Agriculture #Innovation #JethroTull #AgriculturalLegacy #Transformation

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    2191 seguidores

    Ver el perfil de Mariano Buconic, gráfico

    Gerente comercial en BUCO S.A. | Fabricante de partes para maquinaria agrícola

    At BUCO, we take pride in the meticulous process involved in manufacturing high-quality semi-pneumatic wheels for planters, ensuring durability, reliability, and superior performance in agricultural settings. ➡ Preparation of Rubber Compound: The process begins with the careful selection and preparation of premium-grade rubber compounds, which form the foundation of our wheels. These compounds, meticulously formulated by our team of experts, consist of a precise blend of natural rubber and other additives to enhance properties such as elasticity, resilience, and wear resistance. ➡ Injection Molding: The prepared rubber compound is then fed into state-of-the-art injection molding machines. These machines precisely inject the rubber compound into custom-designed molds that define the shape and specifications of our semi-pneumatic wheels. The injection process is carefully controlled to ensure uniform filling of the mold cavity and consistent quality across all produced wheels. ➡ High-Pressure Vulcanization: Once injected into the mold, the rubber compound undergoes high-pressure vulcanization. This process involves subjecting the mold to elevated temperatures and pressures, allowing the rubber to cure and solidify while maintaining its desired properties. Vulcanization ensures that the rubber compound achieves optimal strength, resilience, and resistance to wear and tear, essential for withstanding the rigorous demands of agricultural use. ➡ Precision Finishing: After vulcanization, the molded wheels undergo precision finishing processes to remove any excess material and refine their surface texture. Our skilled technicians meticulously inspect each wheel to ensure it meets our stringent quality standards, addressing any imperfections and ensuring uniformity across the batch. ➡ Quality Assurance: At every stage of the manufacturing process, quality assurance measures are implemented to guarantee the integrity and performance of our semi-pneumatic wheels. From raw material inspection to final product testing, we adhere to rigorous quality control protocols to deliver wheels that exceed industry standards and customer expectations. ➡ Packaging and Delivery: Once the wheels pass final inspection, they are carefully packaged to prevent damage during transportation and storage. We prioritize efficient logistics to ensure timely delivery to our customers, providing them with reliable solutions for their agricultural needs. In conclusion, the rubber injection process for manufacturing semi-pneumatic wheels at BUCO embodies our commitment to quality, innovation, and excellence. By leveraging advanced technology, premium materials, and rigorous quality control, we produce wheels that deliver unmatched performance and durability in the field, empowering farmers to maximize productivity and efficiency."

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