Our fearless leader Annabelle Gigliotti taking on cancer like the boss that she is! We at Organic Australia are so excited to have the wonderful Sarah Smith join us in the role of Acting Managing Partner to help continue driving Annabelle’s vision for organic. Annabelle, Sarah and James Wright spoke exclusively with Mumbrella about the appointment, with Annabelle sharing some words of wisdom for everyone in the industry. In this “wild, wonderful, and often stressful” industry, it is easy to dismiss your body’s signs: “We chalk exhaustion up to a busy period, an intense pitch, but there can be something more going on and it is worth talking to your doctor.” Take care of yourselves and your colleagues. There’s nothing more important than your health. Annabelle we look forward to continuing to make you proud ♥️
organic and our incredible team are the proudest part of my career, I couldn’t imagine anything that would make me take a step back from what we were building - but life has a way of always throwing the unexpected. There are too many people to thank for their support on this journey but always the amazing Organic Australia team especially Nathan Dann and Colette Cordes for holding the fort in the initial crisis. James Wright and the entire Havas Village who have so thoroughly supported me professionally, emotionally and administratively (so much paperwork involved in being sick). Our wonderful clients and partners who I can’t wait to get back to collaborating with. And of course Sarah Smith for being the rare sort of leader who both inspires and nurtures - you were my first and only choice to entrust organic to and I can’t wait to see what you and the team continue to build. https://lnkd.in/g7bi85h2