This is faveing’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Electronic
  1. collection 52
  2. wishlist 17
  3. followers 2
  4. following 60
  1. Splash!!
    by for compilations
    by Alohaii / Lone Alpha
  3. Galactica Airlines
    by Iden Kai
  4. The 89's Momentum
    by MYUKKE.
  5. Virtual Paradise
    by Alohaii / Lone Alpha
  6. cyanotype
    by Synthion
  7. Risk of Rain Returns
    by Chris Christodoulou
  8. faraway [untitled]
    by Lee Cheong Loong (YogurtM)
  9. Old Note
    by Lee Cheong Loong (YogurtM)
  10. 東方天界雲 ~ Empyreal Garden of Amusements
    by Team Eclectic Anthologists
  11. Stardust EP
    by Synthion
  12. Roses & Ribbons
    by Synthion & Nila
  13. Promise
    by Synthion
  14. Twin Skies
    by Kotori & Synthion
  15. Quantum
    by Synthion
  16. Shoujo Rei
    by Yuuna Nini & Synthion
  17. Fairy Tale
    by Synthion
  18. Travel
    by Synthion
  19. Synthetic (feat. Bien)
    by Synthion
  20. Galactic
    by Synthion & Sefaro