This is dew_drops23’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Hip-Hop/Rap
  1. collection 6
  2. wishlist 3
  3. following 27
  1. Freestyle Tools Infinity
    by DJ Grumble
  2. The Dope Dealer Vol. 3
    by Blacksheep
  3. Atmosphere
    by Monolism
  4. Cosmos
    by Photon
  5. Older releases (digital)
    by Krosia
    Good songs, chill vibes. Especially for driving. Don't know why, but many of these tracks give me the urge to jump in my car and drive through the city at night.
  6. Back To The Future (Full lo-fi Beat Tape)
    by Leo Franciozi
    appears in 1 other collection