Over the past week, we’ve been considering the implications of the European Commission’s Omnibus proposal which sets out substantial changes to the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD), Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS). Relevant changes are summarised below.
In their original forms, while there was room for improvement, many stakeholders saw the CSDDD, CSRD and ESRS as having the potential to reshape the international business and human rights landscape, including by establishing a framework for mandatory human rights and environmental due diligence aligned with core international business and human rights standards including the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs).
The changes proposed through the Omnibus have led to concerns from companies, investors and civil society alike that the amendments (if adopted) could weaken or derail these regulatory initiatives.
As companies work to navigate the uncertainty of the Omnibus landscape and changing dynamics in the broader Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) context, it is important they continue to move forwards in their work to respect human rights.
Here are our top tips to help companies stay on track whether or not they are currently or could be required to comply with these regulatory initiatives.
🟣 Remember that while the scope and application of CSDDD, CSRD and ESRS and other laws in various jurisdictions may be debated, the international standards that underpin companies' responsibility to respect human rights have not changed, including the UNGPs. This means companies (including those not in scope of the EU initiatives) should continue to align their human rights risk management with the expectations set out in the UNGPs.
🔵 Recognise that the changes in the Omnibus, if adopted, would still maintain a range of the core requirements included in the CSDDD, CSRD and ESRS. For example, large companies (albeit a smaller number) will still be required to conduct human rights and environmental due diligence under the CSDDD and to conduct double materiality assessments under the CSRD / ESRS.
🟡 Treat the proposed requirements as setting the 'floor' for action (the minimum standards expected) and not the 'ceiling'. Prepare for stakeholders such as investors, customers and civil society to expect companies to go beyond the Omnibus requirements, including where they may consider the requirements fall short of the UNGPs' expectations which they may have been supporting for some time, especially around addressing risks across value chains.
🟢 Where appropriate, develop a position on the Omnibus proposal informed by the company’s internal and external human rights commitments and reporting and be prepared to explain this position if asked by stakeholders.
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