This is Cody Yantis’ music collection on Bandcamp.

Cody Yantis

  1. Experimental
  1. collection 875
  2. wishlist 449
  3. followers 23
  4. following 265
  1. ShellType
    by Lawrence English
  2. I Saw
    by Daniel Menche
  3. Toward the Low Sun
    by Dirty Three
  4. Arc of Day
    by Danny Paul Grody
    by Roy Campbell / William Parker / Zem Matsuura
  6. Adorations
    by Marsha Fisher
  7. Julius Eastman Vol. 4: The Holy Presence
    by Wild Up
  8. Go Home and Go to Bed!!!
    by Junji Hirose / Kazuo Imai
  9. New Primes
    by Greg Davis
  10. Arc of Night
    by Danny Paul Grody Duo
  11. Live at UCSD
    by Michelle Lou and Stefan Maier
  12. Sarah Hennies - Bodies of Water
    by Sarah Hennies
  13. Cruel Optimism
    by Lawrence English
  14. Lapsed Gasps
    by Push For Night + Jon Mueller
  15. Evening Air
    by Loren Connors & David Grubbs
  16. Stone
    by Akio Suzuki
  17. UFO Forest +
    by Beatriz Ferreyra
  18. Glass World
    by Annea Lockwood
  19. winter couplet
    by steve roden
  20. Atmospheres And Disturbances
    by Philip Samartzis