This is beermetal58’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Metal
  1. collection 84
  2. wishlist 17
  3. followers 1
  4. following 64
  1. Wild Type Droid
    by Failure
  2. Wheels Within Wheels
    by Meer
  3. You and Me at the End of the Fucking World
    by Anna Pest
  4. Zon
    by The World is Quiet Here
  5. Mare
    by MIRAR
  6. The Tower: Part One
    by Disembodied Tyrant
  7. The Dry Land
    by Huntsmen
  8. The Dying Pines
    by Huntsmen
  9. The Amensal Rise
    by Omnerod
  10. Odyssey to the West (2023 Remaster)
    by Slice The Cake
  11. Rikki
    by Ginger Root
    by KNOWER
  13. In Horrid Waves
    by X's For Eyes
  14. Death: An Anthology
    by Enterprise Earth
  15. Charcoal Grace (24-bit HD audio)
    by Caligula's Horse
    by MIRAR
  17. Madeleine
    by MIRAR
  18. Dégenèse
    by MIRAR
  19. Night Prayers
    by Léo Watremez
  20. Contraste
    by MIRAR