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EQ Resources Limited

EQ Resources Limited


Mount Carbine, Queensland 4,687 followers

A Global Tungsten Producer. AMEC Member. ITIA Member. AMEC Environment Award Winner 2022

About us

EQ Resources Limited (ASX : EQR) Global Tungsten Producer We are a value-oriented resources company, sustainably producing and managing new economy minerals and metals. We maximise the potential of our assets through resource-efficiency and investment in our people and technology to deliver materials that are critical for a better tomorrow. It’s how we drive value in our operations, approach new opportunities and at the same time deliver positive societal impact while minimising our environmental footprint.

Company size
51-200 employees
Mount Carbine, Queensland
Public Company
mining, new economy, tungsten, quarry, exploration, production, critical minerals, critical metals, and circular economy


Employees at EQ Resources Limited


  • #Australian and Spanish companies working together. EQ Resources #Spanish operations are working with Australian mining services world leaders Orica at the #Barruecopardo #tungsten mine. Great to be working together!

    View organization page for SALORO SLU


    Desde octubre de 2023, hemos integrado la Unidad Móvil de Fabricación (MMU SSE-446) de Orica en nuestras operaciones diarias en Barruecopardo—convirtiendo a Saloro en el primer sitio en España en implementar esta tecnología de vanguardia. Gracias a esta colaboración y al uso de Fortis™ Extra, ya hemos visto: ✅ Operaciones más seguras en banco, con menor manipulación de explosivos convencionales ✅ Cargas más rápidas y flexibles, con mejores resultados de fragmentación ✅ Procesos más ágiles que mejoran la eficiencia en las fases de carga y transporte ✅ Un enfoque sostenible que permite devolver de forma segura el producto no utilizado Los resultados hablan por sí solos: rendimiento constante y una gran acogida por parte de nuestro equipo en terreno. Esto va más allá de una mejora operativa. Es un avance hacia una minería más segura, inteligente y responsable. Gracias a los equipos de Orica y Grupo PEAL por su colaboración y compromiso con la innovación. #Saloro #InnovaciónEnMinería #Tungsteno #Barruecopardo #Sostenibilidad #Orica #FortisExtra #MMU #ExcelenciaOperacional

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  • The science behind how we extract tungsten is fascinating…..check it out.

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    Saloro participó en el programa de TVE 'Curioseando' que le dedicaban a la Tabla Periódica. Álvaro Serrano, consejero delegado de Saloro, y @Marina García, responsable del laboratorio, contestaron a las preguntas del presentador @Marc Santandreu. 'Curioseando' es un programa de TVE que revela de una manera entretenida y sorprendente la ciencia que nos rodea en nuestro día a día. Principios científicos explicados de una forma clara y sencilla gracias a las explicaciones de expertos divulgadores y el apoyo de recreaciones espectaculares en 3D y de realidad aumentada. No os perdáis todo lo que contamos y cuentan de la mina de Barruecopardo... Lo podéis disfrutar desde el minuto 17 al 22. https://lnkd.in/d4THzXjg

  • Strong European Commission recognition of #tungsten as a strategic raw material. EQ's Saloro operations are the biggest tungsten producer in Europe.

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    Saloro, el mayor productor de #tungsteno de Europa, acoge con satisfacción el reconocimiento continuo de la European Commission del tungsteno como materia prima #estratégica. Nuestras operaciones de minería y procesamiento de #Barruecopardo son un importante empleador en la provincia de #Salamanca. Nuestra empresa se compromete a construir y mantener cadenas de suministro seguras para nuestros clientes de la UE y globales y a trabajar en estrecha colaboración con los clientes de la UE en beneficio de todas las partes interesadas.

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  • EQ Resources is committed to working with nature and working with our communities. Nice work Team Saloro.

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    Los bosques desempeñan un papel fundamental para el equilibrio ecológico del planeta, la vida y la biodiversidad. Son el hábitat natural de una gran diversidad de especie y son esenciales para la conservación del suelo y de la calidad de las aguas y del aire.  SALORO, en sus actividades de restauración minera, proyectos de reforestación y actividades de educación y sensibilización ambiental, realiza plantaciones para la generación de bosques o su mejora. Desde el inicio de la actividad se han plantado más de 500 ejemplares de especies autóctonas en la mina de wolframio de Barruecopardo. Entre ellos: encinas (Quercus ilex), alcornoques (Quercus suber), robles (Quercus pyrenaica), fresnos (Fraxinus angustifolia), pinos albar (Pinus pinea), arces de Montpellier (Acer monspessulanu), almeces (Celtis australis) y madroños (Arbutus unedo)”.

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  • 👷🏾♂️On the Ground with David Laulau at Mt Carbine: Following his recent welcome to EQ Resources, Mining Manager David Laulau is already making an impact on-site, working closely with the team at Mt Carbine. Here, David was in the pit, leading discussions on the drill and blast plans as we continue pushing back the south wall and eastern sections to expose the high-grade Iolanthe vein package—the key ore zone driving our operations. A quick check-in with David: 💬 How has your first week been? 🗨️ "Absolutely awesome! Great people work here." 💬 What are you most looking forward to? 🗨️ "I'm most looking forward to working with the crew and improving our performances together." With a strong start and a clear focus, David is already bringing energy, leadership, and experience to the team. We can’t wait to see what’s ahead! #EQResources #MiningLeadership #MtCarbine #DrillAndBlast #Tungsten #miningoperations #Australianmining

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  • As a leading exporter of Australian #tungsten, based in Far North Queensland, the EQ global tungsten group and our stakeholders are players in this space. Combined with our major scheelite mine asset in #Spain, EQ is building a global presence in the supply chain for this vital and strategic metal. #criticalmetals

    View organization page for Geoscience Australia


    [PUBLIC TALK] Critical Minerals and Strategic Materials are crucial for Australia’s economy, geopolitical stability and net zero transition. Join Karol Czarnota and Allison Britt to learn about what critical minerals and strategic materials are and why they matter. An Australian Perspective. Register now 👉 ga.gov.au/publictalks [11am Wed 26 Mar]

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  • EQ Resources Limited reposted this

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    Have your say in the Queensland Critical Minerals Industry (QCMI) environmental, social, and governance (ESG) Capability Survey. Developed by AusIMM and the Queensland Government, survey responses will help identify initiatives to foster ESG excellence, attract sustainable investment, and drive positive outcomes for the community and industry. All stakeholder group representatives are invited to participate in the short survey. This includes mining companies and explorers, professionals managing ESG operations and reporting, complementary businesses, and others across the value chain. Community members and other interested stakeholders are also strongly encouraged to participate. Take the survey here: https://lnkd.in/gHnuKCaF

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  • Legendary #Gaimpeiro columnist Barry FitzGerald has covered the resources industry for 35 years. Now he’s sharing the benefits of his experience with Stockhead readers...taking a good hard look at EQ Resources in this week's column. He writes: Tungsten is considered a minor metal in terms of its market size but there is no doubting its critical and strategic qualities. It’s critical because it has the highest melting point of all metals (3410°C) and is the hardest of all metals, giving it wide-ranging uses in the aerospace and defence industries, mining equipment, construction and It’s strategic because China controls about 80% of global supply, with Beijing recently “weaponising” the metal through export controls in its tit-for-tat trade war with the Trump administration. A fresh angle underpinning the metal’s outlook is the recognition by the EU and the UK that there is an urgent need to spend billions on rearming their defence forces because of concerns the US is no longer intending to live up to its NATO obligations. Tungsten comes into its own in such war-footing scenarios given its armour-piercing capabilities. All that has been reflected in prices for the intermediate tungsten product (APT) rising 13% in the last 12 months in US dollar terms, and 17% in Aussie dollar terms due to the exchange rate effect. Strangely though, the few tungsten players on the ASX have not exactly had a rocket put under their share prices. It is a different case overseas where listed tungsten developers/producers in the UK and North America have been powering ahead. Read the full article here: https://lnkd.in/gMwvju4t

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