I'm notorious for neglecting my LinkedIn business page (everything happens on the personal profiles 💅 ) which is dreadful social manners. Sharing a quick (re) introduction and hopefully a lot more content as it comes through!
bodacious brand communication | email nurture campaigns for recruitment, HR and service-based business folk | brand voice & writing guide
Heyyyyy! Have we met? You might remember me from posts such as, ‘Blending in is for Suckers’ ‘Kelly Stone, Jargon Buster’ and ‘Writing, Typing, and Patting a Cat.’ But here's a new one I've just released – 'Email Nurture Girl' Yep. I **FINALLY** rejigged my website to reflect my biz shift to specialise in communication campaigns for recruitment, HR and people people. Still a bit of employer brand *messaging* but as it relates to talent comms (for now). Why email? This whole business adventure started with emails in mind. 🫠 Because corporate emails are flippin' boring and wasteful of time and attention. 🫠 Because recruitment / candidate emails are cold or non-existent and are a leading cause of negative candidate experiences (that is, poor communication, generally). Also, see: offer declines, reneges, and high new hire turnover/disengagement. 🫠 Because silver medallist candidates and biz email subscribers slip through the cracks [and fall into a vast, empty well never to be interacted with again], wasting the most valuable opportunity you have to nurture the interest and attention you fought so flippin' hard to catch in the first place! Social media might be the ball pit where everyone's rockin' party hats playing ice-breakers, but email is where the deal gets done. A well-written email draws you in and makes you ignore logic because it feels so candid and personal, like the author wrote to you ONLY, that you forget for one moment there's probably hundreds and thousands of *others* Emails provide introductions, establish credibility and nurture trust. And in this digital age of charlatans, genAI and fast hacks and empty promises, trust is the most valuable and precious reward. So, yeah. That's why email. If we haven't met, Hi! 👋 I'm a creative content writer and communication specialist for small (but mighty!) people brands. I show up on LinkedIn more than any cool and reasonable human ever should, writing about writing, brand voice, creativity, personal & employer branding, and... moving forward, emails too ;) Let me know if there's a topic, problem or question I can help you with in comments and I'll do my best to cover it 🥰 [web link in the comments if you wanna learn more - meant to share a pic but LI doesn't let you edit that after the fact... so here's my face represented by an emoji 😁 ]