This is blue-mario’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Electronic
  1. collection 9
  2. following 4
  1. Moe Moe Kyunstep (lil' demonic swallowtail VIP mix)
    by chibi-tech
  2. The Mutual Promise
    by chibi-tech
  3. Wan Nyan Slash - Original Soundtrack
    by chibi-tech
  4. Psycho Somatic Generation
    by chibi-tech
  5. Chibi-Tech live @ Blip Festival Tokyo 2012
    by chibi-tech
  6. ub1P♡ib2P: chibi-tech's early musings (2007-2009)
    by chibi-tech
  7. Crema Binaria
    by chibi-tech
  8. MoeNES vol.1: the idol composer's groove
    by chibi-tech
  9. Moe Moe Kyunstep
    by chibi-tech