
Get involved and help shape the future of sustainable mobility!


AI-CENTIVE stands for AI-Based Optimization of Incentive Schemes for Sustainable Mobility. Our project advances the state of the art in AI research to build and manage a complex mobility data ecosystem as enabler of intelligent applications. The core innovations of AI-CENTIVE aim to support and incentivise mobility behaviour towards choosing more sustainable mobility transportation options, thus reducing carbon emissions from the use of private cars and petrol-/diesel-based means of transportation. AI-CENTIVE will produce customised incentives leveraging AI predictions aimed to motivate citizens to adopt those new options and overcome remaining barriers to more sustainable behaviour. Get involved and help shape the future of mobility! Join our project now to create together a sustainable mobility ecosystem! *** The AI-CENTIVE project is funded within the RTI Initiative of the ICT of the Future “IKT der Zukunft” – an initiative of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK) for a period of three years. Our consortium consisting of 6 partners: Modul Technology, webLyzard technology, GeoSphere Austria, ummadum, BOKU and the Data Intelligence Initiative (DIO). The project aims is to enable and incentivize Austrian citizens to find more sustainable mobility choices, increasing awareness and affecting public opinion to develop a more positive attitude towards those choices.

11–50 Beschäftigte
Personengesellschaft (OHG, KG, GbR etc.)
Sustainable Mobility, Incentive Schemes, AI Modelling, Mobility Behavior, Anticipate Mobility, Sustainable Environment, Alternatives2PrivateCars, Mobility Choices, Data Knowledge Extraction, AI models, Future Mobility, Sustainable Mobility Options, Sustainable Behaviour, Mobility Prediction, Trustworthy AI, Data Security und Mobility Ecosystem



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