Holloid hat dies direkt geteilt
Food Tech Congress is right around the corner, and I'm excited to be pitching there! Save the date for May 28-29, 2024 and meet me in Warsaw, Poland! #FTC2024 https://lnkd.in/dp8kx6WS
Holloid provides real-time multi-dimensional data on physical characteristics, including motion and interactions, of cells and other colloids, based on 3D imaging, with the throughput of cytometry.
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Rosensteingasse 92a/9
Vienna, 1170, AT
Holloid hat dies direkt geteilt
Food Tech Congress is right around the corner, and I'm excited to be pitching there! Save the date for May 28-29, 2024 and meet me in Warsaw, Poland! #FTC2024 https://lnkd.in/dp8kx6WS
Meet our CEO Marcus Lebesmühlbacher, CFA at Bio-Europe next week in Milan.
I just registered for BIO-Europe Spring on March 17–19, 2025. Join me at the premier springtime partnering event >> https://lnkd.in/dw5utiRf #BIOEuropeSpring Informa Connect
Holloid hat dies direkt geteilt
Holloid wins EIC grant in “the most competitive funding round so far since the launch of the Accelerator under Horizon Europe.“* We provide a key enabling technology for the food industry (and pharma, chemical and others) to transform their value chains. This got the jury rightfully excited. These value chains need to be improved to become more sustainable while producing better products for healthier people. Reach out to us, if you want to learn more about our mission. * https://lnkd.in/de8yQbwk Big thanks to our great team and FFG Austrian Research Promotion Agency for the support. Thanks University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU) and BOKU:BASE & Technology Transfer for being such a great starting point.
Holloid wins EIC grant in “the most competitive funding round so far since the launch of the Accelerator under Horizon Europe.“* We provide a key enabling technology for the food industry (and pharma, chemical and others) to transform their value chains. This got the jury rightfully excited. These value chains need to be improved to become more sustainable while producing better products for healthier people. Reach out to us, if you want to learn more about our mission. * https://lnkd.in/de8yQbwk Big thanks to our great team and FFG Austrian Research Promotion Agency for the support. Thanks University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU) and BOKU:BASE & Technology Transfer for being such a great starting point.
Holloid is Austria's young #hightech company of the year 2024! Thank you GEWINN Wirtschaftsmagazin and all the jury members including Austrian ministers Leonore Gewessler, Martin Kocher, and VERBUND CEO Michael Strugl for this recognition of our efforts. We continue to work hard to establish Holloid as the global technology leader in automated high throughput microscopy and bioprocess monitoring. Why? Because we help to keep people healthy by detecting pathogens. Because we enable pharma companies to provide ever better medicine. Because we accelerate the transition to a more circular economy. ... and for many many more reasons
Herzlichen Glückwunsch an die Holloid GmbH, Sieger der Kategorie Hightech! Foto: Lea-Sophie Sailer #wirtschaftsmagazingewinn #wirtschaftsmagazin
We’re honored to be featured among microscopy leaders like Bruker, Olympus, and Carl Zeiss in a recently published market study highlighting companies pushing the boundaries of #LifeScience #Microscopy. Our technology is helping to advance the study of living organisms, tissues, cells, and other biological samples. The report emphasizes that “Technological innovations such as high-resolution imaging, multimodal imaging, digital imaging options, and automated imaging systems are driving the demand for advanced Life Science Microscopes.” This is contributing to a robust 7.6% market growth, with some sub-categories expanding even faster. However, there’s one point worth noting: The study mentions that “Researchers and scientists are seeking microscopes [...]” But it’s not just them. 😉
#Life_Science_Microscopes Market Expansion Projected to Gain an Uptick During 2023-2032 https://bit.ly/42ANQ4u #Life Science #Microscopes, also known as #Biological Microscopes, are #specialized microscopes used in the #field of life #sciences for studying living #organisms, tissues, #cells, and other biological #samples. Bruker Financiere CAMECA (SAS) ZEISS Group FEI Systems HITACHI HIGH TECHNOLOGIES SCIENCE AMERICA, INC #lifescience #marketresearch #technologies #lifescienceindustry #healthcareindustry #microbiology
Recent events in Klagenfurt remind us why continuous innovation in water quality monitoring is crucial. At Holloid, we are committed to ensuring safe, reliable water for everyone. Austria is one of the richest countries in the world. As Austrians and expats in Austria one thing that we like a lot about living here is the awesome water quality - in tap water, and even in lakes and rivers. We have so much pure and healthy water that we can fill whole swimming pools with water that elsewhere you's pay 2€ per bottle for. At Holloid, we want to keep it that way, and help other countries delivering the best water possible to their citizens. Here are some learning from a recent incident that kept 100,000 people having to resort to bottled water or boiling water before consumption: 📆 It took several days to go back to normal 🤯 because there could be hundreds of potential causes ⌛ According to Stadtwerke Klagenfurt AG "The drinking water is sampled regularly, and water is taken from each of the 20 measuring points every three weeks." 🧫 microbiological plating adds another 2-4 days before anyone really knows what the problem really is. 🦯 between those points in time (3.5 weeks), little is known about potential pathogens in the water 💸 no numbers were published yet, but the economic damage of this one incident alone could be in the millions 👩🔬 At Holloid, we provide advanced solutions that ensure quicker and more accurate water quality monitoring 🚰 😌 creating peace of mind https://lnkd.in/daw-k3py
Die Presse, one of Austria's leading newspapers, covers Holloid in an article today. It's titled "Leuchtender Fingerprint für Laborfleisch und Co." which means "Luminous fingerprint for lab meat etc" https://lnkd.in/dHC6T5gu What's so unique about Holloid's technology? Let's look at the heading. Luminous ... Holloid uses the light microscopy. We use light to see and count what is there: everything on the micro scale from tiny bacterium to clusters of micro algae or mammalian cells. ... fingerprint ... Based on this optical information, we identify each and every single cell at least as good as a well-trained microbiologist could do it. But, using machine learning, we do so on-line, 24/7 with a throughput thousands of times larger than any microscopist could do it ... for lab meat ... We help some of the world's most advanced products in alternative proteins achieving market readiness, commercial viability, technical scalability and product safety. ... etc We can serve broad range of use cases beyond fermenters and hygiene applications in the food industry: pharmaceutical and chemical industries, even environmental monitoring agencies gain valuable insights at a degree of automation and frequency that could not be achieved with any other technology. Enjoy the read!
Thank you Austria Wirtschaftsservice for the ongoing support to secure and protect our valuable breakthrough inventions for #bioprocess monitoring globally, with #patents, #tradesecrets and a portfolio of other measures!
#BestPractice 📚 #aws #GreenIP 🧫 Holloid entwickelt fortschrittliche Monitoring-Lösungen zur automatisierten und integrierten Überwachung von Mikroben, Zellkulturen, Mikroplastik und anderen Mikropartikeln. Durch die Integration automatisierter Mikroskopie direkt in industrielle Prozesse zielt das Start-up darauf ab, die Wirtschaftlichkeit und Produktsicherheit in den Bereichen Lebensmittel, Pharmazie, Umweltüberwachung und Medizin grundlegend zu verbessern. 🔒 Beim Innovationsschutz-Projekt im Rahmen von aws „Green.IP“ steht der Transfer von Patenten von der Universität für Bodenkultur Wien und der Ausbau dieses Patentportfolios durch weitere Anmeldungen im Mittelpunkt. 🗣 „Die Workshops mit der aws waren ausgesprochen wertvoll. Wir haben hier von sehr erfahrenen Experten praktische Tipps zu ganz konkreten Entscheidungen erhalten. Durch ihren Fokus auf innovative Startups und hatten unsere aws-Ansprechpartner ein gutes Gespür dafür, was in unserer Realität mit beschränkten Ressourcen praktikabel ist.“ - Marcus Lebesmühlbacher, CFA von Holloid 🧠 Zusätzlich begleiten unsere Expert*innen das Unternehmen in Bezug auf einen ganzheitlichen Schutz des geistigen Eigentums. In mehreren Workshops wurden u.a. Themen wie Geschäftsmodell und IP-Strategie, Nationalisierung von Patenten und Freedom-to-Operate behandelt. Alle Informationen zum Förderungsprogramm aws Innovationsschutz unter 💢 https://lnkd.in/gxfisDm 📸 Holloid
Thank you for the coverage and the award, Austrian Standards! Yes, Holloid is on track to set new standards in #hygiene and #bioprocess control.
📣 And the winner is… Der Living Standards Award 2024 in der Kategorie Future Quality Assurance geht an Holloid👏🎆 Das Wiener Start-up HolloidGmbH ist spezialisiert auf holografische Bildgebung und Zytometrie. Die Vision ist es, die Vorteile von Hochgeschwindigkeits-3D-Bildgebung und optischer Charakterisierung am Markt zu etablieren, indem innovative Hardware und patentierte Softwarelösungen zur Erkennung, Identifizierung und Sortierung von Kolloiden, wie z.B. dispergierten Partikeln, Zellen und Mikroorganismen eingesetzt werden. 🎥🎬 𝗠𝗲𝗵𝗿 𝗶𝗺 𝗩𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗼. 𝗙𝗶𝗹𝗺 𝗮𝗯! #livingstandardsaward #standards #innovation