As the first and as well the largest manufacturer of aluminium profiles on the domestic market, FEAL d.o.o. from Široki Brijeg has been present on the international one for more than 40 years. Products that we offer to the market are various types of aluminium structures used in construction and industry.
Ovo je bio uzbudljiv vikend koji ćemo sigurno pamtiti! 🎽 🏃♂️
Dio tima Galileo sudjelovao je, u sklopu FEAL, na 4k humanitarnoj utrci „Mostar bez barijera“.
Cilj utrke bio je podizanje svijesti o važnosti uklanjanja prepreka i osiguravanja pristupačnosti za osobe s invaliditetom. Drago nam je što smo mogli dati svoj doprinos i biti dio ove sjajne inicijative. 💙
Hvala organizatorima i sudionicima na odličnoj energiji i svima koji su nas bodrili uz stazu!
We are proud that our team from Feal Široki Brijeg participated in the humanitarian 4K race “For a City Without Barriers” in Mostar, held on March 22nd, 2025.
With over 1,000 registered participants, this race aimed to raise awareness about the importance of removing obstacles and ensuring accessibility for people with disabilities in our city.
As a socially responsible company, we are continuously committed to supporting the community and humanitarian initiatives.
Participating in this race further strengthens our dedication to inclusivity and solidarity, inspiring us to continue contributing to a better and more accessible future for all.
The project of the architect Maja Kovačić Salkić is a combination of innovative design and functionality, and top performance of the facade construction is ensured by the FASADA 50 FK system.
FASADA 50 FK enables the construction of continuous or structured, self-supporting and thermally insulated facades.
With a visible profile width of 50 mm, the system ensures aesthetic elegance and high load-bearing capacity, while the three-stage condensate drainage and ventilation system contributes to long-term stability and energy efficiency of the building.
The flexibility of the system allows for the installation of different types of windows and doors, including TERMO 65, TERMO 85 and other FEAL systems, thus achieving a seamless integration of all facade elements.
Location: Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Architect: Maja Kovačić Salkić
Client: Alpamm d.o.o. Tuzla
Systems: FEAL 50K
Noise is one of the main causes of declining quality of life, especially in urban areas where it is constantly present and affects many aspects of daily life.
The purpose of installing noise barriers is to reduce the impact of noise in densely populated areas and to create a positive living environment. Based on noise calculation models, the position of noise barriers is determined, as well as wall height and sound absorption.
Noise barriers, which are installed alongside roads or railway tracks, are the most common and safest solution for reducing noise propagation.
By applying an appropriate wall height and adequate barrier length, effective noise reduction to an acceptable level is achieved.
Standard and transparent elements can reduce acoustics by up to 15 dB.
Our acoustic panels not only serve as noise protection but also ensure safety between railway tracks and the surrounding area by preventing uncontrolled crossing over the tracks.
Our panels can be coated with a special anti-graffiti coating on request, making it easier to remove unwanted inscriptions.
These noise-reducing elements are developed in accordance with German standards: RIL804.4101 / DBS918005 / DBS981002-02.
Additionally, all our elements hold EBA approval (Eisenbahn Bundesamt). Thanks to the special construction of our panels, maximum elasticity is ensured, as well as keeping their functionality.
Music track: Start by Damtaro
U FEAL-u kontinuirano radimo na unaprjeđenju produktivnosti i efikasnosti kroz primjenu LEAN alata.
Kroz sustavne edukacije i implementaciju 5S i KAIZEN metodologija, stvaramo radno okruženje u kojem su standardizacija, optimizacija i kontinuirano poboljšanje temelj poslovanja.
Upravo zato, s ponosom smo dodijelili certifikate našim radnicima u podružnici FEAL Ljubuški, koji su uspješno završili edukaciju.
Certifikate je uručio direktor Ante Musa, čime smo dodatno istaknuli važnost ulaganja u znanje i razvoj zaposlenika.
Izgradnja funkcionalne edukacijske platforme omogućila je našim zaposlenicima pristup znanju koje im pomaže u svakodnevnom radu, dok sustav motivacije dodatno potiče angažiranost i inicijativu.
Ova postignuća rezultat su predanosti svih uključenih timova i jasne vizije razvoja.
Nastavljamo graditi kulturu izvrsnosti kroz primjenu inovativnih pristupa i strateških poboljšanja.
🌟 Vizionarski projekt koji pomjera granice luksuza 🇬🇧
Jedan od značajnijijh projekata posljednjih godina nosi potpis renomiranog arhitekte Glenn Howellsa. 🏙️
Spoj moderne arhitekture, inovativno uređenih vrtova i Feal profila donosi jedinstvenu harmoniju prirode i urbanog života.
Projekt: Stambena zgrada Wardian
Lokacija: London
Arhitekt: Glenn Howells
Klijent: Sipral
Profili: po zahtjevu kupca
Ponosni smo na našu ekipu koja je sa maksimalnom posvećenošću i entuzijazmom, na najbolji način predstavila FEAL na velikoj sceni sajma BAU 2025. u Münchenu 👌🏻 Klik na link za aftermovie sajma 👇
Sajam BAU 2025 u Münchenu još uvijek traje, a Feal već uživa u izuzetnoj posjećenosti i pozitivnoj atmosferi! ✨ Predstavili smo naše inovacije, povezali se s profesionalcima iz industrije i sklopili nova partnerstva. 🤝