This is guymanguy’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Metal
  1. collection 10
  2. wishlist 2
  3. following 17
  1. Earth Boiling Dystopia
    by Scythelord
  2. Skeleton Metal II
    by Vargskelethor
  3. Skeleton Metal III
    by Vargskelethor
  4. Bone Zone ( Single )
    by Vargskelethor
  5. Toxic Minds
    by Scythelord
  6. Asclepius
    by Scythelord
  7. Jerma Rumble Live Action Theme Songs
    by Shaun McGlinn
  8. Gore 2.0
    by XavlegbmaofffassssitimiwoamndutroabcwapwaeiippohfffX
    Veil Of Moonlight Veil Of Moonlight
    Fucking Perfect
  9. Super Heavy Galactic Stuff [JONESLESS EDITION]
    by The Alex Jones Prison Planet
    Abort Planet Earth [JONESLESS] Abort Planet Earth [JONESLESS]
    Even without the jones vocals, this still holds up as solid music
  10. Super Heavy Galactic Stuff
    by The Alex Jones Prison Planet
    Abort Planet Earth Abort Planet Earth
    Such a unique and creative idea