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Takemura and V are physically reunited after her time in Mikoshi.

"I forgot how good you smell," Valerie murmured. "It was one of those things… It didn't exist in Mikoshi. I knew that I liked it, but I couldn't remember it. It was like trying to smell a flower in a dream." She paused and leaned back. "Am I babbling? They said that was another side effect. Well, hyperactivity, specifically."

Goro chuckled softly and kissed her forehead. "A little. I do not mind."


A lighter prequel of sorts to Beautiful Alliance. Post-game with a V who goes into Mikoshi, but it doesn't delve too deep into lore/game events or my angstier post-game headcanons. I just wanted to give Goro and Valerie some sexy, sweet, (mostly) happy fun because they deserve it!!

Technically written for Day 16 - Overstimulation of StarsAndSkies's Kinktober 2021 prompts, but I'm slow and this honestly took on a life of its own.

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It was an important day for Goro Takemura.

Valerie Powell, the disgraced Arasaka agent turned petty mercenary who, against all sense and reason, had become his most cherished confidant, was no longer confined to the digital infrastructure of Mikoshi.

After two years spent barely sustaining fading memories with daily visits to her construct in the Izanagi access point, Goro had been informed that the transmigration procedure had been a success. Valerie's consciousness had accepted the remarkable reconstruction of her former body, and following a week of strict quarantine, she had been granted release to more congenial company accommodations in Charter Hill.

An Arasaka chauffeur would have driven Valerie to her new residence, but as soon as Goro was given the date and time of her conditional discharge, he cleared his schedule.

In preparation for the momentous occasion, he had his corporate Mizutani washed and detailed, and his finest suit dry-cleaned. Goro even found an acclaimed barber to expertly groom his hair and beard around his cybernetics. He had entertained the idea of a dinner reservation but immediately thought the better of it: in two years of enduring Night City, Goro had yet to find a single restaurant capable of serving even a decent meal. And with Valerie also still reporting occasional bouts of acute fatigue, dinner plans seemed less a treat and more an inevitable disappointment.

Rationally, he knew Valerie's expectations for her first day back in the physical world would likely amount to seeing her cat and having a cup of coffee. He was also reasonably confident she was as eager to see him as he was to see her. Still, the doubts that he had not done enough, that he was not enough, certainly not after what she had endured at his behest, twisted his stomach.

Goro rubbed his palms together as he stood outside her medical room, waiting for the reassuring buzz of the door sliding open. When it did, he was greeted by a young man in a white Arasaka medical uniform.



"Miss Powell is ready for you." The medical assistant gestured into the room, and Goro nodded in thanks before he stepped through the doorway.

Valerie stood at the edge of the hospital bed with her back to him as she fought with a zipper on a small duffel bag. Her blue hair was swept up in a loose bun, and she was dressed plainly in a black, baggy long-sleeve t-shirt and sweatpants.

She was a magnificent sight, truly.

"It is good to see you, Valerie," Goro said.

She spun around before he finished saying her name and grinned, wide and bright. He smiled in return, and Valerie looked up and down, lavishing Goro with her adoring, dark gaze. An inkling of pride swelled in his chest.

"Goro, it's good--You look... Wow." Valerie reached for his arm, running her hand down the fine silk sleeve. "I feel very underdressed."

"Miss Powell, as a reminder: it's recommended you continue to wear loose-fitting clothing for the next month," the assistant interjected from the bedside station. He continued to rapidly tap against the console screen without otherwise acknowledging them.

Goro caught Valerie rolling her eyes at the interruption, and he smirked at her silent display of petty rebellion.

"You look good, too," he murmured affectionately. Even under the harsh lighting, Valerie's hair and skin were luminous, and her eyes were vibrant, alert. She looked healthy and well-rested. Unburdened. Goro could not recall the last time he saw her so at ease, if he ever had.

"Not like you," she replied, resuming her appreciative caress down his sleeve. When she reached the hem, Goro turned his palm over to take her bare hand in his, but as soon as their skin touched, Valerie shuddered. Her breath hitched in a lascivious whimper, and she immediately clamped her hand over her mouth.

"Over-stimulation is an expected side effect," the attendant interjected again, disinterested and monotone. "The worst of it should subside within a week. Occasional episodes may persist during the first six months."

"That's very helpful, thank you," Valerie mumbled against her palm.

Goro gave her a sympathetic smile, although he could not deny that the erotic sound had stirred his own prurient appetite. He still had a vivid recollection of their two nights together, when she had been granted 72 hours to get her affairs in order before submitting to the engram station. Memories of her enthusiastic moans and gasps when he was between her thighs invigorated him during his loneliest hours.

"Miss Powell, I have three more discharge forms I need you to sign before you can leave." The attendant was holding out a tablet in her direction.

Valerie pressed her lips together before she turned to accept the device. He droned on about the finer points of her release: the conditions of her temporary living arrangement, expectations on regular appointments and examinations, side effects of her prescriptions, who to contact in the event of a medical emergency. Goro listened intently, and Valerie tapped her index finger against each compliance screen.

"Are there any questions?" he asked.

"No questions," Valerie said after a moment of consideration. "You're very... thorough."

"In that case, you're free to leave the facility. We'll see you in two days."

Valerie handed the tablet back to him, and she and Goro watched in silence as the meddlesome aide left the room. Once they had the space to themselves, she threw her arms around his shoulders and almost knocked him off balance. Goro allowed himself another smile as he ran his hands up her back, savoring the long-missed warmth of Valerie pressed tightly against him. He heard her inhale against his collar.

"I forgot how good you smell," Valerie murmured. "It was one of those things… It didn't exist in Mikoshi. I knew that I liked it, but I couldn't remember it. It was like trying to smell a flower in a dream." She paused and leaned back. "Am I babbling? They said that was another side effect. Well, hyperactivity, specifically."

Goro chuckled softly and kissed her forehead. "A little. I do not mind."

"You say that now," Valerie replied with mock trepidation. "We'll see how you feel after being stuck with me for an hour."

He smirked again, but truly, he did not mind. Hearing her voice, her actual voice, not Mikoshi's digitized reproduction of her speech, was a gift.

"Would you like to go to your new apartment?" Goro released her from their embrace.

"Yeah, sure. Although, honestly, anywhere that isn't another damn Arasaka medical facility sounds good to me," Valerie replied, rancor edging into her words.

"Shall I take you to the Kabuki slums then? Perhaps the landfill?" He teased.

She grinned and grabbed the duffel bag off the bed, looping the strap around her shoulders.

"Why? You wanna recapture the magic of our first time meeting?"

"No," Goro answered plainly. With some effort to keep a straight face, he added," You smelled very bad that day."

Valerie laughed, loud and honest. Goro cherished the rawness of that sound, too.

He led her out of the room and into the main hallway. The bleak slate walls were lined with blinding white lights, but they did little to brighten the desolate corridor. Nevertheless, there was something warmer, more comforting about walking across the pristine tile floors with Valerie at his side. He tapped the elevator console at the end of the hallway, and they both stepped inside the lift.

"One of the nurses told me it's sunny today," Valerie said.

"It is," Goro replied. Normally conversations about the weather would be beneath them, but he understood the insinuation. It would be the first time she would see the sun in two years.

The elevator doors chimed open, and Goro held out his arm, signaling Valerie to exit before him. She adjusted the weight of her bag as she stepped into Arasaka Tower's impressive lobby. The decor had largely remained the same since the last time she saw it: black furniture with red accents, dark yet illuminated walls, minimalist decor with an obvious Japanese influence. Still, he slowed his pace to let her absorb the understated marvel.

For once, there was no rush.

For once, they were entirely unbeholden to someone else's demands.

Valerie bumped into his side, losing her footing as she took a clumsy spin to catch sight of a monitor behind her. Goro reflexively grasped her arm and waist as she steadied herself.

"Christ, I feel like a toddler," Valerie muttered.

"Your consciousness has been implanted into a brand new body. Some clumsiness is expected," Goro said, matter-of-factly but kind. "What is the expression? It is truly your 'first day on your new feet.'"

"Eighth day, but point taken," she replied before linking her arm with his and leaning against him.

Goro raised his brows at her. Discretion about their relationship was not a necessity, but walking arm-in-arm through Arasaka's busiest district still felt brazen.

"For support," she said with a coy smile.

As they walked outside, Valerie's steps slowed to a complete stop. Her lips parted in another sharp breath, and her nails dug into Goro's bicep.

The morning sun was still low in the sky, but it was just late enough in the day that the crowds of first-shift workers had dispersed. This was not to say that the city center lacked spectacle: throngs of corporate employees scurried across the looped glass platforms, and roaring engines and impertinent car horns congested the rubbish-filled streets. Even the holographic fish that lapped the sky between the megacorp buildings were on display.

"I never realized how... I don't know. It is a lot, isn't it?" Valerie said as she resumed their walk to the end of the Arasaka plaza.

'"That is one way to put it," Goro said dryly. At night, when the filth was less visible, and from a high enough floor in Arasaka Tower, tucked away from the worst of the noise and smells, the city center was not the most unfavorable place he had ever experienced. It was also far from the best.

Goro pulled his Mizutani key card from his pants pocket and summoned the vehicle to the curb. He opened the passenger door for Valerie as she slipped her bag off her shoulders and tossed it into the backseat.

"Would you like music?" Goro settled into the driver's seat.

"Yeah, sure. Whatever you like." Her face was nearly pressed to the window as she continued to take in the city. "Jazz is good."

He turned on the radio, keeping the volume low, and stepped on the gas. Valerie maintained her preoccupation with the scenery as they reached the highway, pointing out things both familiar and new as Goro drove to Charter Hill. She had always demonstrated a grounded perspective on her home, quick to challenge Goro when his grievances bordered on irrational, but also quick to acknowledge its many, many faults. Now, there was almost a naive idealization in the way she pointed at buildings and advertisements and people. It was not enough to incite the same glorification from Goro, but he found himself charmed by it nonetheless.

"Where's Nibbles?" Valerie asked when he pulled to a stoplight.

Goro smiled at the mention of the hairless cat he had more or less adopted on her behalf.

"He is at my residence. The temporary housing does not provide pet permits."

"He probably doesn't even remember me, but I can't wait to see his precious little face."

"You fed and cared for him. It is my understanding that cats often remember those who did so," Goro said. "I will take you there once you are settled in."

Goro turned to face Valerie when she did not say anything, and he was taken aback when he realized she was watching him. Not just watching him. Devouring him with her pretty eyes. The streetlight changed green, and he returned his attention to the road but stole a quick sideways glance at her.

Two years was not the longest Goro had gone without the touch of another person, but these two years had undoubtedly felt the longest.

Valerie was the most sensual, enthusiastic partner he had ever known. He recalled the way she looked down at him, eyes heavy-lidded with not just desire but adoration as he plunged between her thighs, the achingly tender way she cradled his face as she rocked against his hips. Every moan and whimper of his name was laced with an intimate veneration that made Goro crave her more than he ever thought possible.

The way she was studying him now, leaning towards him with her elbow on the center console, her full lips spread in a hungry grin, was swiftly rekindling his insatiable need for her.

"You look really good, you know," Valerie said after what felt like an eternity.

"It is an important day," he replied.

"Yeah, but I'm not just talking about the clothes." She grazed her fingertips across the geometric rinzu damask. "You always dress well. You always look good, too. You just look..."

"... Really good?" Goro suggested wryly.

"Mhm," Valerie agreed. "Really good."

She shifted in her seat, once again studying the streets, but kept her hand on his arm.

Goro parked in the lowest level of the carport under the Arasaka-licensed high-rise and grabbed Valerie's bag for her as they exited the luxury sportscar. Featuring only dimly lit vehicles and slabs of concrete, the garage offered little to excite Valerie's reawakening senses, and they quickly reached the glass elevator to bring them to the 34th floor.

Valerie lurched as the lift made its rapid ascent, her furrowed brow and white-knuckled grip on the railing betraying her growing resentment at her lack of coordination. She had been an exceptionally skilled mercenary before Mikoshi, strong and agile and admirably capable in every sense of the word. Goro recalled his own sense of ineptitude when he no longer had his cybernetics at his disposal. He suspected feeling so disconnected from one's own biological body was an even worse sensation.

Goro reached for her, offering his arm for support, as she had said. Valerie accepted.

"The worst of this should be over by the end of the week," Goro said as she rested against his side.

"I know. I just keep telling myself it's a small price to pay for a second chance of this magnitude."

The elevator chimed open, the early morning sun spilling across the faux marble tiles in the hallway, and they walked side-by-side to room 3402. Valerie placed her hand against the security reader under the number plaque. The entryway hissed open to reveal a modestly furnished studio apartment.

"Nicer than I expected, honestly," Valerie said as they both stepped inside and removed their shoes.

The door was next to a small kitchenette, and floor-length windows stretched across the wall opposite the entrance. A queen-sized bed, a small couch, and a coffee table were the defining pieces of furniture in the center of the flat. Valerie walked to the wall to her left, curiously pressing against one of the cabinet doors and releasing it from its magnetic lock.

"It is temporary." Goro placed her duffel bag by the storage unit near the bed. "Once Arasaka's specialists are satisfied with your recovery, the lease will be terminated."

"And then we go to Kagawa?" Valerie asked as she dragged her hand along the pleather sofa and sauntered to the windows.

"That is my hope," Goro replied. He would endure a lifetime in Night City if she required it, but he would not deny that he was eager to return to his home. A place where he could give them both a life free from the relentless exigencies of this sordid metropolis.

"That food better be as good as you promised," she said with an impish grin.

"I would not exaggerate about such things."

"You'll have to teach me how to make some of these dishes. I never really had much opportunity, or reason, really, to cook before."

The thought of sharing such a moment with Valerie made his whole body tremble with impatience. Even just doing unscrupulous merc assignments together, it was quickly apparent they had a natural rhythm and rapport as partners. Goro suddenly found himself eager to seize on that harmony, not for their often violent duties, but to create something beautiful with Valerie. To nourish another passion he had been denied for two years.

"I will," he promised softly as he met her by the window.

Valerie tilted her head and skimmed her hand down his chest before slipping her arm around his waist. Goro swallowed, feeling a strange combination of self-satisfaction and humility as she studied him.

"I think there's still some part of me that's convinced this is some elaborate hallucination," Valerie whispered. Her free hand reached for his face, and Goro closed his eyes, allowing himself the indulgence of resting his cheek against her palm.

"I believe I understand the feeling," he said, meeting her gaze.

Lightly, tentatively, Goro brushed her cheek with his thumb. She inhaled and stiffened, and he almost retracted his hand, but Valerie pressed her lips to his in an unwavering embrace. Her skin tingled under his touch, and he felt the heavy sigh she breathed in through her nose. Goro was silently adamant that she dictate their pace, but every time one of those shuddering gasps ravaged her body, they chipped away at his resolve.

Valerie graciously deepened the kiss, moving both of her hands to the back of his neck as she moaned against his mouth. Galvanized by her fervor but still wary of her acute sensitivity, Goro brought his hands to her waist, fingers almost hovering over the black t-shirt.

"You can touch me, you know," Valerie murmured against his lips, lightly nudging the tip of her nose against his.

"I do not wish to cause you any discomfort," Goro explained.

She reached for his right hand and guided it under her shirt. Her skin was warm and soft, and she shivered when she pressed his palm harder against her stomach.

"It doesn't hurt." Valerie kissed him again. "It's just... intense."

"But... pleasurable?" Goro asked, the word sounding stilted and too academic to him as soon as he said it.

She smiled and guided his other hand under her shirt, another shiver breaking out across her skin.

"It's you. Of course it's pleasurable," Valerie replied.

He returned her smile without restraint and pulled her closer to him, running his hands along her back and savoring the dips and curves of muscle along her spine. Her eyes closed as she kissed him again, deeper, less measured than before, spurring him on with a needy moan. Goro gathered the hem of her shirt and slowly pulled it up, allowing Valerie to stop him if she wanted. Instead, much to Goro's delight, she raised her arms.

The heel of his palm brushed against her ribs and sides of her breasts, eliciting another whimper from her, and he tossed the shirt to the couch. She wore nothing underneath and stood before him, topless and unabashed. His gaze roved over her toned stomach and ample chest, feeling his groin throb at the sight of her nipples hardening in the warmth of the sunlight.

Goro traced his fingertip along the shining gold cyberware that now coiled around her forearms. The exquisite adornment still concealed mantis blades underneath her skin, but with far more embellishment than her previous model.

"I've never had chrome so... pretty and elegant before," Valerie remarked.

She watched his fingers caress the gilded plate before he slid his hand over her unadorned bicep and across her collarbone. Goro brushed his thumb across the delicate gold swirl along her jaw, another luxury upgrade courtesy of Arasaka.

"Pretty and elegant suit you," he replied softly.

Valerie bit her bottom lip and glanced down at the expansive view of the city from the window. For someone who dispensed compliments to him so readily, she always grew uncharacteristically shy when he returned the sentiment.

Goro took her earlier words to heart, that he would not cause her pain if he gave in to his desire to touch her, and tilted her chin back to him, kissing her once more. She hummed appreciatively, wantonly against his lips. Incited by her sounds, and capitulating to his rapidly dwindling discipline, Goro coaxed her mouth open, claiming her lips and tongue with his own.

She slipped her hand under his jacket, and her nails dug into his chest before she pulled the sleeves down his arms. As she dropped the garment on the sofa, Goro trailed his greedy kisses down her jaw and throat. Valerie trembled under his caresses, and she hooked her now-shaking fingers under the red wrap tied around his hips. She tugged, drawing him closer, and he was happy to concede.

Valerie made short work of the sash and let it fall, only half of it reaching the growing pile of clothes on the couch. No longer content to prolong the otherwise sensual act of being undressed, Goro undid the cufflinks around his wrists while she unfastened the clasps at his collar. Valerie looked down his stomach, accidentally bumping their foreheads together, and she giggled. Goro smiled and kissed her again as she tugged his shirt from his waistband.

"Take it off," Valerie murmured in a sultry command.

Goro stood motionless for a beat, reveling in the small act of defiance, and then smirked, emboldened by the way she looked at him, as he pulled the tunic over his head.

Her gentle hands were immediately on his stomach, tickling the fine hairs that trailed down to his groin. Goro had lost weight since she had last seen him, one of the side effects of living in a city with no satisfying or nutritional food, but his body was still fit and strong. Valerie made an appreciative whimper as her fingers rolled over the soft ridges of his abdomen. He could feel himself growing hard at her adoration.

"You're so beautiful," Valerie whispered, sounding almost absent-minded as she studied her slender hands on his bare skin.

Goro lost control of his usually schooled expression, his brows lifting high and eyes widening.

"What?" he asked, almost laughing.

She did laugh and cradled his face.

"You're beautiful," Valerie repeated decisively. "Someone must have told you that before."

Goro could admit that he took a certain satisfaction in maintaining his appearance, but any pride he felt was derived through the calculated efforts of fastidious grooming and dressing sharply--The handful of compliments he had received about his looks were usually in appreciation of those endeavors. Beauty was not a concept he associated with himself.

"Not... beautiful," Goro told her as much.

"Handsome?" she suggested. She curled her fingers around the waist of his pants, leading him to the bed.

"That is the more common compliment for men, is it not?"

Valerie bit her lip and shrugged. "Depends on the man, I think." She kneeled on the bed and pulled him onto the mattress with her. "You're both," she whispered, grazing her teeth against his earlobe. The warmth of her breath on the skin just along his implants made him shiver.

Goro kissed her again as he grabbed her forearms, carefully lifting them over her head as he urged her to lay down. When she was fully reclined, he nestled his face into the crook of her neck, inhaling the faint citrus scent of her shampoo.

"I do not wish to talk about me," he said against her collarbone. "Today is for you."

"Shouldn't I decide what we talk about then--"

She gasped as he gently scraped his teeth against her throat, and he lifted himself to examine her pretty face. Valerie returned his gaze with such tenderness and longing he swallowed, fighting the impulse to look away as any lingering pride was ousted by overwhelming humility. Instead, he fondly pushed a few stray strands of blue hair from her cheeks and kissed her forehead.

"Please, Valerie," he asked softly.

She nodded and smiled knowingly. "Okay, Goro."

He bent over to kiss her again, and as their lips met, she brought her hands around the back of his head, untying his neatly styled bun. His long silver and black hair cascaded down around his face and shoulders, and Valerie lightly raked her fingers through the silky lengths. The gentle tugs drew goosebumps to his skin, coaxing a quiet groan from Goro.

He grabbed her wrists and repositioned her arms over her head, giving him unrestricted access to her perfect breasts. Goro stroked her forearm, following an invisible trail down from her elbow to her shoulder, and then across the side of her chest. His thumb lightly brushed the hard tip of her nipple, and Valerie hissed, writhing at his touch.

Goro froze and then immediately removed his hand, afraid he might have hurt her.

"Should we stop? Is this too soon?" he asked.

She bit her lip and shook her head. "No, keep going. I want it. You. I want you. I want you to touch me."

Tentatively, he rested his palm firmly against her rib cage.

"You will tell me if it becomes uncomfortable?"

"Mhm," Valerie agreed, then with a playful smile added, "You can tell me if it's too much for you, too."

Goro chuckled, and, with a new resolve to make her moan and gasp his name, to make her exquisite body shiver and tremble under his hands and mouth, he bent over to claim her areola between his lips. Valerie arched into him, pulling at his hair with a marvelous urgency, as he flicked his tongue over her nipple. Goro kissed the skin in the center of her chest before he lightly, carefully nipped at the peak of her other breast.

Her fingers tightened in his hair, and Goro skimmed his palm along the contour of her body. He tugged her sweatpants down over her hips, revealing her plain white underwear, and gave her another quick kiss on her lips before he sat up. Grabbing the elastic waistbands of her pants and underwear, Goro pulled her remaining clothing off as he lowered himself to the floor at the foot of the bed.

Valerie propped herself up on her elbows to watch him undress her. Her new cyberware extended to her legs as well, gold curves wrapping around the shapely swells of her muscular calves and thighs. Goro had never given much thought to the aesthetics of cybernetics, seeing implants more as tools than art, but on Valerie, they were undeniably lovely.

He gripped her thighs, his thumbs digging into the inner flesh, and urged her legs apart so he could settle between them. Valerie gazed at him with parted lips and half-lidded eyes, already entranced under his caresses. Goro reached for her hips, dragging her closer to him, and she let out a thrilled, breathy laugh when he draped her right calf over his shoulder. He smirked and kissed the inside of her knee, leaving her otherwise untouched.

"I need to feel you. Please," Valerie whined.

Goro eagerly complied, stroking the soft thatch of hair between her thighs, and hovered the pad of his thumb over her clit. He lightly circled the sensitive bud, and Valerie gasped, her hips bucking against the gentle pressure. He could feel her growing slick under his hand, and her sweet, heady musk beckoned him for a taste. Goro removed his fingers, and Valerie barely had a chance to whimper at his absence before he dragged the flat of his tongue across her folds.

She moaned and grabbed a fistful of his hair as she shuddered against his mouth. He ignored the ache at his scalp and wrapped his hands under her ass, his nose pressing against her clit as he pulled her even closer to him. Goro hungrily buried his face between her legs, savoring the balmy heat and delectable arousal he had long fantasized about.

"Goro," Valerie whimpered again. He glanced up, seeing her head thrown back and eyes squeezed shut.

"Is this too much?" Goro placed his hands on the top of her thighs, paused by fleeting worry he had gotten carried away by his own passions.

"Yes--No. It's--Please don't stop," she begged.

Goro hesitated, and Valerie quickly slid her hand down her stomach to touch herself. Her middle finger glistened as she curled it in and out of her cunt.

"Goro, please ," she begged again, another moan forced out by her own ministrations.

The exquisite sight of her fucking herself while she pleaded for his touch demolished the last of his reluctance. Goro grasped her wrist and brought her finger to his mouth, devouring the taste of her lingering wetness, before he entwined his fingers with hers.

His free hand squeezed the top of her inner thigh to push her legs apart again, and Valerie yelped at the firm grip. Goro apologized keenly by delving his tongue between her swollen folds, lapping her entrance and licking up to suck on her clit. Valerie tightened her fingers around his, and with her other hand, she grabbed his hair again, pressing herself desperately against his face. Even without her needy sobs, Goro could tell she was nearing climax. Her legs stiffened around his shoulders, heels digging into his back, and her hips writhed under his mouth.

With his lips still on her clit, Goro slipped his index finger inside her. The tight, slick grip around his knuckles compelled him to moan with Valerie as he stroked upwards. She bucked against his jaw when he hit her most sensitive spot, and Goro meticulously coordinated the rhythm of his finger with the heat of his mouth. Valerie tensed one last time, squeezing his hand and yanking his hair, right before she shuddered and cried out as she came in a frenzied orgasm.

He groaned as she released the brutal grip on his hair, and he lazily grazed his hands down her inner thighs, softly kissing her trembling legs as her panting breath slowed. Valerie shuddered again at his touch and pulled his hand back to her mound, pressing herself against his palm as she rode out the last waves of her climax.

Goro watched her in awe, consumed by the heat of her flushed skin, the sight of her breasts quivering with each deep breath, the way her blue hair had fallen around her shoulders. With his free hand, he reached down to adjust his pants, his erection almost painful against the constricting fabric.

"I want more," Valerie murmured after a few beats of silence. She sat upright and smiled at him.

"More?" Goro repeated, smiling back at her. He slightly increased the pressure of his hand against her. "Greedy," he teased, even though he wanted more, too.

"Efficient," she corrected. She rose to her knees and crawled to the edge of the bed to meet Goro. Valerie kissed him fervently, surely tasting herself on his lips and tongue, and the thought made his cock twitch. "We have a lot of lost time to account for."

Goro chuckled at her assessment. Slowly, he stood up, reaching for the fastener on his pants. Valerie's deft fingers pinched the zipper tab before he could, and she wasted no time in pulling his slacks down his waist and thighs.

"Oh," she inhaled appreciatively at the sight of his erection straining against his boxers. Valerie rubbed her hands against his hips, torturously circling the contour of his groin, and then bit her lip, glancing up at him, as she tugged the waistband of his boxers over his shaft. She immediately wrapped her fingers around his length, giving him a single, firm stroke that made him groan.

"Goro," she murmured, the heat of her breath against his skin making him stiffer. Valerie's hand glided to the base of his shaft, and she dragged her tongue across the length of his cock, wrapping her lips around the tip. Goro's hands immediately reached for the sides of her face, his fingers sliding into her hair as his hips impulsively rolled against her mouth. The gentle tremors of her throat as she moaned coaxed another spasm, and he knew he would not last long if she continued.

"Valerie," he breathed, sliding his hand down to cup her jaw. "I will not..."

His words trailed off as she let him slide from her lips. Valerie gave him another steady pump, his hips rolling into her fist again, and then she completely released him.

"Come here," she ordered. Valerie was on her knees, her lips swollen and glistening from his cock in her mouth, eyes cloudy with desire for him. Goro breathed in deeply, running his thumb along her cheek as the last lucid part of his mind wondered what he had done to be deserving of her love and adoration.

He finished removing his boxers and followed her command, sitting beside her at the edge of the bed. Valerie crawled over his thighs to straddle him, and Goro leaned his head back, groaning as her warmth spilled over his groin. He squeezed the soft curves of her hips and gently thrust up, rubbing his cock against her slick folds and clit.

His name spilled from her lips again, and she shuddered, collapsing against his chest, her arms loosely draped over his shoulders. Goro wrapped his arms around her back, holding her tight and pressing his face into the crook of her neck as he rutted against her again.

"Take me, Goro. Please," she begged, delirious. "Fuck me--"

--Goro plunged into her, and they both gasped as he filled her wet, swollen cunt. He grazed his nose against her neck, tilting up to nip at her earlobe as she bounced against his lap with a rapturous urgency. Desperate to sink into her deeper, Goro spread his legs for more leverage, and he grabbed her ass, timing the rhythm of her hips with his thrusts. Her unbidden moans filled the room, and Goro pulled back from her neck, eager to see her ecstasy fulfilled.

"Look at me, Valerie," he panted, gently clutching her chin.

Her lashes fluttered as she opened her eyes, and the hazy desire that stared at him was too much. He crushed his mouth to hers in a sloppy kiss, wrapping his arms tighter around her back as his thrusts became increasingly uncontrolled. She reached for the back of his head, tugging at his hair again, and he could feel the tension of her imminent orgasm in the way her fingers tightened against his scalp.

Goro brought one hand to her chest, squeezing her breast and pinching her nipple, before he pressed his fingers between them. He rubbed her clit once, and that was enough for her to come undone a second time.

Valerie all but sobbed as she came again, writhing against his cock and fingers as she relentlessly pulled his hair. Her rocking slowed as she rode out the aftershocks of her orgasm, and she brought her hands to his face, tenderly cradling his jaw as she softly pressed her lips to his.

"Come in me, Goro. I want to feel you--"

Her plea against his mouth was all Goro needed to heed to her sultry demand. Squeezing her against him, their mouths still pressed in a frantic kiss, Goro gave one final thrust deep into her core, driving his own noisy release. He groaned into her as he felt his cock spasm, twitching as he filled her cunt with the hot spill of his seed. They held each other closely as Valerie continued to rock gently against his lap, even after he slipped out, still whimpering quietly at the contact.

"Are you still...?" Goro asked, almost chuckling in disbelief that she was still craving more.

"A little. It's waning," Valerie leaned back so she could see his face again. She smirked. "I'll give you a break for now."

"How generous," he replied jokingly.

The playful smile on her face disappeared, and she leaned against his shoulder again, embracing him with a different kind of longing. He held her tenderly, running his fingers along her spine, the heady scent of her still in his beard.

He heard what he thought was a sniffle and frowned, immediately pulling back and seeing Valerie's cheeks damp with tears. His brow furrowed in panicked worry, afraid their eagerness to make love had hurt her physically, and he cupped her face.

"Valerie, what--"

"--No, it's nothing. Just the damn--" She wiped her face with the back of her hand and chuckled in self-deprecation. "Christ, I've never cried after sex before. This is so embarrassing."

Goro thumbed away a tear and studied her face. He smiled sympathetically as he realized what was happening.

"Everything is sensitive," he guessed.

She nodded and blinked away tears.

"I knew I missed you, physically, when I was in Mikoshi. I missed you so much," Valerie said, a sob choking her words. "And not just the sex," she did her best to joke. Goro rewarded her effort with a smile as he rubbed her shoulders reassuringly. "It's… I don't know. Like an emotional backlog my body has to process to catch up with my brain."

"Then you should let yourself process it," Goro said softly.

Valerie nodded, her nose twitching in another stifled sob, and she wrapped herself tighter around him, hiding her face against his neck. Goro resumed his gentle strokes along her bare back, letting her work through the accumulation of excruciating yearning in comfortable silence. After a few moments, Valerie released him and slipped off his lap. He watched her carefully, and she gave him a small smile as she touched her cheek. Goro held her hand and kissed the inside of her wrist.

"I'm okay," she promised. She grinned brightly. "I'm also starving for something other than scopshakes. And I'm dying for a cup of coffee. And I want to see my cat."

Goro chuckled at her rejuvenated enthusiasm. "Do you not want to see the rest of your new home? Finish unpacking?"

She looked around the studio apartment and shrugged. "I think I get the gist of it. And I have maybe three changes of clothes in my bag. Unpacking won't take long." Valerie stretched her arms out towards him, wiggling her fingers. "We can go see the shower together, though. If you want to join me."

Goro took her hands in his as he stood up.

"After you," he said.

Series this work belongs to: