This is eriks7’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Metal
  1. collection 30
  2. wishlist 18
  3. following 14
  1. XI
    by GaMetal
  2. XII
    by GaMetal
  3. Sonic 3 & Knuckles [PC-Engine Super Remix]
    by Addryu
  4. Shantae: Half-Genie Hero OST
    by Jake Kaufman
  5. Shantae and the Pirate's Curse OST
    by Jake Kaufman
  6. Mighty Switch Force OST
    by Jake Kaufman
  7. Mighty Switch Force 2 OST
    by Jake Kaufman
    by Louie Zong
  9. Hang on to Your Hat
    by Video Game Jazz Orchestra
  10. Lets Kick Shell!
    by Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
  11. IX
    by GaMetal
  12. VIII
    by GaMetal
  13. X
    by GaMetal
  14. VII
    by GaMetal
  15. Vanilla Blitzer
    by Shady Cicada
  16. Vs. Susie (from "DELTARUNE") (Metal Version)
    by FamilyJules
  17. BIG SHOT (from "DELTARUNE Chapter 2") [Metal Version]
    by FamilyJules
  18. Sonic the Hedgehog Medley
    by Gerry Trevino
  19. Strike the Earth! Shovel Knight Arranged
    by Jake Kaufman
  20. Shovel Knight Original Soundtrack
    by Jake Kaufman