This is Christine Metalfreak’s music collection on Bandcamp.

Christine Metalfreak

  1. Trinidad and Tobago
  2. Metal
  1. collection 168
  2. followers 9
  3. following 234
  1. VUI
  2. Inn of the Vaticide
    by Black Eucharist
  3. Harbour Ties
    by Anti-Everything
  4. MAI
  5. Mesél a Táj
    by Gormoth
  6. A Sötét Erdőn át a Havas Bércekig
    by Gormoth
  7. *FREE* Compilation Vol. 8
  8. The Predator Becomes The Prey
    by Ice Nine Kills
  9. Life, Death and the Universe
    by Gormoth
  10. Egy haldokló látomásai
    by ForevercolD / BÁL
  11. The Beast Inside
    by My Enemies & I
  12. Despair Is Where My Thoughts Swim
    by Nobody
  13. Despair Is Where My Thoughts Swim
    by Nobody
  14. Somewhere Far Beyond
    by Ammanas
  15. Sírboltod alatt
    by Forevercold
  16. Rotten in Loneliness
    by Blade and Bath
    Misanthrope Misanthrope
  17. Euphoria of Self-Destruction
    by Blade and Bath
  18. Chains of Depression
    by Blade and Bath
  19. Unsuccessful Attempts to Die
    by Blade and Bath
  20. SODP159: Darkflight - Entropy (2024)
    by Symbol Of Domination Prod.