This is doomnoises’ music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Metal
  1. collection 11
  2. wishlist 7
  3. followers 3
  4. following 31
  1. Bone Zone ( Single )
    by Vargskelethor
  2. Discovery EP
    by AK
  3. Sol (2017)
    by Coraxo
  4. Neptune (2015)
    by Coraxo
  5. Weltschmerz
    by Totem Skin
  6. The Departure of Consciousness
    by FÓRN
  7. Weltschmerz
    by FÓRN
  8. Toxic Minds
    by Scythelord
    The Flail Of God ( Warlord ) The Flail Of God ( Warlord )
    Amazing stuff. Scythelord definitely needs more attention. Looking forward to your next works guys.
  9. Ordinary Songs
    by Snail's House
  10. tomboyish love for soda pop and apple sweets digipak
    by goreshit
  11. semantic compositions on death and its meaning
    by goreshit