This is gay4picard’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. New Jersey
  2. Metal
  1. collection 754
  2. wishlist 400
  3. followers 7
  4. following 1263
  1. Softly With You
    by Disfiguring The Goddess
  2. One Day You Will Ache Like I Ache
    by The Body + Full of Hell
  3. Cold Embrace
    by Yokohama
  4. Artificial Hell Construct
    by Parasitic Entity
  5. Viva Plant
    by CD
  6. Planette
    by CD
  7. Long Tail of the Quiet Gong
    by Robert Rich
  8. Objekt #4
    by Objekt
  9. Amnesia
    by Yokohama
  10. Trip to California (Sludge Edition)
    by WEEDIAN
  11. Trip to California (Doom Edition)
    by WEEDIAN
  12. Slow Vibrations
    by Donkee Dick
  13. Killing Of A Sacred Deer
    by Killing Of A Sacred Deer
  15. Hotline Miami 2 Soundtrack x Magic Sword
    by Magic Sword
  16. The G Code
    by Peeling Flesh
  17. Selected Early Keyboard Works
    by Catherine Christer Hennix
  18. The Deontic Miracle: Selections from 100 Models of Hegikan Roku
    by Catherine Christer Hennix
  19. Immutable Lethality
    by .357 Homicide
  20. You Could Do It Tonight
    by Couch Slut