An estimated 1 in 70 Australians have coeliac disease, with more than 80 percent of all Australian coeliac disease sufferers remain undiagnosed.
Aidan, a coeliac disease clinical trial participant at Wesley Research Institute, was part of that statistic remaining undiagnosed for a lengthy period of time, despite experiencing symptoms.
Diagnosed at the end of 2019, Aidan had been experiencing symptoms for about 3-5 years prior. He had long struggled with fatigue and had visited his doctors multiple times. However, many of the doctors dismissed his symptoms as stress-related tiredness. Aidan decided to get a second opinion from a new GP, who took a more thorough approach, starting with a blood test to investigate the underlying cause of his fatigue. This visit marked the beginning of Aidan’s diagnosis journey, which eventually led to an endoscopy and a gluten challenge.
Since switching to a gluten-free diet, his quality of life has improved significantly. The benefits of this diet outweigh the logistical hurdles for Aidan.
Now Aidan is accelerating medical research for coeliac disease by participating in clinical trials at WRI.
"By participating in a clinical trial, I am opening the possibilities for new treatments, medicines and options for others with coeliac disease. Being part of the very select few that may reap the potential benefits right now is great", says Aidan.
There is still a long way to go to reduce these statistics.
This #CoeliacAwarenessWeek, we encourage health professionals to stay curious and continuously educate themselves about the symptoms and signs of coeliac disease. Keeping up-to-date with the latest research is key to improving diagnosis and care for those affected by this condition.
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