AmCham BiH

AmCham BiH

Non-profit Organizations

Sarajevo, BiH 4,082 followers

The voice of business in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

About us

We are an independent, non-profit, non-governmental organization and a fully accredited member of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in Washington. AmCham BiH was established in 2001 to advance the interest and views of U.S. and other foreign businesses in Bosnia and Herzegovina, to assist in improving the business environment in BiH and to promote high standards of commercial practice. Our Advocacy AmCham’s advocacy activities are conducted through its committees and tasks forces. The Board of Governors, The Executive office and the Committees work together to achieve AmCham’s goals set forth in our strategic plan. All of the AmCham BiH Committees examine more closely the issues impacting companies and their operations, and formulate recommendations for the Board of Governors to act upon. Our Services Facilitating business and Government contacts, establishing and maintaining close communication between the business sector and the BiH Government and it’s institutions. Facilitating networking among our members. Organizing regular luncheons featuring BiH, US and other foreign leaders and officials as keynote speakers. Organizing informal cocktails sponsored by AmCham BiH members which have a short presentation of their companies/ products. Identifying impediments to business and making suggestions as to how these problems can be solved or reduces, through committee and task force work/advocacy. Promoting philanthropic projects benefiting the broader community. Our Values Integrity – We conduct business with honesty and integrity. Innovation – We embrace and encourage new ideas and creative thinking. Cooperation – We cultivate a culture of teamwork to accomplish goals and objectives. Networking – We organize variety networking activities aiming to fulfill its mission and vision. Leadership – We provide leadership that transcends its membership and impacts the direction of the community.

Non-profit Organizations
Company size
2-10 employees
Sarajevo, BiH


Employees at AmCham BiH


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    AmCham BiH and U.S. State Department Strengthen Economic Ties 🏛️ AmCham BiH representatives recently met with Alexander Kasanof, Deputy Assistant Secretary at the Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs, and John Ashworth, Director for South-Central Europe at the U.S. Department of State, to discuss strengthening economic cooperation, facilitating investment and attracting new business opportunities. The conversation focused on fostering a more competitive investment climate, protecting intellectual property, and enhancing business ties between BiH and the U.S. "Strengthening collaboration with the U.S. is key to expanding economic opportunities for both sides. Our discussions reinforced the importance of creating a stable, transparent, and investment-friendly environment," said Nedim Hamzic, CEO of AmCham BiH. The meeting confirmed a shared commitment to deeper economic engagement, paving the way for future investments and business partnerships, with representatives showcasing the strength of AmCham BiH and Bosnia and Herzegovina on this important platform. #amchambih #statedepartment #collaboration #economic_development

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  • 🎉 Our 2024 in numbers (and pictures)!   AmCham BiH has successfully closed another year marked by efforts and positive impact. This booklet provides a glimpse into all of our key events, successes, and shared moments that made this year so special. We are incredibly proud of our impactful conferences, networking events, and the AmCham Gala, along with summaries of our advocacy efforts and initiatives that contributed to a stronger business environment in BiH.   This booklet is a testament to the power of partnership and a reminder of the positive impact we can achieve when we work together towards a common goal.   #amchambih #2024recap #booklet

  • 🚀 ZIRA Group i Leader Roots: Rebranding i snaga feedbacka! 🚀   Peta Masterclass sesija Leader Roots programa donijela je pravu temu o poslovnim transformacijama - Aleksandra Kuljanin i Mirza Selimovic podijelili su svoja iskustva o nedavnom rebrandingu kompanije.  Rebranding je dugotrajan i izazovan proces, a Mirza i Aleksandra su nam otkrili kako su se uhvatili u koštac sa svim preprekama. Početak svakog procesa je najteži, ali uz dobru strategiju i timski rad, ništa nije nemoguće!  Nakon njihove sesije, Nađa Firdus Kreso je održala radionicu o konstruktivnom feedbacku, te istakla važnost povratne informacije u poslovnom svijetu, posebno tokom promjena koje utiču na cijelu kompaniju. Ispostavilo se da je upravo konstruktivan feedback bio ključan za uspješan rebranding kompanije ZIRA Group!    Ova sesija pokazala je koliko je važno hrabro koračati naprijed, učiti iz izazova i graditi snažan brend. Hvala Zira timu što ste podijelili svoju priču sa nama!    #LeaderRoots #Zira #Rebranding #Feedback #Liderstvo #AmChamBiH

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    Komitet za pravna i regulatorna pitanja Američke trgovačke komore u BiH (AmCham BiH) održao je sastanak tokom kojeg je fokus bio na neophodnosti donošenja sveobuhvatne fiskalne reforme u FBiH. Na sastanku se razgovaralo o planu za naredni period, a na osnovu ranijih rasprava i prezentacija o potrebnim izmjenama pravnog okvira iz oblasti direktnih i indirektnih poreza. Prisutne članice su podržale napore Vlade FBiH u poboljšanju položaja radnika, ali su istakle i potrebu za hitnim smanjenjem troškova rada kako bi se povećala konkurentnost. Komitet je ponudio svoju ekspertizu i kapacitete u cilju aktivnog učešća u reformskom procesu. Članice su konkretizirale korake u uspostavljanju javno-privatnog dijaloga s ciljem harmonizacije legislative i jačanja poreske sigurnosti. #amchambih

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  • Congratulations to our member ZIRA on their new visual identity and the launch of their innovative AI Telco Platform! This milestone marks nearly three decades of dedication to innovation and quality in the telecommunications sector. From humble beginnings in 1996, ZIRA has grown into a global player with offices around the world.  We're excited to see what they achieve in the next chapter of their journey! #Zira #innovation #rebranding #AmChamBiH

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  • CONTEMPORARY BOSNIA showcases works by young prosperous Bosnian-Herzegovinian artists, delving into diverse themes such as surreal landscapes, nature and the vast horizons of inner states. Amin K.’s passion for Bosnian-Herzegovinian art and culture inspired him to bring his home into art and allowed New Yorkers to experience the vibrant creativity of BiH. For more information, visit

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    Tax & Legal sastanak je otvoren uvodnom prezentacijom USAID projekta fiskalne reforme (FRA) u BiH. Prisutne članice komiteta su imale priliku čuti rezultate analize privatnog sektora. Prezentacija je omogućila opširan i detaljan uvid u ključne prepreke za poslovanje koje su vezane za direktne poreze u BiH, zadovoljstvu poreskog okruženja (u pogledu složenosti poreskih propisa, doprinosa, troškova poštivanja propisa, poreske utaje i drugih pitanja) od strane 364 anketiranih privrednih subjekata različitih djelatnosti i veličina širom BiH. Izvršni ured je obavijestio prisutne o dosadašnjim aktivnostima ad-hoc radne grupe povodom novog Zakona o radu FBiH koje je najavilo Ministarstvo rada i socijalne politike. Radna grupa od 10 stručnjaka pravne struke je dostavilo Ministarstvu 7 prioritetnih prijedloga izmjena postojećeg Zakona o radu FBiH od 25 ukupno dostavljenih komentara. Zahvaljujemo se prisutnim predstavnicima kompanija.

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    Na sastanku ICT komiteta članovi su analizirali zaključke s “Cyber Security - Resiliance as a strategic capability“ 2024. konferencije i definisali prioritete za organizaciju naredne konferencije. Također, razmatrane su inicijative za ukidanje ili smanjenje carina na uvoz IT opreme, kao dio šire strategije podrške razvoju IT sektora, kao i postavljanje zajedničke inicijative s Tax & Legal komitetom za razvoj strategije u oblasti cyber sigurnosti i šireg pravnog okvira. Na kraju sastanka, članovi komiteta utvrdili su prioritetne oblasti djelovanja za 2025. godinu, s posebnim fokusom na strateške inicijative i konkretne aktivnosti za unapređenje cyber sigurnosti i digitalnog razvoja. Zahvaljujemo se prisutnim predstavnicima kompanija.

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  • Još jednom smo pokazali da humanost nema granica i da zajedničkim naporima možemo napraviti pozitivne promjene. Hvala svim članicama i donatorima koji su bili dio ove nezaboravne večeri. Dobročinstvo nije samo čin, već izraz onoga što uistinu jesmo.💙 Pogledajte video s Gala večeri i podsjetite se na atmosferu i emocije. ✨ I u narednoj godini, AmCham BiH nastavlja s aktivnostima podrške onima kojima je to najpotrebnije. 🤝 #AmChamBiH #SocialResponsibility #solidarity #GalaNight

  • Nedavno je lansirana platforma, prva digitalna banka hrane koja direktno povezuje kompanije s javnim kuhinjama i humanitarnim organizacijama širom Bosne i Hercegovine. Platforma omogućava brzo doniranje hrane uz minimalnu logistiku i automatsko praćenje donacija, a kao dijelom ove inicijative omogućeno je da donacije hrane pred istek roka trajanja od sada uživaju poreske olakšice.   Amcham BiH poziva svoje članice da, ukoliko su u mogućnosti, iskoriste ovu besplatnu platformu i registruju se na kako bi pružili potrebnu pomoć najugroženijim građanima BiH. Vodič za registraciju je dostupan na  Ova platforma je sjajan primjer lokalne inovacije koja donosi konkretne pozitivne promjene u društvu - čestitamo Mozaik Foundation, Filantropski forum BiH, Mreža mira i USAID BiH koji su vrijedno radili na ovoj inicijativi! #nikogladannikosam

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