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📢 New science alert! PhD candidate Jaelen Myers and co-authors, including Adam Barnett from Biopixel Oceans Foundation, just published a new paper (congrats Jaelen on publishing the first paper from your PhD! 🎉) Studying shark and ray diets often relies on lethal stomach dissection—but there’s a non-lethal alternative. This study reviewed how gastric lavage (gut flushing) has been used and put it to the test in the field. By capturing and recapturing juvenile stingrays in North Queensland, Myers et al. optimized the method and assessed its success. Key takeaway? Gastric lavage is highly underused but proved effective—especially for juvenile rays. Plus, tag-recapture data confirmed the survival of rays post-procedure. 📄 The full paper is open access - check it out: 📷 Jaelen Myers #MarineScience #MarineBiology #Conservation